Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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It was possible I was becoming too successful. When Sam whipped them, each one of them ensured she was fucked by him, including Rhonda, who would normally beg off cock. She watched me the whole time she was shagged to catch my reaction, which I tried to keep bland and disinterested. Julia made sure she licked Sam's cum out of both Lisa and Rhonda, pushing for a confrontation. I didn't give it to her. Instead, I bent Dawn over one of the outside chairs and fucked her, watching Julia as she had watched me.    


After supper, I spanked them, their last of the day, and finger fucked them to a single orgasm after. My dick was diamond hard following their spankings, but I took Zoe and Cindy to my room, leaving them with William and Evelyn. As much as I tried to ignore the image of William fucking each of my slaves, it was difficult to do and I know I was a less than satisfactory partner. Even Cindy couldn't get much out of me.    


At some point, my lack of concentration made Zoe speak. She knew what I was doing and why. "Be careful, Master Scott," Zoe warned. "You're walking a fine line. Don't leave them feeling like you don't care for them anymore. Women will sometimes accept a great deal of abuse, but we don't like being ignored."    


"What are you doing anyway, Master?" Cindy asked. "At Christmas time you were the most loving people I knew besides Mom and Dad. When I came after moving back to California, the new baby, everything was hunky dory to the nth degree. I know you still love them; it's in your eyes almost every time you look at them, but you are treating them like shit. Dad would blow a gasket if he saw you treat them this way."    


"I'm going to free them."    


"They don't want to be free, anymore than I do, sir," Cindy said. "It's ridiculous."    


"Look, Dad reminded me of something. The old poster he had on the wall. 'If you love something, set it free. If they come back, it's yours. If they don't, it was never meant to be.' I want them to decide if they want to remain my slaves, not because it's been that way for a year, but because they want to. They need to remake their choice, recommit to it. They should have a choice of anyone they want to bond to. Whether it's Dad, Mr. Thornhill, Brianna, even Mistress Dark or Jerry. Any other dominant they know. But it's almost automatic if we go into this as we were. They're used to taking my direction and orders. To have a true choice, I shouldn't be the first one to come to mind because they're accustomed to me."    


"Why would they choose you if you're treating them like garbage?" Cindy asked. "Do you think the person who came up with that adage was thinking, before you let them go, kick them a few times, shit on their feelings, piss on their needs, and then let them go? I doubt it, Master. When you open the door to let them out, they have to know the door is open for them to return. It's not going to be slammed shut as soon as they're out the door."    


"Cindy's right," Zoe said. "Don't boot them out, sir. Tell them you want them to have a choice and to do so, you want them to experience what else is out there. Don't make them feel they're not welcome back. You are still hoping they pick you, aren't you?"    


"Of course."    


"Then you don't want to be the last person they'd consider either, sir. You have to show them some of the side of you they idolize as their Master."    


"I gave them gifts. I still spend some time in the punishment role, while making sure Sam, Brianna and Bill show that part of themselves."    


"Slaves abide punishments because it comes from a place of love, Master Scott," Zoe said, "not from a place of uncaring, callous disregard of us and our feelings. I don't want to be someone's whipping boy. The other Dominants are seeing to it your slaves receive the love and sex afterwards they expect. You punish them and walk off with us, leaving the sex and love to another. Pure discipline without all the rest is plain abuse. Always has been. Just because it's coming from you doesn't make it less abusive. Don't be a bastard and expect them to return."    


Another fucking mistake. It seemed I couldn't stop making them. They were both right. I was doing this all wrong. Compounding my mistakes with a lack of communication on top of everything. When would I ever get it right?    


When they showed up for breakfast, looking like they'd been well fucked by Bill, they started to head under the table to service everyone as they had for every other meal. I stopped them and told them to get breakfast so I could feed them. They looked at each other again, as confused as when I told them to service everyone the first time. Still, they got their food and I had them sit in front of me so I could feed each of them. As I fed them, I kissed them, petted them, caressed them, treating them like the Master I should have been all along. When they were done eating, I put each of them on my lap and gave them orgasms.    


Their soft moans, squirming bodies, panting breaths and quick exhalations warming me. I finished and Julia asked, "Is it time for our punishment, Master?"    


"No. Further punishments are cancelled unless you do something more to earn one. We need to go to our room so I can make love to each of you in the way you most desire."    


"Master, what the fuck is going on?" Lisa said. "You're driving me crazy. Are you trying to drive us to the loony bin?"    


"All will be explained as soon as I've had sex with each of you the way I should have all along. I promise. No more games. I'll tell you everything, including why I've acted the way I have the last two weeks."    


"I could wait on the fucking if we got the explanation first, Master, although I see you're more in fucking mode now," Julia said, pointing to my hard shaft. "I can get you hard again if you think you're going to miss out on your chance to fuck us if you should go limp in the meantime."    


"I have no doubt. Almost every time I look at you, I'm getting hard. I spent more time masturbating the last two weeks than should be legal. Okay, bedroom, explanation, lots of fucking."    


"It's about time, sir," Rhonda said. "You made my Domina cry and that makes your nuts a very tempting target."    


"Ouch! Bad image there." I opened the door to our room and closed it behind us, waving them into the bed. Having three tempting naked slaves in bed almost made me rethink putting sex second.    


"You remember when Mom and Dad were over a couple weeks ago?"    


"I knew it had something to do with what you were talking to your Dad about, sir, but I can't believe Master Dan would tell you to treat us like shit!"    


"He didn't. I wondered how he was so relaxed about Mom having sex with other people. It didn't seem to bother him at all and I asked him about it, because I still felt guilty I couldn't share you two with other men."    


They started to protest and I held up my hand. "Please, let me get through this and we can discuss it some more. Okay?"    


They all settled down and nodded.    


"Dad said he doesn't care about Mom having sex with other men because after thirty-five years of marriage, he knows she loves him and unless he does something stupid, like he did once before, Mom will always return to him, more loving than ever. I said I was having difficulty with it even though I knew you loved me madly and completely.    


"He made the point that some things, like love, can't be clung to. If you try to squeeze water too tightly, it squeezes out from between your fingers, but if you make a bowl of your hand, you can hold more water, longer. Clinging so hard to you isn't going to make you love me any more, and it can become too possessive and overbearing."    


"We are possessions, Master," Lisa said.    


"No you're not. Not really. You have and always will have, the ability to end it with a word. You volunteered for this slavery. You weren't forced into it. It exists, only as long as both of us say it exists. Then it's done. As Dad put it, 'If you think anyone owns your Mother, you're sadly mistaken.' He's right, of course. I don't own you. We've entered an agreement where you've surrendered certain things to me in return for having certain of your needs met."    


"Which haven't been met lately, sir" Julia said. "Much to your discredit and our dismay."    


"No, not by me, more's the pity. But I started to think about our bonding ceremony. Dad had this poster hanging in the house at one time which always made sense to me. It says, 'If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be.' I am planning on freeing you. I don't want to go into our bonding ceremony without giving you choices. I want you to freely return to me, because it's what you want, not because we've been doing it for a year or planned this ceremony. I wished for you to experience different Masters or Mistresses, to see what else is available to you. To let you choose the life they might offer you instead of the life I was offering, if you wanted it."    


"What? You think you can pawn us off on someone else, Master?" Lisa asked. "What makes you think anyone else wants us?"    


"I don't know for sure anyone else does, but William could afford to support as many slaves as he wants. Jerry probably could handle at least one more. Chen too. Even my Dad might consider a younger slave. Brianna and Mistress Dark would take any one of you and they could take you. Brianna can always use someone more in her business. Mistress Dark can use you in hers, training slaves and Dominants. Julia would be good in either role. You'd never know unless you offered your submission to them. Maybe they accept, maybe they don't. You've had no lack of takers here or for the last two weeks. They were all happy to accommodate my request and check out my slaves."    


"They're your friends, Master. You ask them a favor, they're going to respond favorably. Doesn't mean they want us," Julia said. "Besides, I'm your wife. We have a child together. How the fuck does that work?"    


"I was willing to split time with anyone close, allowing you to serve whoever you chose as Dominant and as my wife. If the burden of both became too much, I'd give you a divorce if you wished it."    


"What a bonehead, sir," Lisa said. "I'm sorry, but you're off your rocker. Rhonda is Julia's slave and would have to go where she goes. And I'm content with where I am, in love with both of you. I have no desire to look for someone else, with Julia or without her, forget having a child which I now consider part mine. What would ever make you come up with this ridiculous plan? And what has any of this to do with the way you've treated us lately?"    


"He wanted us to choose from an even playing field," Julia said. She saw it.    


"What?" Lisa asked.    


"We've been his slaves for a year. If nothing changed, we would never choose anyone but him. It would be impossible for indoctrinated slaves to pick anyone but their Masters."    


"But..." Lisa said, then she got it too. "I see. But so what? Why would I want anything else but what I have enjoyed for the last year. I don't love these other people as more than friends and a couple nights fucking somebody else and a shithead Master for two weeks wouldn't really change my mind.    


"Not unless I thought it was going to stay like this forever. But then I'm not making a valid choice either, because he's not offering me the Master I've come to love. I would be choosing from someone who wasn't behaving normally and other people excited to fuck the new slave girl. It was never an even playing field, nor should it be. I want you, Master. I want to bond with you, with Julia, with Rhonda. All this extraneous bullshit is just bullshit.    


"Like you said at the beginning. I'm not your property by anything other than my choice, and if you don't behave like a proper Master should, I always have the ability to pick up my marbles and go home. We all do. You've provided me protections. This bonding ceremony doesn't change that. All we're doing is announcing to the world we commit to each other and will do all we can to make it work. We all have the ability to change our mind tomorrow.    


"As long as you don't act like a pig headed dick, I won't want to change my mind tomorrow, or the day after or the day after that."    


Julia kissed her lovingly.    


"There you go, sir. The most valid reason I can think of for calling this one of your stupidest moves yet." Julia said. "While I might applaud you thinking to give us a choice, there is no choice and you couldn't really give us one. You're stuck with us and it's time to resign yourself to it."    


"I always want to be stuck with you," I said. "It was never my intent to drive you away."    


"Then quit acting like a jerk and fuck me," Lisa said. "Then fuck Julia, and if Rhonda still wants a piece of you, fuck her. Quit pretending we're anything than what we are, your slaves."    


I pulled her down under me and entered her in one stroke. "Like this," I said, slamming into her. She gasped, "Yes." "Or this," Another long, deep thrust, rocking her. "Yes, yes. Fuck me, Master. Let me cum."    


I did what I should have done all along. "Cum all you want," then fucked my slaves.    


Fucked them hard and fucked them good. As I thrust into Lisa, Rhonda kissed her while fondling her boobs, Julia kissed me while palming my stones. My toes were digging into the bed so I got more traction to drive into Lisa, making her grunt with each thrust, rocking her body up inch by inch until she was in danger of hitting the headboard. Rhonda stuck a pillow up behind her head. Lisa was cumming like crazy, slave that she was. I could feel myself round the home stretch and drive for the finish line. The next orgasm Lisa had, I was right with her, pumping my sperm deep inside.    


I kissed her, shuddering with the intensity of it. "Anytime you're ready, come off your birth control," I said. "I think it's time you and I make a baby."    


"I'll go off it today, sir."    


"You might want to hold off until the weekend is over. You're still going to be fucking Sam and his slaves tonight, and I might have a few more surprises in store for you."    


"Why are you still sharing, sir? We all know we're picking you tomorrow. If you think Sam needs more slaves, you're nuts," Julia said. "I doubt he even wants more. For one thing, Marcia would probably kill him. If those two slaves don't keep him drained, who could?"    


"Because the one thing I might have gotten right the last two weeks was loosen my grip on you. I've seen how much you enjoyed it."    


"We enjoy sex. Doesn't mean we need sex with anyone else, Master," Lisa said. "And the last couple days, we may have exaggerated our enjoyment, trying to piss you off."    


"I get that. No, it doesn't mean you need sex with someone else. But it doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt you and it doesn't hurt me."    


"You still get upset some, Master. I still see signs of your distress," Julia said.    


"Yes. I might still suffer a little distress now. I admit it exists, but not as bad as before and less all the time. You've proven over and over how devoted you are to me, and jealousy at its core is fear. Fear I might not be your first priority, but you love each other as much as you love me and that doesn't bother me. I now believe I'll always your number one male. Even as horrible as I've been, I'm going to be your choice tomorrow. If that's true, why not let you fuck others. We all enjoy variety. Because you enjoy sex with someone else doesn't mean you don't love sex with me."    


"You're certain, Master?" Julia asked.    


"As certain as I am I'm going to fuck you next," I grinned, pulling out of Lisa, still moderately hard. "Rhonda, please clean your sister slave, while Julia cleans me and gives me another erection. When you're done, ride her face."    


"Yes, sir," Rhonda said. "With pleasure, sir."    


As she ate my cum from Lisa, Julia sucked our cum from my cock, until I was hard again. I plunged into her and Rhonda eventually moved over to ride her face. My intense need over from fucking Lisa, I spent more time and went slower with Julia. Lisa kissed me while she handled my sack. Julia and Rhonda both had several nice orgasms before I released. I closed my eyes, knowing all was right with my world.    


When I pulled out of Julia, Rhonda just dropped down in a sixty-nine to clean her, while I played with Lisa, my fingers dancing between her legs as we watched the blonde and black lovers pleasure each other.    


"I missed you all so much," I said, running my other hand over Rhonda's fine ass as Julia delved between her legs.    


"We were beginning to wonder, Master," Lisa said, arching into my hand as I lightly stroked her clit with the other. "We were all quite distressed."    


"I'm sorry. I see now I should have been more forthcoming in what I wished to do."    


Julia and Rhonda finally pulled apart, their faces slick. They cuddled with me in a tangle of warm bodies and lovely limbs.    


"I admit the last two weeks have had some surprises, Master," Julia said. "Inviting our parents to come last Sunday was dangerously taboo fun. I saw two men having sex for the first time when I wasn't also part of the action..."    


"Who?" I asked.    


"Regina wanted to reward Ron for apologizing and giving her some amazing sex. She asked if Sean could have sex with Ron. He was being punished and not allowed an orgasm, but Shasta let him suck Ron's cock. We were all a little turned on by it, so Regina asked if Ron could fuck Sean's ass. I had Shasta remove his cock cage as I knew what stimulation of the prostate might do and Rhonda agreed to suck Sean's cock if it looked like he might cum so he wouldn't cum all over the floor."    


"What were you and Lisa doing?" I asked.    


"Pleasuring Shasta and Sarah while their slaves fucked," Lisa said.    


"It sounds as if Shasta is really opening up to sex?" I said. "I didn't think she would ever allow a woman to pleasure her. Plus she's now sucking cock and letting herself be fucked in the ass."    


"And enjoying it, Master," Julia said. "I suggested she ask for William's help in having a double penetration. It would be more like him granting her another favor and not like she was repaying him for his generosity."    


I laughed, picturing it. I could see William accepting such an offer.    


"Master. Not only has Shasta accepted a woman's pleasuring, she sucked her slave's cum out of Sarah," Julia said.    


I stared at her. "She did not!" I exclaimed.    


"Not only did she lick Sarah's cunt, she licked mine to orgasm to see what one tasted like without male cum in it," Lisa said. "Sarah kind of dared her into both. Said she'd never know if she liked it or not until she tried it. Of course, she said we weren't to expect it to be a regular thing, for her to lick slave cunts. It was our duty to lick hers."    


"She's becoming a full Dominant, Master," Julia said. "She's ordering us around regularly now. We've put her in charge of production. And Sean was a web designer. He's going to start creating our web page."    


"A lot happened while I was gone," I said.    


"You would have learned more if you'd been talking to us instead of having us send pictures of us fucking."    


"Can't deny you didn't enjoy it, slaves?"    


"Never would deny it, sir. I've always told you I would enjoy sex with anyone you allowed me to have sex with. I'm an admitted slut," Julia said, kissing me.    


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