Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



0In the middle of the afternoon, when Chen Shan was about to do that kind of thing, Han Qian was initially somewhat reluctant. However, after a few caresses from Chen Shan, her body gradually softened and she groaned under his body.    


Han Qian had been raised in the city for more than two months, and her skin was even whiter and more tender. Her complexion was also better than before, and she looked even more beautiful.    


Chen Shan grabbed her butt, which was so smooth that he almost lost his grip.    


At this moment, Han Qian was also somewhat eager, but Chen Shan's rude actions caused Han Qian to feel a little pain.    


Han Qian felt that Chen Shan was like a wild beast that had been in heat all this time, lying on top of her body, completely ignoring her feelings.    


Chen Shan's attacks became fiercer and fiercer, and Han Qian's voice became louder and louder, like a small boat swaying in response to his movements.    


Immersed in her desire, Han Qian unexpectedly thought of Zhao Bin.    


If it was Zhao Bin, he would have definitely stroked her very gently, taking into account her feelings ?    




Chen Shan forced his way in. Han Qian felt a slight pain on her face and frowned as she endured for a while. Soon after, she was drowned by the increasingly intense waves.    


The moment she reached the peak of her power, the one she was thinking of was actually Zhao Bin.    


Because Chen Shan was too excited, the battle ended very quickly. It was so fast that Han Qian was not yet done with it. She felt embarrassed and thought to herself, "What's wrong with me? Previously, I would never have coveted something like this ?"    


However, with her husband's physical strength, once was definitely not enough. Han Qian waited expectantly for the next time. Who would have thought that after Chen Shan put on his clothes, he would be preparing to leave.    


Han Qian looked surprised. "Where are you going?"    


"The Chun Xiu's land hasn't been watered yet. She can't even lift a single woman. I'll go help her."    


Han Qian held back her anger and asked, "Does she have a husband? Why are you so worried?"    


"Did you not know that her husband was killed in a car accident at the construction site the year before last?"    


After saying this, Chen Shan walked out the door, leaving Han Qian alone on the brick bed, sulking.    


If she hadn't cheated, she really couldn't think of any other reason that could cause Chen Shan to care so much about Li Chunxiu. However, seeing that Chen Shan's attitude towards her did not change, Han Qian felt that it was different.    


After thinking about it for a while, she became extremely upset.    


The lights went out early in the morning in the countryside. Basically, he also fell asleep around seven or eight o'clock.    


Han Qian lay on the brick bed, tossing and turning. Normally, at this time, she and Zhao Bin had just finished dinner and were sitting on the sofa watching TV for a while.    


Why did he think of Zhao Bin ? Han Qian turned her head, and she could see the sleeping Chen Shan beside her. Looking at his honest sleeping face, a faint feeling of guilt arose in her heart.    


Right, the phone beside his pillow suddenly vibrated.    


Han Qian picked it up and saw that it was a call from Zhao Bin!    


She got up and ran to the backyard to pick up the phone.    


Han Qian answered in a low voice, "Brother Zhao?"    


"Is it convenient to speak?"    


Hearing Zhao Bin's voice, Han Qian realized that she was actually quite happy.    


"No, go ahead, Brother Zhao."    


Zhao Bin went straight to the point. "Qian Qian, I missed you."    


Unknowingly, Zhao Bin's way of addressing Han Qian had changed from calling her Little Qian and now sounded even more intimate.    


A low, sexy voice came over the phone, as if Zhao Bin was speaking into her ear. Han Qian felt as if half her body had gone numb.    


"I can't stand thinking about you right now, so I'll give you a call."    


The more Zhao Bin said, the more emotional he became, causing Han Qian's heart to gradually soften.    


She was a rural woman and she was even married. How could she be liked by Zhao Bin so much?    


Zhao Bin continued to talk to himself for a long time, making Han Qian blush even more.    


"Brother Zhao ?" Han Qian said coquettishly with a bashful expression on her face.    


Moonlight shone down on her beautiful face, making her skin as white as jade. Unfortunately, Zhao Bin could not see this scene, otherwise, his heart would have been moved.    


The two chatted for a while before Zhao Bin reluctantly hung up the phone.    


After putting down the phone, Han Qian felt that she was sweet, as if she was soaking in honey.    


She was about to enter the house with her cellphone when she suddenly heard some unusual noises coming from the cornfield in the backyard.    


Her backyard was connected to an endless field of corn. The countryside was full of people who went to other people's homes to break the corn, so Han Qian's heart skipped a beat as she prepared to go see what was going on.    


She wanted to see who was so shameless as to steal from someone else's cornfield.    


After walking a few steps, he suddenly realized that there was a voice coming from the front.    


Han Qian halted her steps and listened attentively. There was actually more than one person!    


As she got closer, she realized that the speaker was a man and a woman. Soon after, Han Qian heard the rustling of clothes, and an ambiguous sound was transmitted over along with the breeze.    


Han Qian's face instantly turned red. No matter how foolish she was, she knew what had happened to her.    


It was unknown which couple in the village was so shameless to mess around in someone else's house!    


Han Qian was a little angry. Thinking up to here, she carefully pulled away the corn leaves, ready to see it clearly.    


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