Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C35 What Exactly Is That Girl up to

C35 What Exactly Is That Girl up to

0That night?    


Shen Dong was stunned for a while before he realized what Shi Beisheng was talking about.    


Recalling what happened that night, Shen Dong felt a chill down his spine. That night was like a nightmare, he was alone. He was bullied by a group of people from the biker without any ability to fight back! Especially the beautiful fox-like girl in the lead, she was simply a devil!    


She actually dared to scold him!    


"Yes, it's a girl." Shen Dong said with a trembling voice.    


"Name?" When Shi Beisheng saw the note in Shen Dong's clothes, he thought it should be a woman. He wanted to know who 'Lei Feng', who did good deeds without leaving his name.    


"Name... I don't know his name." Shen Dong looked at Shi Beisheng fearfully. "I swear to God, I really don't know!"    


Thinking of the pain of his head being stepped on, Shen Dong laid on the ground and made a gesture of oath.    


Shen Dong suddenly felt pity for himself. He was just a chess piece and did not know anything. He was even threatened by Shi Beisheng. He knew he was wrong. He did not dare to offend Ninth Master anymore.    


... "" Shi Beisheng's eyes darkened.    


"But, but..." Shen Dong seemed to have thought of something and added in a trembling voice, "She is flying... The people from the biker seemed to be the same... Ninth Master, you are in charge."    


His subordinates?    


If it was really his subordinate, he wouldn't need to ask Shen Dong.    


As for the biker...    


For some reason, a fox-like girl appeared in Shi Beisheng's mind. The first time they met, the girl was very talkative.    


"I got it."    




Shen Dong heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like his answer was useful.    


However, in the next second...    


The sound of a bullet being loaded came from the basement.    


"Ninth Master?!" Shen Dong raised his head in surprise and looked at Shi Beisheng. He saw a black gun pointed at him. "No... No, Ninth Master, I was wrong. I really know I was wrong! Please. Spare me! "    


When death truly came, Shen Dong began to feel fear.    


"Ninth Master... I don't dare anymore, I won't do it again..." Shen Dong prostrated on the ground, his face was covered with mucus and tears, he was in a sorry state.    


"You, can you give me a chance, please? I will not do this kind of thing again... "    


"In the future... my lowly life will be yours, Ninth Master. I will do whatever you want me to do!" As long as he could spare his life, Shen Dong would be willing to do anything!    


"There are some mistakes that you can make again, but there are some mistakes... You can only make them once in your life." For example, Shen Dong only had one chance in his life to offend Shi Beisheng.    


"No, no... Ninth Master!"    




A dull gunshot rang out, echoing in the basement.    


Then there was a bang, and Shen Dong collapsed to the ground, lifeless.    


"Deal with it." Shi Beisheng put away his gun and said to the muscular man guarding the basement door.    




The man looked at Shen Dong's body with disdain. This kind of spicy chicken should have died long ago. It was too easy for him to survive for so long!    


After leaving the base, Shi Beisheng drove towards the company. He held the steering wheel with one hand and thought quietly. If that 'Lei Feng' was really that little fox, then she...    


What was she trying to do?    


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