System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1355 Visiting(2)

C1355 Visiting(2)

0"Don't scare me. I've seen a lot of people, too. I'll see you when I see you. I'm not afraid of you. Your grandfather is not a ferocious beast, but a person I admire and admire. Qin Zhentian's name, even if he is not a soldier, would be like thunder in my ears. It would be a lie to say that he is not nervous, but he would be so scared that he would not even dare to meet him. That courage is really too small." Fann Binn felt that it was better for him to go and meet them. After all, this was related to the future of reformist. He couldn't afford to be careless.    


"Alright, then I'll be waiting for your arrival tomorrow. The location was in the backyard of Central South Sea, where my grandfather lived. If you want to come, you'd better fly to Beijing tomorrow morning. The old man usually doesn't welcome guests at night. " Qin Wenjing teased Fann Binn casually, but in her heart, she still attached great importance to him. She deliberately told Fann Binn some of her grandfather's schedule and rules, such as when he was not allowed to visit. When was he supposed to rest? When was he supposed to be a visitor? At the very least, it was very important to avoid the old man's taboo. It was very important to leave a good impression on the old man.    


After Fann Binn carefully noted it down, he said a few more words to Qin Wenjing before hanging up. Chiang Weiguo excitedly blushed and said excitedly, "Fann, was it Miss Qin who called just now? Did she say General Qin is willing to see us?"    


"Uncle Chiang, it looks like we made the right bet!" Fann Binn smiled and looked at everyone at the table, then slowly said, "Old Master Qin will take some time to meet the three of us tomorrow."    


Fann Binn's words might seem easy to say, but it was also a shock to everyone present. Qin Zhentian had great military achievements and had long been the idol of a generation of soldiers. He was an existence that everyone looked up to. The title of general was awe-inspiring without anger. Who among the soldiers did not consider meeting him to be a kind of glory? However, because Qin Zhentian was old, there was naturally a limit to the number of people he would meet. There wouldn't be too many, so when he heard that Qin Zhentian was really willing to meet Chiang Weiguo and Zhou Zhimao, the military officers who were drinking happily at the dining table all cheered loudly!    


"Haha, Fann, I knew it. I knew the day of our comeback would come!" Chiang Weiguo stood up with a loud laugh and raised his wine glass to vent his anger. "Damn it! I have been enduring this humiliation for so long for the sake of the future of reformist! Finally, he could finally hold his head high for once! As long as the Qin family was truly willing to join the reformist, the future of the H Country, we will write it!"    


This was the first time Fann Binn had seen Chiang Weiguo being so generous and heroic. He suddenly realized that he was not just a kind and amiable middle-aged man. Yes, the reformist had been working hard for more than ten years. From weak to weak, one could not tell that they could fight against each other, from fighting against each other to defeating their opponent. This was the last step that he had taken step by step. The sadness in his heart was self-evident. The reformist had done it. This was their glory, and it was something that the H Country had to face. Perhaps it was a better future.    


"Come, Old Chiang, let's toast Fann again." Zhou Zhimao stood up as well. He raised his wine glass and looked gratefully at Fann Binn. " Without Mr Fann, I'm afraid we wouldn't have achieved our dreams and dreams so early. I feel grateful in my heart! Let's not talk about it anymore, it's all in silence! "    


Seeing Zhou Zhimao finish drinking the wine in his cup, Chiang Weiguo nodded his head vigorously and sighed with emotion. " I remember when I first met Fann. He was still a boy in his teens, but now he was in his twenties. Time flew by, but friendship was always there. Thank you, Fann. Thank you for helping us realize our dreams in life! "    


Fann Binn shook his head and said," No one is grateful to anyone. If I, Fann Binn, did not have Uncle Chiang's help, and there can't be such a development today. Besides, it is also my duty as a citizen to contribute to this country. If you want to thank me, then thank me. Tomorrow, I hope that we can make General Qin agree with our ideology. Join us! Cheers to tomorrow's victory!"    


" Cheers! " Everyone excitedly raised their glasses and clinked them together. Everyone's hearts were filled with anticipation for tomorrow. Will tomorrow really succeed? At this moment, Fann Binn was afraid that he did not have much confidence in himself. But the arrow was already on the bow, so he naturally had to shoot it. Even if it was a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, he still had to charge in tomorrow!    


Capital City, the capital of H Country, a major city that he had not seen for a long time. When Fann Binn arrived at the airport with Chiang Weiguo and Zhou Zhimao on a military plane, a large group of officials who had come to pick him up appeared at the only military airport in the capital.    


It was said that power could easily make people lose their direction. Those who had never been an official or had real power would never be able to imagine the comfort and pride of being surrounded by stars. Fann Binn had always scoffed at this theory, but as he got closer to the core of power, he felt more and more like this feeling.    


Why were there so many corrupt officials who abused their power in every country? On one hand, it was because they could not control the glory of power. On the other hand, they were also confused by the superiority of power. Looking at the bowing and bowing manner of the officials who were receiving the plane, as well as the feeling of being surrounded by two rows of soldiers and guards on both sides, it was really easy to make people feel as if they were floating.    


But fortunately, Fann Binn was not a government official at all, so this feeling of floating did not have any effect on him. Chiang Weiguo and Zhou Zhimao were both soldiers and middle-aged men. Soldiers naturally had strong self-control and composure, so they would not show too much arrogance and arrogance. However, no matter what, the reception this time was undoubtedly very big. And why was it so big? Of course, this was because the wind direction had changed.    


Indeed, the direction of the wind had changed. The Qin family, which was the king of the army, had taken the initiative to invite the soldiers of the reformist to meet them. Such news was enough to shake the entire capital. Most likely, anyone with a little political sensitivity would understand what this meant. The sky of the capital, and even the sky of H Country, would change!    


Furthermore, the results of the battle drill had already spread throughout the capital. The B Class legion corps led by reformist had killed the trump card of Qin Zhentian's main army. This indirectly showed how powerful the reformist was. It was time for them to completely infiltrate the military.    


Therefore, it was not only the few officials from the reformist who had already decided to pick them up. More of the officials who wanted to transfer to the reformist secretly gathered here. Didn't they want their faces to be exposed in front of the two generals who would become popular in the future?    


Wait! The three of them finally got out of the airport, declined the escort of the officials, and got into the private car. Fann Binn then said to Chiang Weiguo, "Uncle Chiang, reformist has the upper hand now. If they really control the country in the future... We must choose the core members. I think the officials who were flattering us just now... None of them should be put in an important position. When the reformist was in dire straits, why didn't these officials stand up for them? Now that they saw that the direction of the wind was not right, they were all extremely enthusiastic. These fence-sitters had no value at all. Even if they're valuable, they can't be used. "    


Chiang Weiguo looked at Zhou Zhimao and smiled." Look, look, just as we got into the car, our teacher Fann started lecturing us. "    


Zhou Zhimao couldn't help but laugh. He said, "Old Chiang, don't insult Mr Fann. What he said does make sense. The reformist will be in power in the future. Many people in the country are watching. We can't use some mediocre people to make ourselves look bad. "    


"That's right. It's still Big Brother Zhou who understands my heart." Fann Binn couldn't help but kiss Chiang Weiguo's ass and rolled his eyes at him.    


"Yo, this is the two brothers ganging up to bully me, right? I say, Fann, this isn't something you need to worry about. Besides, we aren't the decision-makers of reformist. We don't have the power to use anyone, do we? However, I believe what you have said, Fann. The decision-makers have already taken note of this. Don't think so simply about us, the reformist."    


Fann Binn's face immediately turned slightly red. Indeed, those big shots of the reformist had been running the official field for so many years. How could they not understand these things? It was obvious that he was not mature enough to say such words at this moment. He had not considered it carefully enough. However, it was also true that Fann Binn was only in his early twenties this year. How mature could he be? If he didn't have the golden needles, he might still be a student in school. Or a worker who had just stepped into society. After all, he wasn't that mature yet...    


Central South Sea's backyard villa area was located at the border of the capital, Zhonghai and Hou Hai. It was located in the center of the city. Although it was located in the center, it didn't seem to be noisy or bustling. This was once the big garden where the ancient emperors rested and played. Although it was within the city, it had a serene feeling of the deep mountains.    


When Fann Binn and the other two passed through the main gate's guards, they drove all the way into the garden. And... Finally, after getting off the car in the parking lot, they walked all the way through the garden that was filled with natural beauty. The villa area here was actually not very large. It was on the east side of the garden. It was mainly used for the old cadres to recuperate. The villa that Qin Zhentian lived in was number 1. It seemed like this general really liked the number 1. Therefore, he was afraid that everything would be the best.    


There was a rumor in the wild that when Qin Zhentian fought in the north and south, he was able to gain great military achievements under the neutrality of self-defense. At that time, the leader of H Country wanted him to be a deputy in politics, but he was rejected. The reason for his rejection seemed to be because he did not like being a deputy and only liked being a deputy.    


Of course, this was only a wild history, and there was no way to verify it, unless Qin Zhentian really told him that history. Otherwise, no one else would know. A general with such a great reputation wouldn't be nervous if he said he was going to meet him. That would be a lie. Not to mention Fann Binn, even Chiang Weiguo and Zhou Zhimao couldn't help feeling uneasy. However, for the sake of the reformist's future, this meeting would probably be carried out by them even if they had to bite the bullet.    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that what Qin Zhentian controlled was the lifeline of a country's army. He had the highest prestige and qualification in the army. He was also one of the most respected generals. Therefore, his uniqueness often played a lot of special roles. For example, the villa that he liked to live in had doubled the security of the villa area.    


In the area of his Mansion Number One, there were layers of sentries and guards. Protecting Qin Zhentian's personal safety was probably the most sacred duty of these soldiers. Because of Qin Zhentian's arrival, the treatment of the guards in the entire villa area instantly increased by several levels.    


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