Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C26 Comrades in the Same Boat

C26 Comrades in the Same Boat

0"Little Zhao, I'm fine, what are you crying for? Stop crying! " Tang Yan patted the wailing guard, Little Zhao.    


"Captain, I'm crying right now. Oh, I can finally follow you again. Wu... It's because I wasn't able to protect you, Wu... "    


" Truly an expert among the people. I really didn't think that there would really be medical skills that can bring the dead back to life in this world. Brother Hsingchen, I am the Third Battalion Commander under Regiment Commander Tang, Zhang Feng. You saved our regiment commander. From now on, you are the great benefactor of our entire regiment. You can't leave tonight, we'll definitely have a good drink with you!" Battalion Commander Zhang happily patted Yang Hsingchen's shoulder and said.    


"That's right, that's right, Chief Chen. I, I must give you a few more drinks today." Guard Xiao Zhao said hastily as he wiped his eyes.    


"Yes, yes. And me, Brother Hsingchen, I am Little Yan's best friend, Wan Dong. You saved my brother's life, which means you saved half of my life. I have nothing to say. You can't leave tonight no matter what. " The tall and thin man held Hsingchen's hand and refused to let go.    


"Have fun, Battalion Commander Zhang, Mr Wan. I'm afraid none of you will be a match for Brother Hsingchen. On Grandpa Zi's 80th birthday, Brother Hsingchen had drunk nearly 10 catties of white wine by himself. He didn't seem to be drunk at all. Say, how many of you can drink more than him?"    


" What the hell? Brother, do you have such a good alcohol tolerance? Then I'll have two drinks with you tonight! " Tang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard Yang Hsingchen's alcohol tolerance was so good.    


"Drink more next time, Mr Yan. You're in good health and need to recover. It's better to drink less during this period of time."    


"Yes, yes. Little Yan, listen to Hsingchen. He is a godly doctor. His words were definitely correct. Didn't you have to work for a period of time in Zhongqiao Town in Yundian City? Yundian City is not very far from Dongzhu. We want to drink together. Are you afraid that we won't have a chance in the future?" Qing Yue said from the side.    


"What? Mr Yan, you work in Zhongqiao Town? That is my hometown. It just so happens that I'm planning to go back to my hometown to grow vegetables in a while. At that time, we really have time to drink." Yang Hsingchen said happily.    


"What is it? Are you from there? Then you should know about the Immortal Grove Mountain, right? " Tang Yan asked excitedly.    


"I know. I'm from the Paleo-immortal Village of Middle Bridge Town. My home is at the foot of the Immortal Grove Mountain, which is the most primitive mountain in our country. Mr Yan, won't you tell me that you fell from that mountain?"    


Tang Yan smiled bitterly, "That's right. Brother, that mountain of yours is too hard to walk. Not only were there a lot of poisonous snakes and fierce beasts, but the mountain fog was also very big, and there was no sunlight all day long. Besides, there is no path on that mountain. I was hiding from the attack of a poisonous snake. I slipped and fell down."    


"Mr Yan, can you not get lost in that mountain? That's amazing. Even our old hunter doesn't dare to go too deep." Yang Hsingchen said with admiration.    


"That's true, brother. We spent a lot of money to hire three local guides. We haven't even gone in for half a mile, but something like this happened." Tang Yan had a worried look on his face.    


"Hahaha, let me tell you. My grandfather is the most qualified one to be a guide there. When he was still alive, he would be fine even if he went 50 kilometers deep. The few guides you hired, it would already be very good if they can safely lead you for 10 kilometers without getting lost. "    


" Then, brother, have you ever been into the mountains? " Tang Yan's eyes lit up and asked.    


"Me? Although I often went in with my grandfather when I was young, ever since my grandfather passed away and I went to study abroad, it has been a long time since I went in." Yang Hsingchen told the truth.    


"That is much better than us headless flies. When I have fully recovered, I will definitely look for you. This is great. Our little sister has finally done the right thing after growing up. That is, becoming friends with you. Hahaha, brother, tell me your number. "    


When Yang Hsingchen called his number, the people beside him immediately picked up their phones and put them in. It was not only Tang Yan's family and friends, but also the group of doctors surrounding him. They all silently carried their numbers in their hearts.    


"Leisurely, lend me your Hsingchen for a while." After memorizing Yang Hsingchen's number, Tang Yan's university classmate, the tall and thin Wan Dong said with a smile.    


"What is it, Brother Wan Dong? Let me tell you, Brother Hsingchen doesn't like to go to messy places. You better not lead him astray." Tang Yuvyuv's face was full of vigilance.    


"Of course. It's like this. I know an old man who collects things. He has the authentic work of Tang Bohu in his hands. Your Brother Wan Dong doesn't have any other hobbies, but he likes to collect famous calligraphy and paintings. That's why I wanted to buy that painting, but that old man refused to sell it."    


"That old man has a granddaughter. I don't know what kind of strange illness she had three years ago. She lost consciousness in her legs. She was seen by all the famous hospitals in China and abroad. It was completely useless. The old man had said that as long as someone could cure his daughter's illness, he immediately held up a hundred million with both hands. Haha, Brother Hsingchen's medical skills are so brilliant. As long as he can cure the girl's legs... When he gets the money, I can also buy the old man's paintings. Why not everyone? "    


"I'm sorry, Mr Wan. I'm not a doctor. I won't practice medicine because of money." Yang Hsingchen, who was standing next to him, immediately refused.    


"Oh, Brother Hsingchen, I know you people do not like to do such mundane things. But please help that girl on account of the fact that both her parents died." Speaking up to this point, Wan Dong's face was filled with sorrow. It could be seen that his relationship with this family was very deep.    


"What? Her parents also died?" Yang Hsingchen's body shook slightly. Instantly, he had the feeling of being in the same boat.    


"Brother, you, you, what do you mean by this?" Tang Yan, who was standing next to him, asked in surprise.    


"Sigh, when I was young, my parents went to Immortal Forest to pick herbs. Unfortunately, they all fell off the cliff." Yang Hsingchen said sadly.    


"Ah?" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Yang Hsingchen to be an orphan.    


"Brother Hsingchen, don't be sad. You still have me!" Tang Yuvyuv's eyes were red as she hugged Yang Hsingchen's arm.    


"Yes, yes. Hsingchen, as long as you don't mind, Auntie's home is your home. You can come to Auntie's home anytime and anywhere. Let me tell you, the braised pork cooked by Auntie is very delicious. Auntie guarantee that you will still want to eat it after eating it." Tang Yuvyuv's mother, Qing Yue, said with pity.    


"Ah Ou, Mom, although the Braised Pork with Soy Sauce cooked by you is delicious, it is really not as delicious as the one cooked by Brother Hsingchen. Not to mention you, even the chefs of those star hotels can't catch up with Brother Hsingchen's dishes."    


"Old Tang, look, I've already said that girls can't be left behind when they're older. It hasn't even been long before they start talking to outsiders. This daughter has been raised for nothing." Qing Yue was happy and angry.    


"Hahaha, Little Yan is right. The biggest thing that this girl has done in the past twenty years is to get to know Hsingchen. Hsingchen, you must keep Aunt Qing's words in your heart. In the future, if you miss your parents, come to my house. Do you hear me?"    


Even if Yang Hsingchen was an idiot, he could still hear the meaning behind her words. He thought that it was better for him to leave as soon as possible. If he didn't leave, his identity as the son-in-law would definitely be confirmed. He said a few polite words and made up an excuse to treat the girl's legs. He followed Wan Dong and left in a hurry.    


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