System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1690 Heavy Damage to the Enemy Fleet(3)

C1690 Heavy Damage to the Enemy Fleet(3)

0"Du... Du... Du..." At this moment, the dangerous alarm in the submarine command room suddenly sounded. The monitor immediately stood up and reported, "Captain, the enemy fleet has begun to place the deep water bombs and detonated them. The immense power will cause a tremor to my ship, whether to dive deep or not... Please give your instructions!"    


"Dive deeper? No, how are we going to destroy the enemy's fleet if we dive? You must pay close attention to the layout of the enemy's deepwater bombs. We have to go around carefully. After that, we can strike the enemy hard!" As soon as the captain said those words, there was a violent shaking sound inside the boat. The submarine seemed to be shaken by the powerful force and started to shake.    


This was the power of the explosion of the deep water bomb that affected the submarine. These Hs were smart enough. If they couldn't find the location of the invisible submarine, they would know to use the deepwater bomb to launch it. Then, one area after another exploded. They didn't care about anything else. Since they couldn't find you, they might as well blow you up like a carpet. That way, you wouldn't be able to hide. However, the commander of the fleet was naturally not a clever schemer, Zhuge Liang. Thus, their actions... They were just acting like scoundrels. That's not it, their luck is really good. The moment they detonated the deep water bomb, it affected the submarine that was hidden under the sea.    


Under the captain's decision, the crew hurriedly controlled the submarine to use the radar to search the area and distance of the deep water bomb that was inserted into the sea. Then, following the calculated area, they circled around the area to avoid the deepwater bombs, minimizing the impact on the submarine to the greatest extent.    


However, the aftermath of the explosion of the powerful deepwater bombs still stirred up the originally calm surface of the water, turning the sky and earth upside down. The submarine slowly advanced amidst the violent trembling.    


The power of the deep water bombs was indeed very great, but there were also pros and cons. Once this kind of bomb exploded, it would completely disrupt the natural water ripple conditions. This way, the invisible submarine would undoubtedly be safer in the dark tide water, and the enemy fleet's sonar would be like a blind man. It was getting harder and harder to locate the specific location of the submarine.    


Very quickly, in the midst of the danger, the submarine hid in a specific location. After the torpedoes were loaded, the crew immediately carried out the order to attack after the captain gave the order. Two armor-piercing high-explosive torpedoes were fired. The two torpedoes quickly moved through the sea water, aiming directly at the Rene destroyer! As long as they were completely paralyzed, the fleet would lose its command and fall into chaos!    


However, Fann Binn's wishful thinking seemed to have miscalculated. After all, he was facing the most well-trained navy of H Country. The sneak attack on the frigate Jin Kuan Yu just now was a success. However, that was when the enemy was completely at a loss and unprepared. At this time, the sinking of Jin Kuanyu's frigate had alerted all the enemies. How could they not pay attention to the danger that came from the bottom of the sea at the critical moment of life and death? Therefore, even though the armored high-explosive torpedo's speed was very advanced, the underwater surveillance system on the Renzhe ship quickly discovered the two high-speed underwater targets.    


When the main warship entered combat readiness, it undoubtedly moved very quickly. The Rene destroyer had just discovered the underwater targets and immediately drove the ship to its maximum speed. It directly made a 180-degree turn!    


The two torpedoes almost brushed past the body of the ship, barely dodging the fatal attack just like that! After the two torpedoes lost their target, they kept moving forward rapidly. Coincidentally, the cumbersome supply ship was right in front of the Rene. After the two torpedoes brushed past Rene, they actually aimed straight at the body of the supply ship!    


The huge and cumbersome supply ship also wanted to turn around quickly after discovering the danger. It turned the hull to avoid the attack of the torpedoes. However, the supply ship's reaction speed and engine clearly did not have a very good support. It could not move as nimbly as the Renegade. After the emergency brake, it dodged the first torpedo, but it could only watch as the second torpedo crashed into the rear of the ship...    


"Boom!!!" A huge explosion sounded at the rear of the supply ship. Immediately, the rear of the supply ship burst into flames. It lost the momentum to move forward and stopped on the surface of the sea. It became a shooting ship with no combat ability, a prey waiting to be slaughtered...    


"Damn it!" The captain smashed his fist on the command platform and looked at the display screen with some unwillingness. " It was almost done. I didn't expect the Renzhe to be so cunning! Now... Fire two more torpedoes! I don't believe that I can't destroy this destroyer!"    


" Slow down! "Just as the crew started to prepare according to the captain's orders, Fann Binn, who was beside them, stopped them after analyzing the situation. " After the torpedoes have been fired, our position is about to be exposed. It will be dangerous when the enemy fleet has locked onto us. The lightning operation has been completed. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to eliminate some enemies. Listen to my orders. Return immediately."    


After hearing Fann Binn's words, the crew in the command room all revealed surprised expressions. In their view, perhaps today's goal was to destroy the entire fleet before returning. But they did not expect Fann Binn to withdraw just like that. The captain next to Fann Binn glanced at him, then turned his head and shouted at the crowd. “ What are you waiting for? The boss said retreat, and now listen to my orders. This ship has completed its mission and will begin to retreat according to the original plan! "    


Although the crew did not understand, they still listened to the captain's orders. They began to carry out the order to retreat. At this time, Faang Xiang, who was standing beside Fann Binn, was a little unwilling and said, "Boss, we're going back just like that? We're not going to do a few more ships? This is a great opportunity to take revenge for our brothers. We can't just miss it like this, right?"    


Fann Binn looked at him and smiled. He turned to the captain and said, " I told you to retreat, but I didn't tell you not to open fire. Besides torpedoes, don't you have more advanced anti-ship missiles? Wait until they're on the way back, then give them a few more shots. Make them suffer again."    


The captain's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "I told you the boss wouldn't be so willing to leave. Hehe. Alright, then let them taste the taste of a guided missile!" After he finished speaking, he immediately turned his head and ordered the operators to prepare and lock onto the missile before it was launched.    


The missile was a new type of high-tech missile. The model of missile equipped on this submarine was a cruise missile produced by Soaring Dragon Military that could accurately attack the target of the ship underwater. It had the characteristics of being fast, powerful, long range, and high lock-on ability. Compared to the torpedo guidance method, it was more flexible and more accurate to lock onto the target. It was generally suitable for long-range and long-range attacks. Before Fann Binn left, he did not forget to bully the H Nation fleet and let them have a taste of the Dragonthorn Legion's power.    


As the submarine quietly moved further and further away from the enemy fleet, the missile had already begun to aim. Because of the stealth ability, this was a medium-sized submarine. The load was not very large, and there were only six anti-ship missiles in the submarine.    


This time, the captain had decided to fire all of these missiles. Thus, the target was three enemy ships, one of which was an unmanned Sejong the Great. One was a supply ship that had lost its power and was parked on the surface of the sea. The other was the frigate of Jin Kuanyu, who had just escaped disaster. At the captain's command, six guided missiles silently shot out from the submarine. Their target was the enemy fleet on the surface of the sea.    


Speaking of which, the reason why this lightning operation was successful... It's mostly because of luck. The good luck of this operation was that the H government never would have thought that there would actually be someone who would dare to openly hijack an entire naval fleet with the incomparably powerful combat strength of an advanced H country warship. Therefore, they did not feel that there was a need for this fleet to be equipped with a submarine.    


As long as one had some general knowledge of the navy, they would know that the most effective way to deal with submarines was to let their own submarines fight back. Furthermore, the submarine that belonged to the Dragonthorn Legion was the most advanced stealth submarine. They needed to rely on the sonar of the fleet to capture it. It would probably be very difficult. It was probably because of this that Fann Binn and the others had complete control of the situation. The H Squadron could only be passively beaten.    


The submarine could not capture it, but the H Squadron with the underwater sonar monitoring system was very accurate in warning the incoming torpedoes or missiles. Not long after the missile was launched by the H Squadron, the entire fleet once again sounded the battle alarm. At this time, two warships had already locked onto the general position of the invisible submarine, and several shipborne torpedoes were launched in the direction of the missile. They wanted to launch a saturated concentrated attack to force the submarine where Fann Binn was to expose its target.    


When the missile broke through the sea surface, it quickly attacked the H country fleet not far ahead. The missile streaked across the surface of the sea that was covered by the night sky. It was very dazzling. At this moment, perhaps even the sailors with poor eyesight would be able to discover the incoming missiles. The close combat cannons on the fleet began to shoot out dense bullets, wanting to destroy these anti-ship missiles on the way to attack.    


However, the close combat artillery was still a short-range defense system after all. It was impossible to completely rely on it to block the incoming missiles.    


In the night sky, the flashing bullets flew out one after another, and the six incoming missiles scattered not far away from the fleet. They did various kinds of maneuvering actions at the end of the missile, and then they moved in an S-shaped motion. Sometimes, it formed a U-turn at a rapid speed, and most of the bullets shot out by the close combat artillery missed and fell into the sea. Only one anti-ship missile was hit by accident and successfully detonated. In the midst of an explosion of fire, all the naval soldiers on the H Squadron watched helplessly as the last anti-ship missile dived into the three warships!    


The two anti-ship missiles first hit the head and the middle of the supply ships respectively. The dull and intense explosion caused the bow of the ship to instantly change shape. It was like a blooming flower that suddenly withered. In the end, it could not resist the power of the missile explosion. The huge hull was also heavily damaged, and a huge hole appeared. The seawater kept pouring in.    


When the supply ship was heavily damaged, the Sejong the Great that was still moving forward under the control of the computer was also hit by two missiles. The missiles hit the hull and the bridge respectively. The intense explosion blew up the bridge of the advanced destroyer. A huge hole was also blown up on the body of the warship!    


Although the frigate on Golden Wide Universe nearby had successfully hit a missile with a close range artillery shell, it still could not escape the tragic fate of being hit by the last missile. The missile plunged into the deck near the chimney, and the explosion immediately caused the frigate to lose its power. The engine room. With the warship destroyed, it was as if the warship had been paralyzed and lost all ability to fight. Even if Jin Kuanyu's frigate was dragged back to H country, such a severe injury would still require a long period of time for major cultivation.    


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