I'm Tycoon

C134 Home Yacht

C134 Home Yacht

0As far as Lu Yuan was concerned, as long as there was a suit that could function as a swimsuit, it would be fine. There wasn't that much trouble.    


"Mister truly has good eyes. This young lady is truly fortunate to have a boyfriend like this. Why don't we just wrap them all up for you?" The sales staff are very good at cutting holes.    


Huang Jingjing's eyes widened when she heard what the sales staff said. For her, this was the first time she had this kind of shopping experience. Although he knew that these swimsuits were first-line brands and were worth a lot, they were nothing more than a drop in the ocean for Lu Yuan.    


Lu Yuan was completely capable of bearing such consumption. However, the most naive Huang Jingjing told herself that this was not what she wanted, and she did not advocate extravagance and waste.    


So Huang Jingjing, in a situation where it was extremely difficult to choose, picked out three swimsuits that she would never give up on and took them to pay the bill.    


Huang Jingjing held the swimsuit Lu Yuan bought for her and whispered in her ear, "Do you want to see me in my swimsuit?" After that, he disappeared without a trace.    


Lu Yuan, who was left alone, stood on the spot and thought back to what Huang Jingjing had left him. At this moment, all he could think about was the appearance of Huang Jingjing in her swimsuit, and his thoughts drifted to the seaside.    


"You are my horizon …" Lu Yuan's vulgar ringtone rang at an inopportune moment, forcefully pulling Lu Yuan back from his fantasy.    


Lu Yuan picked up the phone and realized it was Steward Lee. The two of them had not contacted each other since the summer vacation. Lu Yuan didn't know why the other party was looking for him at this time.    


"Hello, Steward Lee, is something the matter?" Lu Yuan answered the phone and said.    


"Mr. Lu, I heard you went back to school. Are you busy?" Steward Lee said indifferently.    


Lu Yuan thought Steward Lee had something important to do, but it turned out to be a routine housekeeper's concern.    


"I am busy..." Lu Yuan replied mechanically.    


"That Mr. Lu, if there's anything I can help you with, call me anytime!" Steward Lee laughed as he spoke.    


"Oh, by the way, I'm probably going out on a cruise tomorrow. Can you help me think about what I need to prepare?" Lu Yuan suddenly thought of this critical matter, hoping to get some help from Steward Lee.    


Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Steward Lee felt that this was the time to show off his ability. He directly talked about a lot of things that Lu Yuan did not know about.    


There were also some swimming equipment and diving equipment, even fishing rods and yachts.    


Most of the names Liu mentioned were a Swedish brand called Poseidon, which is said to be the Royal Navy's swimming and diving equipment brand.    


Steward Lee told Lu Yuan that if Lu Yuan needed it, he could immediately arrange someone to customize a set for him. As long as he was willing to invest capital, he could rush out overnight and get it by tomorrow as soon as possible.    


Although Lu Yuan was not very interested in these brands, hearing Steward Lee talk about the Royal family made him feel very superior. Thinking about how he only had a pair of ordinary swimming trunks, he couldn't help but feel a little shabby.    


Therefore, he told Steward Lee to customize it for him and he could get it tomorrow.    


At the same time, Lu Yuan only found out today that there were two yachts parked at the seaside in his family and now they have completely inherited Lu Yuan's name. As long as Lu Yuan was willing, a phone call could appear in front of Lu Yuan.    


The next morning, Lu Yuan received an unfamiliar number. The person said it was arranged by Steward Lee and had now arrived at the school gate. Due to the school's rules, nobody was allowed to enter the school, so Lu Yuan could only come out to pick up the stuff.    


A seemingly capable young man waved his hand from Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan saw a black suitcase piled beside him. It was probably the diving swimming equipment that Steward Lee had arranged for someone to make for Lu Yuan.    


After checking everything out in front of Lu Yuan, the young man opened a slender black box.    


Lu Yuan took a closer look and saw a dark green fishing rod. There were only the words "at least 100 million watts" on the box, it seemed to be its brand name. Lu Yuan had no idea about these things, but it was obvious that Steward Lee had prepared them for him.    


After taking these things, the young man drove off, and Lu Yuan had no choice but to put all these things on his "Lying Dragon".    


After doing all this, Lu Yuan received a call from Du Qiangwei. Du Qiangwei invited Lu Yuan to meet up at a port, and Lu Yuan drove off in his car without a second word.    


After meeting up with Poison Rose, Du Qiangwei relied on her admission ticket to bring Lu Yuan on board the boat. Then, she instructed the service personnel to move the two people's belongings onto the boat.    


After getting on the boat, Lu Yuan and Du Qiangwei went to their respective locker rooms and changed into swimsuits that they had prepared beforehand.    


Lu Yuan was waiting for Du Qiangwei at the door of the locker room. Not long later, he seemed to see a gray elf appear in front of his eyes.    


Du Qiangwei was wearing a grey and white bathing suit, but it wasn't just a grey and white one-piece. There were also many blue cracks on it, making it look very harmonious.    


Du Qiangwei noticed that Lu Yuan was staring at her. She subconsciously turned her body around to show the design of her back. The swimsuit that Du Qiangwei was wearing had a big cut on the back that went all the way down to her waist, revealing Du Qiangwei's white and slender back.    


Needless to say, any normal man would drool at the sight of such a scene. Lu Yuan was also dumbfounded.    


Du Qiangwei walked slowly towards Lu Yuan and asked gracefully, "Sir, can I hold you?"    


Du Qiangwei directly put her hand on Lu Yuan's wrist. Lu Yuan immediately felt as if he was electrocuted and woke up.    


"Of course you can!" Lu Yuan regained his composure and spoke in an elegant manner. Then, he bent his arm in a natural arc.    


Du Qiangwei walked out of the locker room with Lu Yuan in her arms, as if they were wearing a formal attire instead of a swimsuit. When they walked out, they felt that they were very elegant, causing the waiters along the way to sneer.    


The two of them also realized this and awkwardly smiled, separating their hands.    


Just like that, the two of them arrived at the core area of the cruise ship, where the people participating in the mission were gathered.    


The entire cruise ship was around five stories tall. Not only were there areas for resting, entertainment, and entertainment, but they had also created an indoor playground for swimming and diving.    


Lu Yuan followed Du Qiangwei to the gathering place. There were already a lot of people gathered there. They were all wearing all kinds of swimsuits, carrying champagne or drinks, chatting in groups of three or five.    


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