System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1509 The Cruel Old Man Wang

C1509 The Cruel Old Man Wang

0Old Master Wang showed a hesitant expression. He knew that if today's matter wasn't handled properly, Ye Zhenyu would definitely harm the relationship between the two families when he returned. However, the one in front of him was his daughter, although he had a lot of children. But the palm and the back of my hand are all meat! If the one in front of him was Fann Tao, he would not hesitate to ask the guards to shoot him. But the one being held hostage was his daughter, Wang Lihua. This made him a little difficult to deal with.    


It was not only Old Master Wang who was in a difficult position, but also the guards beside him. Mr Lee, who was about to be sent to the hospital after receiving a simple bandage, stopped his subordinates from doing anything. He panted and looked at the situation at the scene. There was a trace of worry in his eyes.    


At this time, his subordinate, Qian Wuchang, anxiously said. "Mr Lee, what time is it? You were shot in your shoulder blade. You were shot in the back, although it didn't hurt the important parts. But the blood is still flowing. How can you care about those things now? Hurry up and go to the hospital for treatment! "    


"You talk too much!" Wang Yao said. Mr Lee glared at Qian Yong and said angrily, "What do we do? We are the guards of Wang family, the guards of this land! If we don't put our lives on the line to protect Wang family, we will be letting down our job! The situation in front of them was very dangerous. We must think of a way to help the Wang family, not just stand there and wait for orders!"    


" But, but you are already like this... " Qian Yong curled his lips, not knowing how to refute. He could only whisper in dissatisfaction, "No matter what, my life is always the most important, right?"    


Mr Lee didn't pay any attention to Qian Yong. Instead, he kept looking at the position where Wang Lihua and the criminal Faang Xiang were standing. It had to be said that the position Faang Xiang chose was very clever and very good. He made full use of the terrain here and chose a corner to defend himself. This way, besides killing Wang Lihua from the front, he would have a chance to kill Faang Xiang. The problem was here. If he wanted to kill Faang Xiang, he had to kill Wang Lihua first. This was the outcome that Old Master Wang didn't want to see.    


At this moment, Mr Lee's eyes shifted to the corner where Faang Xiang was standing. Suddenly, it lit up and said to Qian Yong, who was standing beside him. "Qian Yong, you said last time that this courtyard is unrepaired for a long time. It's very easy for the walls to collapse. You suggested that I respond to the Wang family, right? I heard that you used to specialize in earth and wood engineering, and later became a soldier. Tell me, is there such a problem with the walls of the courtyard outside the meeting hall?"    


"Huh?" Qian Yong was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Mr Lee, I was just casually saying that, but the walls of the courtyard of Wang family are really too old. Before the wind and the sun were built, the walls were not very firm, so there were a few signs of collapse. I am not talking nonsense. This meeting hall's courtyard seemed to have been built since the Wang family built it, so it shouldn't be very stable anymore. Why did you suddenly ask about this?"    


"Alright, since that's the case, I think we can take a gamble." Mr Lee endured the pain from his body and said to Qian Yong with a pale face," Quick, carry me to Old Master Wang. I have something to say to him! "    


Qian Yong hurriedly nodded in agreement. He ordered two guards to lift Mr Lee up. Soon, they arrived in front of Old Master Wang. After Mr Lee hurriedly discussed with Old Master Wang in a low voice, Old Master Wang was a little surprised at first. But then he frowned and thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.    


After the patriarch of Wang family agreed, Mr Lee quickly took out the walkie-talkie. He began to make specific arrangements. At this time, the confrontation between the two parties had not ended yet. Faang Xiang had begun to feel the approaching danger. He could not help but tighten the muzzle of the gun aimed at Wang Lihua.    


Wang Lihua was so scared that her legs had gone soft and she could not even stand stably. Just now, she wanted to remind Ye Zhenyu of the hidden danger because of the Wang family, but Ye Zhenyu avoided the danger and she once again fell into danger.    


She knew very well that her life and death depended on a single thought from her father. If Faang Xiang really couldn't leave the Wang family, then she would definitely die faster than the criminal behind her. Before she died, she realized how precious life was. During this period of struggling, she had thought of many things. She had memories of the past, everything about the Wang family, and the happy moment when Fann Tao and her lived together.    


She was very grateful to Fann Tao. If he hadn't spoken up for her, she would have been dead by now. Her father might not have been so hesitant and indecisive. As for him... he could have escaped this place alone and left the Wang family.    


At this moment, Faang Xiang understood that he had missed the chance to kill Ye Zhenyu. It seemed like the Wang family didn't intend to hand over Ye Zhenyu, who looked like a distinguished guest, to them. Since he couldn't kill Ye Zhenyu, he could only give up on his revenge plan for the time being. He would wait for another opportunity. As long as he had the green hills, he wouldn't be afraid of the lack of firewood. His life was the capital of a blood debt. Faang Xiang wouldn't let this matter rest until he killed Ye Zhenyu! If he wanted to kill Ye Zhenyu and Wang Ziqian with his own hands, he would have to think of a way to survive!    


"I don't have time to waste with you! Alright, since Ye Zhenyu is a distinguished guest of Wang family, I can't kill him here. Then I can change my condition. Either I die together with this lady, or you guys let me go. I let this lady go. I will now count to five, if you still can't make a decision... I'll shoot the bullet into this lady's head." Faang Xiang said coldly. He knew that the longer he dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for him.    


Hearing Faang Xiang say this, Old Master Wang anxiously looked at the captain of the guards, Mr Lee, who had lost too much blood due to the gunshot wound and was very weak. He nodded weakly at him with a pale face. Only then did he calm down. He kept his mouth shut as if he was waiting for something.    


"One!" Faang Xiang saw that there was no reaction from the Wang family and could not help counting down.    


"Two!" When Faang Xiang spoke again, Fann Tao finally could not help turning his head to Old Master Wang and said angrily, "Old man! Hurry up and agree to let her go. Your daughter is going to be killed!"    


Old Master Wang looked at Fann Tao and still did not say anything.    


"Three!" Faang Xiang counted very quickly. There were two more numbers. He would pull the trigger and die with Wang Lihua. This was not the result he wanted. Ye Zhenyu and Wang Ziqian could still live in this world without worry.    


"Four!" Fann Tao could not help but yell at Old Master Wang again when he heard this. "You are not a human! You are really not a human!! For the sake of the family's interests, you did not save them! You are cold-blooded to the extreme! Wang Lihua has a father like you. It is really her sorrow!"    


As if he did not hear Fann Tao's hysterical cursing, Old Master Wang stood straight on the spot with his crutch. Not to mention that he did not move as steadily as Mount Tai, even his pair of old eyes were tightly shut. It was as if he didn't care about the current crisis at all! His performance also caused Fann Tao's voice to become weak, and Wang Lihua also revealed a look of despair from the pain.    


Faang Xiang couldn't believe that Old Master Wang wouldn't save his daughter at this critical moment. However, the situation in front of him forced him to be filled with despair. That's right. It seemed like Old Master Wang didn't want to let him escape from the Wang family for the sake of his daughter's life. It seemed like he could only die together with Wang Lihua...    


"Yu Ting, I'm sorry, big brother is useless... I can't take revenge for you... In the underworld, big brother will apologize to you in person!" Faang Xiang murmured painfully, "Dad, mom... son is unfilial. Let's go first. You two elders must live a good life. My friend, Fann Binn, borrowed my money. It should be enough for you to live until you die of old age. Unfortunately, you can't repay your friend's kindness. In your next life, you can do whatever you want. I must also return the favor I owe."    


Wang Lihua's heart went cold when she heard Faang Xiang's words as if he was telling her about his funeral. She knew that the last moment had come. They would die together. Perhaps it would be Wang Lihua's final outcome. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little disgust towards her father. That little bit of hatred, that little bit of dissatisfaction and grievance... Because, her father would rather watch her die with his own eyes. He actually did not save him!    


"Since you want to watch us die, then I'll fulfill your wish! Ye Zhenyu, good and evil will always be rewarded. Perhaps it's because your destiny hasn't come to an end that I can't kill you today. The time isn't up yet, but don't be complacent! If you do anything wrong, you will die. One day, you will die in the hands of your enemy! " Faang Xiang furiously shouted, as if his throat was going to be torn apart. He put his finger lightly on the trigger and pointed the muzzle at the back of Wang Lihua's head. Finally, he shouted the last number, "Five!"    


The sound of the number was heard and his finger fiercely pressed down on the trigger! At this moment, Faang Xiang's heart was already calm. This kind of calm, perhaps only at the moment of his death would he truly possess it... After being a soldier for so many years, his life had actually ended here. He was unwilling! But what was the use of being unwilling? In this era where the strong preyed on the weak, perhaps he died. Instead, it was a form of release!    


"Just as everyone held their breaths and Fann Tao could not bear to watch the cruel scene of his wife's brain splattering, he turned his face away. All of a sudden, a loud sound that shook the earth and mountains erupted from behind Faang Xiang. Everyone had the same reaction at this moment. That was shock, complete shock!    


Behind Faang Xiang, the tall and old wall collapsed with a loud bang! The bricks and sand that fell from the sky and covered the earth fell towards Faang Xiang like a tsunami! Before Faang Xiang and Wang Lihua could react, the collapsed wall instantly crushed them and buried them in the bricks and sand!    


The dust flew up, making the whole courtyard's vision no longer as good as before. However, the people of Wang family who were standing far away could still see clearly from the outside of the collapsed wall. A large group of guards wearing steel helmets and holding shields were rushing in. It was only after a moment that everyone reacted. This was not an unexpected collapse of the wall. It was an organized and carefully planned scheme!    


Indeed, only by using the collapse of the wall could one control the criminal who had taken the hostage at the first possible moment. Only by making him completely lose his combat power! However, being pressed down by so many collapsed walls... It was unknown whether these two could survive or not. He also did not know how Old Master Wang agreed to let the guards do this kind of thing.    


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