System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1663 A Fierce Battle(2)

C1663 A Fierce Battle(2)

0Country H's convoy is coming this way from far and close. This was a highway, and there weren't many cars coming and going. Therefore, they drove very fast. They did not give Jin Minying and the rest much time to prepare. In the next moment, the distant motorcade was already very close. Jin Minying could even see the black muzzle of the gun sticking out from the shooting holes on the armed off-road vehicles with her naked eyes!    


However, soon, the convoy of H Country had to slow down and gradually stop. Why? Because no one would have thought that on the fast road leading to the military port... A few large logs that required two or three people to wrap their arms around could be seen scattered all over the road, blocking their path. Soon, they got off the car in front of them and started moving the heavy logs to the side. Ensure that the car could pass through safely.    


The soldiers who got out of the car did their best to carry a big tree. Naturally, they wanted to move the logs to the side of the road as soon as possible and send the Imperial Ruler's Seal to the warship smoothly.    


However, just as they were moving the logs in an orderly manner, while their companions in the vehicle were quietly waiting for them to open up the road, just as one of the pieces of wood was carried by a few people reasonably, the class monitor suddenly saw the device under the piece of wood. His eyes widened and he immediately threw himself on the ground and shouted, "Get down! Everyone get down! There's explosives!"    


"Boom!" Before the other soldiers could react, an intense explosion immediately shot up into the sky. Not only did the wood explode into pieces, but all the soldiers who were holding onto the wood were also killed on the spot by the powerful explosion. They did not even have the chance to resist.    


Just as the squad leader, who was lying on the ground, reacted, he discovered that he was in pain. He was one of the ten warriors in his class, but after the explosion... Less than three of them were still alive. Some of the other seven's corpses had been directly blown up. Some of them were lying on the ground in disorder, their blood instantly dyeing the entire road red!    


"Da Da Da..." The sound of machine guns was the first to ring out from the bushes by the road. They collided with the iron sheets of the off-road armored vehicles, creating a series of intense sparks. Then, the sound of automatic rifles firing continuously rang out from the bushes. The continuous bullets shot in all directions. The elites of the Marine Corps in H Nation were temporarily stunned by the firepower. They did not organize an effective resistance for a while.    


Bullets kept hitting the surface of the armored vehicles, creating sparks. Lieutenant Zhang Xun, who was hiding in the vehicle, finally could not stand it any longer. He loudly cursed into the walkie-talkie connected to the convoy. "What are you all doing? Don't you know how to fight back after being suppressed by the firepower? Damn it, remember that the weapons in your hands are countless times better than theirs! Get out of the car and counter-attack! Capture the leader of the sneak attack, remember! I want to catch him alive! Whoever dares to embarrass me again, be careful. If you go down there, I will find you and settle the score with you!"    


Zhang Xun's curses quickly took effect. After opening the door and getting out of the car, the soldiers of Country H's elite troops were first knocked down after getting out of the car. Very quickly, they succeeded in gaining the initiative in the dense barrage of bullets from the other side. The two sides went from one side shooting to the other side shooting at each other. Bullets mercilessly harvested each other's eyes that were filled with killing intent.    


Blood splashed out from time to time, dyeing the outer layer of the armored vehicle red. It also dyed the black road red. The scene was undoubtedly very tragic. To put it bluntly, there was no winning or losing in this battle of life and death. Only a person who could struggle on the edge of death could live on!    


Clearly, the firepower of C Nation's ambush was not enough to completely overwhelm H Nation's convoy. As time passed, the number of casualties began to increase. And the H Nation motorcade seemed to be unwilling to take the initiative to attack as they continued to drag on here. It seemed like they were not in a hurry at all. Indeed, the ones who were truly anxious were the people from C Nation, and not the people from H Nation.    


The Imperial Ruler's Seal was in the hands of the people of H Nation. They were now the rightful owners of the Imperial Ruler's Seal. As long as they were protected, it would be fine. Furthermore, they were the legitimate ones defending. As long as they waited for the reinforcements to arrive, they were afraid that the ones who should escape would be the C Country people. Hence, C Nation was undoubtedly more anxious and had to take action earlier.    


Jin Minying saw that H Nation's soldiers were hiding in the narrow car space, unwilling to come out. She then looked at the C Nation soldiers shooting non-stop in the bushes. She did not know if she should charge or not. She did not know if there was a time to charge. At this time, Junyang could not help but remind her, "Miss, if we do not attack, they will be in trouble when their reinforcements arrive. Why don't we brace ourselves and charge? "    


Hearing Junyang's words, Jin Minying nodded with a pale face. She knew that this time's charge, there would be many good men who would love C Nation with their blood shed in other countries. They would sacrifice their lives to obtain the Imperial Jade Seal! However, time did not wait for anyone. She did not have the time to drag this on anymore!    


"Uncle Junyang, give the order. Look at the carriage. Charge! "Jin Minying gritted her teeth and said. Sometimes, she felt that war was too cruel. Life was as worthless as grass in war, especially when it came to charging. How could the sacrifice not be great when facing a hail of bullets? But if you can't bear to part with the child, you won't be able to trap the wolf. If you are fierce, the enemy will be fierce to you, fierce to you.    


In fact, this was also the case. Under Junyang's command, the soldiers of C Nation rushed out of the bushes while screaming crazily. Their target was very clear. It was the black van in the middle of the convoy! The van was so conspicuous. Everyone knew that the national treasure was inside the van! And their goal in charging was to break through the enemy's fire blockade. Using their lives in exchange for the completion of this step before arriving at the carriage.    


"Pu... Pff... Pff!!" The bullets shot into his body and produced a dull sound. On the way to charge, there were not many C Nation soldiers who fell to the ground after being hit by the bullets. Not many of them were directly shot into sieves. And most of them were killed with a single shot! It had to be said that the shooting skills of the enemies from H Nation were indeed very good.    


Any one of these elites would be god-like existences. That was why the soldiers of Country C suffered a lot during their charge. More and more corpses piled up on the way. Jin Minying originally wanted to lead the charge personally. However, Junyang forced her to control it so that she could not charge forward.    


She could only watch the soldiers fall into pools of blood one after another. Her heart felt very heavy. She even felt like she was about to collapse. It was too tragic. It was indeed too tragic. Along the way, there was the sound of grenades exploding from time to time. Usually, a single explosion could send three to four C Nation soldiers flying. When the badly mutilated soldiers finally landed on the ground, there was no longer any sound.    


The battle had entered a white-hot stage from the beginning. After all, everyone knew that there was only one possibility for them to be here today, and that was to fight to the death. If they died, they would end up like this!    


The C Nation soldiers' spirits were high, and their eyes were bloodshot. They shouted out the fear of not caring about death as they continuously charged forward.    


The defending H Nation soldiers were extremely calm, as if they were executioners killing the prey in their eyes.    


Not long after, the C Nation soldiers had lost more than a third of their members. The corpses of the soldiers on the charging path were one after another. It was a shocking and heartbreaking sight.    


"Boom!!" At this moment, an anti-tank missile flew out of the shrubbery. It hit an armed off-road vehicle parked on the road and blew it up. It turned into a pile of scrap metal! And no matter how powerful the H Nation soldiers inside were, they were afraid that they were powerless to reverse the situation and come back to life.    


The H Nation soldiers clearly did not expect that C Nation's enemies would even prepare a heavy weapon like an anti-tank missile. For a moment, they could not help but shock all the Country H soldiers. However, this kind of intimidation was only temporary. When they quickly discovered that the enemy only had one anti-tank missile, the battle once again fell into a stalemate.    


Of course, although this kind of charge and battle was fierce, it was at least the only tactical performance that could achieve the fastest effect. After sacrificing so many soldiers' lives, C Nation successfully broke through the front defense of H Nation's army. They directly tore open a hole in their defense and opened up a bloody path!    


They could only watch helplessly as C Nation's soldiers braved the hail of bullets and finally made a bloody path out of H Nation's army. After paying a heavy price, they broke through the enemy's defense line. As they got closer and closer to the black transport wagon at the center, Jin Minying excitedly said to Junyang, who also showed a trace of excitement, who was beside her. She hurriedly said. "Uncle Junyang! Quickly let them let go. I want to participate in the battle too! I can't just watch as my comrades fall one by one! Just let me participate in the battle! "    


" Miss, you are the princess of C Nation, the future of C Nation. It's worth it even if we die, but if you get hurt... Then I cannot bear the responsibility! You just stay here and wait for the news of our victory! " Junyang knew that it was time for the reserve team in the bushes to go on stage, because the soldiers in the front had suffered too many casualties. After tearing apart the enemy's defense line, they were no longer able to take another step forward.    


At this time, he said to the dozens of soldiers who were half-squatting behind him. "Comrades, for the honor of C Nation, for the sake of snatching the national treasure from the lackeys of H Nation, it is time for us to perform! We must firmly believe that even if we die, we must fall on the road of charging! We are all the best warriors in C Nation, it is time for us to repay the great leader! Brothers, charge with me!!"    


"Charge!" Junyang led the soldiers and rushed out of the bushes. Their target was the black van parked on the road. They shouted and ran crazily. Jin Minying's eyes were red and tears could not help rolling down her face. The bloody scene in front of her made her heart filled with grief. She kept praying in her heart, praying that these soldiers could live safely. To be able to successfully snatch the national treasure back to C Nation!!    


Zhang Xun's expression was somewhat unsightly as he looked at the C Nation soldiers who were charging in from the inside of the torn hole. Even though they had been killed by his subordinates one after another, however, he was not happy at all. Why? How embarrassing! They were the best of the H Nation Marine Corps, an entire battalion of elite soldiers!    


However, in such a battle, they were actually completely suppressed by the enemies of C Country. And they even risked their lives to tear open an opening. If this wasn't shameful, then what was? After all, what kind of weapon and equipment were they using? And what kind of weapon and equipment were these soldiers from C Nation carrying! But he actually discovered that just now, in such a short period of time... He had already lost close to five of his brothers! If he wasn't red-eyed, then who would be red-eyed!    


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