Dragon Blood Devil Soldier

C2 Spirit Profound Martial House

C2 Spirit Profound Martial House

0continent of the firmament, Year 9619 of the Gregorian calendar, the beginning of autumn.    


The Spirit Profound Martial House was located on an astonishing mountain peak that was shrouded in clouds and mist, located in the Heavenly Flame Emperor Kingdom Region.    


At this moment, the sky was just starting to brighten, the southern gate of Spirit Profound Martial House was no longer open, a figure appeared within the mountain path, the young man walked steadily, when a fish-belly white light appeared in the distance, he had just climbed the mountain cliff.    


The youth faced the east, his bright eyes staring at the rising sun. When the first rays of sunlight slowly shone down from above his head, he immediately closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.    


The surrounding airflow seemed to come alive in an instant. As he breathed, it quickly entered his body. A warm current flowed through his limbs and bones, finally converging into the top of his head, filling his head with wisdom.    


This continued for half an hour before he stopped absorbing. He opened his mouth and spat out some impure air. When he opened his eyes, a strange purple light flashed across them.    


"The sun rises from the east and the purple qi comes from the east. This is indeed the purest time of the day." The youth raised his head and looked at the rising sun. The sun was shining on his face, revealing a delicate and pretty face. His skin was the color of healthy wheat, and his black hair was fluttering in the wind.    


His name was Long Bufan, and like his name, he had some extraordinary experience. As an outstanding special forces soldier, his mission was to obey the orders of his superiors, and he would even sacrifice his life to complete the mission!    


However, when he was poisoned to death in the middle of his mission, his soul crossed over to a foreign space and possessed a little boy.    


The young boy at that time was emaciated, or perhaps he was too tired, and died before Long Bufan's soul could enter his body. After that, the memories of Long Bufan's soul and body fused together. Only then did he learn that the little boy was a pitiful orphan, and that he was sold to the Spirit Profound Martial House as a servant boy. He did not have a name.    


As a result, Long Bufan could only continue to live the little boy's previous life, keeping his head low and nurturing his hazy, silently training his thin and weak body. Fortunately, he was a special forces soldier in his previous life and knew some basic medical knowledge, thus, he was able to gather some medicinal herbs that could strengthen his body.    


Long Bufan also understood that this world was completely different from the technology of his previous life. Most of the people here revered martial arts, had a strong body, and had long lifespans. Unlike in his previous life, the world was more inclined to use the brain, creating many tools that were convenient for humans. Moreover, the environmental pollution was so severe that most people were weak and sickly.    


"I haven't slept in vain after all these years." Long Bufan felt the strong Qi channels in his body, and the corners of his mouth curled into a satisfied smile. Just now, the vomiting method was the basic technique of the Spirit Profound Martial House, the Qi condensation method of the Purple Qi, which allowed him to absorb the Qi at the beginning of the day to refine his body.    


After that, Long Bufan took out the hatchet on his belt, walked to a place filled with trees, and started his day's work, cutting down firewood. As the service disciple of the Spirit Profound Martial House, his daily duty was to prepare food for everyone in the sect. Today, it was his turn to go up the mountain and cut down wood.    


Long Bufan bent his waist and lowered his body, holding onto the handle of the axe, the axe moved with the muscles in his arm, and with each swing, it cut down on the tree trunk steadily and powerfully. The axe blade was not sharp, even though it was difficult to cut, Long Bufan was still enjoying the process. He was sweating profusely, because it was better to temper his strength.    


Not long after, the thick and solid tree trunk finally toppled backwards with a crack. The dense foliage swept up the dust on the ground.    


With the axe in hand, all the messy branches and leaves were sliced off and turned into pieces of wood by Long Bufan. Then, he used some nearby grass to make a simple grass vine and tied the wood into a large pile.    


After doing all that, Long Bufan stopped to rest. Panting, he used his hand to wipe the sweat on his face, but it was good that he did not wipe it off.    


, who was already used to it, casually pulled out a small clump of grass from the ground, placed it into his mouth, and then spat it out to gently wipe the wound on his palm. People who do heavy physical work or practice martial arts had to frequently use medicinal herbs to cure their body, if not, they would have hidden injuries, and after accumulating a lot of them, they could get sick, or even die.    


This herb was called Iron Thread Grass, and it was just like its name suggested. Although the green liquid squeezed out of the Iron Thread Grass had healing effects, it still stung the wound like it was brushed by an iron wire.    


Long Bufan's face was expressionless, as if he was already long accustomed to this kind of pain.    


Actually, it was even more effective than the Iron Thread Grass, and there were a lot of mild medicinal herbs, but the expensive price made Long Bufan exclaim. Usually, cultivation resources were tight, he was more than willing to spend more on them.    


"Whap." Long Bufan kicked with his right foot, borrowing the force to kick up the wooden pile. With a swing of his arm, he hoisted the wooden pile that was more than one hundred kilograms over his shoulder, and walked on the rugged goosebumps as if it were flat ground.    


After passing through a small path, they quickly arrived at the Spirit Profound Martial House. Outside of the big gates stood a large stone, which had four large golden words carved on it.    


Spirit Profound Martial House.    


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