Evil CEO's Favorites

C174 Chapter 174

C174 Chapter 174

0Xia Huanhuan stood there dumbly, her mind full of Bai Zhuyun's last words, was it because of her? That was the reason why Ziyan drank that medicine and got his photo taken?!    


His hands were covered in cold sweat, and his breathing seemed to have become extremely difficult.    


Why didn't she know? Oh right, Jun Haixin … Jun Haixin must know the reason! Xia Huanhuan quivered and lifted her foot, hurriedly running towards Jun Haixin's office.    


Jun Haixin wasn't in charge of the outpatient clinic, she was only responsible for the heart disease. When Xia Huanhuan found Jun Haixin, she was talking to a nurse about some things she needed to pay attention to.    


"Aunt, I have something I want to say to you alone." Xia Huanhuan gasped for breath, her eyes red as she asked.    


Jun Haixin gave Xia Huanhuan a puzzled look. Then, she turned to the nurse beside her and said, "You can go out for a while."    


"Alright." The nurse nodded, closed the book in her hand, walked out of the room, and closed the door.    


Only then did Jun Haixin turn around to face Xia Huanhuan. "Alright, you can say whatever you have to say."    


Xia Huanhuan's lips trembled as she spat out each word clearly, "Back then, the reason Ziyan drank the medicine and was photographed was... Because of me? "    


Jun Haixin was stunned. She had never expected Xia Huanhuan to say this, "How do you know who said it?"    


Is it Ziyan? Jun Haixin guessed in her heart, but immediately rejected her guess. Since Ziyan was determined to hide it from Xia Huanhuan, he would never tell her about it. The only people left who knew about this matter were — —    


"Bai Zhuyun told you?!" Jun Haixin could only think of this possibility.    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath, "Aunt, don't hide this from me anymore. Since this is related to me, don't hide it from me. I want to know what happened. I want to know what happened to Ziyan because of me."    


As she spoke, Xia Huanhuan's voice was choked. She wholeheartedly wanted to protect Ziyan, but she didn't expect that the reason why he encountered all those things was because of her!    


His trembling, his fear, his self-loathing... She had brought them to him.    


"Do you really want to know?" Jun Haixin stared fixedly at Xia Huanhuan, "Don't you understand why Ziyan has been unwilling to tell you the real reason for this?"    


"I …" The watery mist in Xia Huanhuan's eyes was constantly condensing. The reason Ziyan didn't say anything... Even though he told her about the photo, he never told her the reason... She didn't understand it before, but at this moment, how could she not understand it?    


For her! It was all for her!    


"He didn't want you to know that he had such an awful side to him, but he didn't want you to feel guilty because of that. Even so, do you still want to know?" Jun Haixin asked.    


"I... "I want to know." She bit her lip hard, and the pain spread from her lips to her whole body. Such pain... It's too light, compared to Ziyan's pain, it's simply not worth mentioning, "Because I love Ziyan. How much he loves me, how much I love him!"    


Jun Haixin was silent. The room became quiet. There was only the sound of each other's breathing and Xia Huanhuan's soft sobbing.    


After a moment, Jun Haixin finally said as if she made up her mind, "I know, you and Ziyan once set a ten-year agreement, and he let you have ten years of freedom. And that day is one day after your Promise of Ten Years, right? You may not even know that someone was following you one day on your way home from school. "    


"Follow?" Xia Huanhuan was shocked. She had no impression of him at all.    


Yes, that's Bai Zhuyun's subordinate. Then, Bai Zhuyun asked Ziyan to meet him at the scene and told him that as long as he drank the medicine, you would be safe, and if he did not drink it, then you would have an accident. This accident could be disfigurement, become crippled, or be killed on the spot by a car. Jun Haixin's voice became heavier as she spoke.    


Therefore, he drank the medicine just to let her be safe. Xia Huanhuan could only feel her eyes getting hotter and hotter. Tears continuously rolled down her cheeks and landed on her lips. It was bitter and astringent.    


Jun Haixin paused for a moment, then continued, "When I received Bai Zhuyun's call and rushed over, Ziyan was just like what you saw in the photos. Ziyan's drug had an effect, and he couldn't control his body's instinct, but even so, he still shouted your name and didn't touch anyone else."    


How many people could do this? Jun Haixin didn't know. She only knew that at that time, she was extremely clear about Xia Huanhuan's position in Ziyan's heart. Under the stimulation of such a powerful medicine, he only had his instinct left. However, Ziyan's instinct was only to have Xia Huanhuan.    


"Later …" "Then how did Ziyan …" Xia Huanhuan's lips quivered. She wanted to know the result, but she was afraid of hearing it. She was afraid that what she heard would be an even more painful experience for him.    


"Later on, he was sent to the hospital. He was unconscious for one day and one night, and his entire body was severely exhausted. His X-Ray device was severely damaged by his own pulling and he almost crippled it." At that time, Jun Family almost went all out against Bai Sect, and after that, Jun Family immediately made a move, killing off more than a dozen Bai Sect strongholds.    


Whenever she thought of that scene, Jun Haixin would have waves of guilt, "After Ziyan woke up, he always had a low fever and extremely hates the touch of others. As long as someone touches him, he will constantly vomit, and even if he vomits everything in his stomach, he will still continue to vomit. This kind of neurotic vomiting, in a very short period of time, he was almost skin and bones. "    


Xia Huanhuan's tears fell harder. She only felt her vision blur as if her heart was being stabbed and slashed by countless sharp knives. Every breath she took was accompanied by a sharp pain.    


"At that time, everyone was afraid that Wu steel would not be able to hold on and so they wanted to go find you. However, Ziyan did not allow anyone from Jun Family to go find you. Until one day I said to him, If there's really something wrong with him, you'll never be safe for the rest of your life. He just started to overcome his vomiting and survived. " Jun Haixin continued. What she didn't say was that if Ziyan really couldn't survive, she would go and find Bai Zhuyun to die together with her.    


No one from the Jun Family would ever allow others to bully them, and as for her, she could not find the Predestine, so the only thing she cared about the most was her family.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't know how she managed to get out of Jun Haixin's office. Her mind was constantly replaying what Jun Haixin had said.    


She never knew that Ziyan had experienced all of this before. At that time, when she was extremely happy because she left him, because she obtained the freedom she wanted, and even when she was celebrating, he was struggling on the edge of life and death for her.    


Ever since she was young, she had always complained. Because of his existence, most of the time, she could only follow him around. She couldn't make any friends, and always got scolded by her mother.    


She complained about his tyranny, his tyranny, but she never thought about him. He was almost living for her.    


Ziyan, Ziyan!    


She could not imagine the way he vomited, the way he was so skinny, the way he was struggling on the brink of death …    


When Lu Xiaorong was at the door of the ward, she had waited for Xia Huanhuan for a long time. But when she finally did, she saw her friend crying so hard that tears could be seen all over her face.    


Lu Xiaorong jumped in fright. She had never seen Xia Huanhuan cry so miserably before. Even though Xia Huanhuan didn't know what happened the last time she came and separated from Jun Ziyan and stayed in her dorm, she didn't shed as many tears as she did today.    


"Huanhuan, it's like this? "You chased after that man just now, what happened?" Lu Xiaorong asked anxiously.    


It had been almost an hour since Xia Huanhuan ran away and appeared. Lu Xiaorong could not help but wonder what could have happened in this hour that made her good friend cry so miserably.    


"Xiaorong, I'm so stupid, so stupid!" Xia Huanhuan said to Lili. "I fell in love with Ziyan so late, why didn't I fall in love with him earlier, why didn't I discover how much he did for me!"    


Lu Xiaorong couldn't understand what Xia Huanhuan meant by those words. All she could see was that her friend was in a state of agitation, as if he had suffered some sort of shock.    


Lu Xiaorong took out a tissue and wiped her tears, "No matter what, don't you love Jun Ziyan now? Since he felt that he loved her too late, then he might as well love her more. Only by doing so would it be worth the return ticket! If he's done a lot for you, then you can do a lot more for him. "    


Lu Xiaorong's view of love had always been like this. If she could get it, then she had to know how to give it.    


Xia Huanhuan sobbed. She knew Xiaorong was right.    


"Alright, stop crying. Your mom and Jun Ziyan will wake up soon. They will be worried if they see you crying like this." Especially your mom, who just finished an operation. " Lu Xiaorong said, "If you encounter any trouble or have any trouble, you can tell me. Even if I can't solve your problem, I can give you some advice or something."    


"No, I'm fine." Xia Huanhuan took the tissue from Lu Xiaorong's hands to stop her tears. She wiped them off with force. "You've already come up with an idea for me." she said, her eyes red.    


"Huh?" Lu Xiaorong blinked blankly, completely unsure of what she had done.    


Xia Huanhuan stood in front of the ward, trying her best to calm her emotions. Like Xiaorong said, if she loved him too late, then she would love him more. If Ziyan did many things for her, then she would do many things for Ziyan instead.    


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