Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing was startled: "I, I deserve it."    


Fu Jie laughed: This is what you deserve! Don't worry, I, Fu Jie will not treat anyone unfairly. Especially people who can do real things for the company. I hope that my eyes are right, that you can advance and advance together with the Xinyuan Company. The company is in good shape right now, and Shenzhen has also improved a lot. I intend to bring out my phone brand by the end of this year and the beginning of next year at the latest. Now we make the reverse order, make the three-yard machine high imitation machine, are all speculative, in order to long-term development, we must make our own brand. There is also the wireless public service, too dependent on the operator's policy, is not a long-term strategy. So the company has to complete the transition within a year, still diversified, but focusing on its own mobile brand. My goal is to make a net profit of more than 20 million within two years and to apply for a public offering within three years.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Director Fu has foresight.    


Fu Jie said. Of course, this requires the combined efforts of everyone in the Xinyuan Company. I'll fly to Shenzhen in a few days and then come back to work on the next step. When you and Fu Zhenxin return, I will give you a few very important tasks. You were prepared in advance. It was time to make a big scene!    


Huang Xing said: Thank you, Director Fu. I will spare no effort.    


Fu Jie raised his coffee cup and clinked it against Huang Xing's, laughing: I wish Xinyuan Company a safe journey!    


In Fu Jie's mouth, the long-term and short-term plans of the Xinyuan Company were planted in his heart like a fire seed. This made him unable to help but make a firm resolution that he would definitely make a big fight while standing at the top. Fu Jie was a heroine amongst women with courage and power. After talking about the company's development plans, Fu Jie brought Huang Xing to her study room and found two books on management to give to Huang Xing. One of them was < oneself is a treasure > by the world-famous motivational master Chen Anzhi, and the other was < China Style Management > by Zeng Shiqiang.    


Huang Xing sat on the bed in his study and flipped through a few pages. Fu Jie sat on the computer chair and looked at Huang Xing quietly, saying, "This time you and Fu Zhenxin are on a business trip, you can find some time to take a good look at these two books."    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "The book is not bad." Thank you, Director Fu. I will bring it back to you after I read it.    


Fu Jie laughed and said, what are you giving me, it's for you!    


Huang Xing was overwhelmed by the favor. He could tell how high Fu Jie's expectations for him were.    


To a certain extent, Huang Xing really hoped that time would stop. Looking at Fu Jie's shocking appearance, he really wanted to read books and admire her. He really wanted to pretend to be a gentleman, so he stood up and said, it's getting late, I should go back. But his legs wouldn't obey him and he couldn't stand up. He was very conflicted in his heart. It was already so late, and it was inconvenient for Fu Jie to order him to leave, but he kept thinking that it would take more than one minute to do so. Even though he didn't say anything, he just silently looked at her.    


Huang Xing felt that he had gone berserk. He was actually so nostalgic and obsessed with this noble female boss in front of him.    


A few minutes later, Fu Jie suddenly stood up. Huang Xing originally thought that she was going to send off the guest, but she did not expect that Fu Jie actually laughed and said: It's getting late, I'm too lazy to send you home. Why don't you stay for the night.    




The book in Huang Xing's hands almost fell to the ground.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie in shock, but his heart was filled with yearning yet also a little disappointed. What does it mean for a single woman to let a man stay? Ever since he met Fu Jie, Huang Xing's entire person had changed. Every time he was in bed with Ouyang Mengjiao, his mind would only be filled with Fu Jie's image. He did not dare to hope that something would happen between him and this noble female boss. Even if he only looked at her from so close up, it would still be an incomparable happiness and satisfaction. She was too beautiful. But at this moment, the goddess that he had always been yearning for actually hinted at him to stay behind and accompany her, which made Huang Xing feel completely helpless. To put it bluntly, Huang Xing looked forward to Fu Jie's favor, but he didn't want her to be a woman who could sleep with men as she pleased.    


Huang Xing felt very nauseous, and tentatively rejected the offer: "No, how about I take a taxi back?"    


Fu Jie laughed: Save it. Listen to me and stay. Coincidentally, tomorrow morning we still have to go to Haihua Merchant Hall together, I will introduce you to Hai Hua's higher-ups. Once the Haihua Merchant Hall took them down, the Hai Hua Group would be the biggest customer of the Xinyuan Company. Each item that we sell in Haihua Merchant Hall is a pure profit of over fifty thousand. So I want you to put in some effort in maintaining old and new customers in the future. See if you can form an institutionalization. Because the company is not well managed, until now, we only focus on developing new customers, lack of maintenance to old customers, resulting in a lot of customer losses.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Actually, I have considered this too. We can divide the customer into several grades according to the amount of signing and comprehensive strength of the customer, which customers need to send to which specifications and types of gifts, can form a specific mentoring program, and can also cover the customer to individual. Of course, on the whole, we should adhere to the principle of who is responsible for who develops who.    


Fu Jie lightly patted Huang Xing's shoulder and said, "Then you handle this properly."    


Fu Jie then walked out of the room, leaving Huang Xing alone in the study room, his heart racing. He felt his entire body tremble. He pulled at his cheek in pain. It didn't seem like he was dreaming. Everything in the room was real, too, without any illusory signs. A few of Fu Jie's clothes were folded neatly on a small single bed. A pink pillow was placed in the middle of the bed. Huang Xing's body suddenly felt hot and dry, a wonderful scene appeared in his mind.    


His crotch had already risen up a huge mountain. Huang Xing thought, was this the beginning?    


Had it really begun like this?    


Too unexpected, too sudden, too unbelievable.    


Of course, Huang Xing was just too excited. He remembered that day in the Gindelli when he queued up. Due to the crowd, that sort of subtle physical contact had made him ecstatic. But now, Fu Jie actually took the initiative to throw himself into his arms ? Heavens, wasn't this happiness too sudden?    


Uncontrollably, he imagined the sound of light footsteps approaching. Huang Xing's heart surged to the peak. He was thinking, could it be that Fu Jie had already changed to a new set of sexy clothes ?    


But in reality, when Fu Jie reappeared, she was still the same as before. That beautiful dress was so beautiful when it was worn on her body. He even wanted to take the initiative to pounce on her and use his madness to explain the long time he had spent worshipping and dreaming about her. It was hard to imagine what kind of beauty and temptation her body must have. Huang Xing had once inadvertently spied on Fu Zhenxin's body through a coincidence, and that had left a kind of eternal shock in his heart. He couldn't help but believe that Fu Jie's body would definitely be more attractive and shocking.    


Fu Jie laughed, and suddenly extended his hand out towards Huang Xing. Huang Xing's heart trembled, he thought that the flirtatious scene had begun, and wanted to reach out and grab her hand, but suddenly discovered that there was a key in her hand.    


Just as he was hesitating, Fu Jie said: "I am returning to the Dragon District and have three houses, all in this building." Fu Zhenxin has lived in one house, I have lived in another, and another is empty. You can stay there tonight.    


Huang Xing suddenly realized.    


There was an indescribable sense of loss in his heart, but there was also an inexplicable sense of relief.    


He had been thinking too much, and had been thinking too much.    


Huang Xing suddenly felt that he was very dirty. Taking the key, he smiled awkwardly and said: Thank you, Director Fu.    


Fu Jie brought Huang Xing to room 302, and said, "Good night, sleep early," before returning to his room. Huang Xing gazed at her back with a kind of indescribable regret.    


This house wasn't too big. It was around 70 square meters, with two rooms and one living room. But the furniture was clean and tidy. It looked like Fu Jie was defending the whole time. Huang Xing yawned and entered his bedroom. He quickly took off his clothes and turned off the light, preparing to have a good sleep.    


But in fact, it was hard for him to sleep. Many scenes lingered in his mind, hazy and dreamlike.    


He thought of many things.    


Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a knock on the door.    


Huang Xing's sleepiness was driven away by a knock on the door, he tried calling out: Who?    


From outside, a sweet female voice rang out: It's me, Fu Jie.    




Huang Xing's thought that had originally been extinguished was once again lit ablaze. He said, "Come in." Then he quickly covered himself with the blanket and turned on the lamp.    


He discovered that the blanket could cover his body, but not the rest. He was a little conflicted in his heart. Should he wear clothes and welcome Fu Jie? But by the time he could react, it was already too late. Fu Jie had already walked in softly.    


Fu Jie still wore her dress, and in her hands she was holding a light goose feather quilt.    


Did he really come here to throw himself into her arms?    


Huang Xing's blood boiled once again. He sat up and caught the goose feather quilt that Fu Jie threw to him. It was very, very soft, and the scent of Fu Jie's body seemed to be wafting from it.    


Seeing Huang Xing taking off his clothes to sleep, Fu Jie felt a little awkward. She laughed and said, If it's cold at night, cover yourself with a blanket.    


Huang Xing was shocked, thinking that Fu Jie came over purely to deliver the quilt for him?    


Was he dreaming again?    


Huang Xing felt that he had gone mad. It was just that it was too late for Fu Jie to ask him to stay at home. She was so noble and charming, how could she so easily throw herself into the arms of a small figure like him?    


When Fu Jie said "Good night" again and left, Huang Xing finally realized that everything was just an illusion.    


But as he watched Fu Jie's figure leave, he had an impulse to go forward and hug her.    


When Fu Jie went out, he turned off the light, and then locked the door. Huang Xing felt that she wasn't just locking the door, but also locking it with her own naive fantasies.    


Huang Xing could not help but be shocked by the urgent ringtone.    


He grabbed his clothes and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, only then did he know that it was Ouyang Mengjiao calling.    


After answering, Ouyang Mengjiao's anxious voice came out: What are you doing, why haven't you come back yet?    


Huang Xing said apologetically: I'm not going back, there's something I need to do here.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Then where do you live?    


Huang Xing didn't dare to speak the truth. I'm at a classmate's house. I've had too much to drink in the evening, so I'm staying here.    


Ouyang Mengjiao chided: I thought you had gone missing and didn't say anything, causing me to be very worried. Alright, then go to bed early. Remember to wake up early to work.    


Reminiscing about Fu Jie's peerless grace, Huang Xing forgot to amuse himself.    


Suddenly, he heard a faint sound.    


It was like someone was opening the door with a key...    


Huang Xing's first reaction was to see if a thief had come. However, the door was quickly opened and the light footsteps gave him a sense of the opposite sex.    


Could it be that Fu Jie had returned?    


Thinking about it this way, Huang Xing's emotions were ignited once again. This was Fu Jie's home. Other than Fu Jie, who else could open the door with a key? But Huang Xing could not understand, if Fu Jie really wanted to do something, why did he have to pretend to be a proper woman and send him to this empty room? As she thought about it, Huang Xing came up with some ideas. Fu Jie was a woman after all, so no matter how lonely a single woman was, it was difficult for her to take the initiative to ask a man for it. Thus, while he slept, Fu Jie first used the excuse of sending out the blanket to scout out the way, and then quietly opened the door, taking the initiative to throw himself into the arms of another ? Fu Jie sneaking into the room in such a way made Huang Xing's blood boil once again.    


But in reality, Fu Jie did not turn on the light. And then the sound of the shower...    


She was taking a bath?    


Huang Xing pressed his trembling hand to his heart, feeling that the happiness had come too suddenly. Huang Xing pinched his thigh time and time again. The continuous pain made him certain that this was definitely not a dream. The sound of water gurgling could be heard. Her clean and pure body formed a beautiful picture in Huang Xing's mind. The sound of the water was extremely sexy, stirring up every single nerve in Huang Xing's body. It was like a magic melody, causing Huang Xing's entire body to tremble intensely.    


The entrance to heaven seemed to be getting closer and closer.    


The sound of the water was getting fainter and fainter, slowly dripping.    


With a crisp "pa deng" sound, the lights in the bathroom were turned off. Fu Jie walked into the bedroom lightly.    


Huang Xing was so excited that he did not know what to do. He wanted to reach out and turn on the lamp, but he was worried that the weak light would reveal this magic of his to the world.    


As Fu Jie's figure got closer, she also did not turn on the lights. Instead, she used the light from her phone's screen to stand calmly in front of the bed.    


Using this weak light, Huang Xing could vaguely see that she was only wearing a bath towel. The darkness did not cover her white and smooth skin, nor her curvaceous and curvy devilish figure. Huang Xing wanted to open his eyes wide to take a good look, but he was worried that his burning gaze would hurt his dreamlike emotions.    


He quietly watched Fu Jie as he rummaged through the drawer of the bedside table, then she straightened up.    


Suddenly, her bath towel slipped from her body ?    


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