Godly Pet Evolution System

C9 Ferula Jade Flower

C9 Ferula Jade Flower

0While Lee Kaiyuan was making a mockery of himself in front of the large crowd, Feng Yixiu had already pulled himself and Shen Ruyu away from all the noise. The others didn't even notice that their newly exposed idols were already gone.    


The pair walked side by side to the orphanage. Under the dim light, one could see how their shadows intertwined with every step that they take.    


"Lee Kaiyuan's an asshole, but at least he's a man of his word," Feng Yixiu mused, shaking his head. He glanced in her direction. "Why don't I treat you to a big meal? We have some time anyway."    


A small smile stretched across his features as he thought back to how their class president had made an utter fool of himself. Without another word, he waved over a cab and pulled Shen Ruyu with him.    


Not long after, they finally arrived at the great place he had promised–the food court!    


"Is this the 'big meal' you were referring to?" She nudged him by the shoulders and helplessly rolled her eyes, but even she wasn't able to suppress the joy etched across her features.    


"Hey, you wound me, isn't this a big enough meal? There's wine, meat, and seafood–your favorite crayfish is just around here anyway."    


Feng Yixiu pouted. He grabbed a bottle of beer from one of the bars, but just as he was about to take a sip, the bottle was wrenched from his grip.    


"Don't forget, you're still underage!"    


Shen Ruyu held the bottle up to her chest as she leveled with the fifteen-year-old. While they were the same age, she had always been there to lecture him whenever the situation had called for it.    


"Fine, fine! Excuse me, could I have a bottle of milk? Make that a big one!"    


Feng Yixiu waved his hands up in the air, trying to catch the attention of the female boss at the other side of the counter.    


"It's here, it's here." A middle-aged woman neared the pair, slamming the pitcher of milk onto the table. Her eyes crinkled at the sight, greeting them. "Here's the milk and two glasses for you and your little girlfriend. You kids really do grow up fast."    


He had actually worked around this side of the stall before, so he was familiar with the other vendors. They always treated him nicely around here.    


"I–Miss, don't speak...I'm not his girlfriend–" Shen Ruyu stuttered out as she turned beet red from the woman's words.    


"Your girlfriend is shy I see." The woman laughed. "All right, all right. I won't disturb you anymore. Enjoy your drinks."    


Shen Ruyu immediately grabbed the pitcher and filled the two glasses in front of them. Once they were all filled up, she raised her glass towards him.    


"Congratulations on awakening your battle spirit bloodline!" she exclaimed gleefully.    


"Please, I should be the one congratulating you!" Feng Yixiu clinked his glass with hers. "You're the one who almost burned the whole school down! You're practically a legend."    


"Hey! I thought you wouldn't bring that up!"    


The two burst into laughter. After a moment of silence, something else crossed his mind. He downed his milk in one gulp and glanced up at her. "But hey, why weren't you happy about awakening your bloodline" He frowned. "It's as if you already know you have..."    


However, before he could state his case, Shen Ruyu clapped her hands in attention.    


"Wait! I forgot your present!"    


Just then, she pulled out a scented sachet from her bag. There, on the silky surface was an embroidery of a pink flower. At least, it looked like a flower from what he could tell. She wasn't the greatest when it came to embroidery.    


"I knew you wouldn't forget my birthday!" Feng Yixiu grabbed the sachet from her hand as he examined the intricate threadings. "Is this a...lotus?"    


"That's the Ferula Jade Flower, you idiot," Shen Ruyu snapped, pouting. She reached out her hands. "It's my favorite flower. Look, if you don't like it, you can just give it ba–"    


"I like it! How can I not?"    


Not wanting to anger her, Feng Yixiu shoved it into his bag. The last thing he wanted was for her to take it back.    


Before she could say anything else, the middle-aged woman finally arrived with a large bowl of spicy crayfish. "If this isn't enough, don't hesitate to call out for more, okay?"    


"Thank you!" Feng Yixiu smiled. "Come one, let's eat."    


Honestly, Shen Ruyu cared a lot about her soft demeanor, but even she couldn't hide the doubled amount of shells on her plate. It was obvious that she was the one who's enjoying this more. Even then, the two never really judged each other. This had always been their thing.    


After they had their fair share of crayfish and milk, the two took a taxi back to the orphanage. Or to be more specific, their social welfare home.    


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