Awakening Of The Berserk System

C194 The Heavenly Tribulation Team

C194 The Heavenly Tribulation Team

0Sure enough, with the little dragon's reminder, Zhang Tianhao discovered a black-clothed assassin rushing forward. His speed was very fast.    


"It's you!"    


Zhang Tianhao caught up with him.    


After chasing for a while, Zhang Tianhao found that the assassin had disappeared in front of him. This slightly stunned him.    


"Boss, the assassin is under your feet!"    


Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat.    


"Divine Walking Hundred Changes!"    


Zhang Tianhao's body swayed like a pendulum. In the blink of an eye, he appeared ten meters away. In the next second, the ground where he was suddenly exploded.    


One man and one sword broke through. A sharp sword light pierced through.    


"Who are you?" The assassin looked at Zhang Tianhao with a cold expression.    


"I am the one who killed you," Zhang Tianhao said calmly.    


When the assassin saw Zhang Tianhao's face, his expression changed. He shouted, "You are Zhang Tianhao?"    


"It's too late to know now!"    


Swallow Fluttering Shadow!    


With a sway of his body, Zhang Tianhao appeared in front of the assassin in the blink of an eye and threw a punch at him.    


The Vajra Fist ___!    


The overbearing Vajra Fist carried an indestructible force as it slashed down at the assassin.    


"Wind Floating Flash!"    


The assassin turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in front of Zhang Tianhao.    


"Let's see who is faster!"    


Zhang Tianhao pushed the Swallow Fluttering Shadow to its limit. It wasn't any slower than the assassin. The Cloud Slashing Palm was unleashed.    


"Flowing Cloud!"    


The surrounding temperature dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant. Endless cold currents seeped into the assassin's body.    




The assassin instantly shivered. With the cold current entering his body, his speed instantly decreased by a lot.    


Zhang Tianhao's eyes turned cold. He had also unleashed the Divine Walking Hundred Changes to its limit. He turned into a shadow and appeared beside the assassin. The Cloud Slashing Palm was sent out once again.    


"Full of clouds and moon!"    


"Ding Dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for using the Cloud Slashing Palm to trigger the paralysis effect."    


The assassin instantly felt his entire body stiffen, and all of his strength was instantly eliminated.    




Zhang Tianhao threw a punch towards the assassin's heart, and it was aimed straight at his heart.    




Zhang Tianhao's punch landed on the assassin's body. However, what made Zhang Tianhao puzzled was that when this punch landed, he felt something different. It was as if the punch didn't hit a solid object.    


Following a violent explosion. The assassin's body was torn apart. It turned into a ball of Blood Mist.    


"What's going on?"    


Zhang Tianhao felt a little puzzled.    


The next second, Zhang Tianhao saw the assassin appear more than ten meters away. He stood still.    


Golden Cicada shedding its shell?    


Zhang Tianhao was shocked.    


"Nine Piercing Stream!"    


The assassin transformed into hundreds of sword shadows and lunged at Zhang Tianhao from all directions. His speed was extremely fast. Every strike was so fast that Zhang Tianhao couldn't even see it clearly.    


What kind of sword technique was this!    


"Crunch!" Zhang Tianhao unsheathed his long blade.    


"Break it open!"    


"A cold glance!"    


"The Ice Sealing Three-foot!"    


"[Red Apricot in Snow]!"    


"Prosperous Peach!"    


Zhang Tianhao slashed out hundreds and thousands of blade shadows. The shadows of the blade shadows were crazily killing the surrounding sword shadows.    


However, the opponent's speed was just too fast. It was so fast that Zhang Tianhao couldn't tell the real body of the opponent.    


"Xiaolong! Help me lock onto the opponent!" Zhang Tianhao said to the little dragon.    




Since he couldn't lock onto the opponent with his sight, he would use his sense of smell.    


The martial skills that these assassins practiced were very strange. Although Zhang Tianhao wasn't a bad person, when he attacked, he was still very passive when faced with the endless attacks of his opponent.    


"Alright, boss, I know which one it is."    


"Alright, Xiaolong, get rid of him. Boss, I'll make roast meat for you to eat." Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed and said to Little Long.    


When Little Long heard that there was roast meat to eat, he immediately became happy.    


This assassin was good at rapid attacks. This matched his movement technique. After all, the most important thing for an assassin was to end the battle as soon as possible. A prolonged battle would be disadvantageous to him.    


"Break for me!"    


When the assassin saw that Zhang Tianhao's defense was slow, he thought that Zhang Tianhao would not be able to defend in time. He was overjoyed. If he could kill ___, it would be a great merit.    


"Illusion Killing Sword!"    


Over a hundred sword shadows rained down on Zhang Tianhao like raindrops. Their killing intent was boundless, as if they wanted to kill Zhang Tianhao like a sieve.    


Seeing that Zhang Tianhao was about to be drowned by the endless sword rain, he let out a loud laugh. A look of confidence appeared on his face.    


"Red Apricot in the Snow!"    


Zhang Tianhao's body floated up like a swallow. His eyes were solemn as he slashed out with the Snow Drinking Wild Blade in his hand. Dozens of blade lights formed a prison, trapping and killing the assassin.    




The assassin was shocked. It seemed like he didn't expect Zhang Tianhao to find out his true identity. He was caught off guard. In a split second, the endless saber light had sealed him in another spatial zone. The endless saber light slashed towards him.    




That assassin was instantly covered in cuts and bruises, his entire body covered in blood and flesh.    


"Snow Treading Seeking Plum!"    


Zhang Tianhao attacked with his saber and legs at the same time. Like a spinning top, he formed a killing weapon, and rushed towards the assassin. Endless blade light slashed through the sky and earth.    




The assassin's body flew dozens of meters away. The blood groove above his head immediately disappeared. Only the last bit was left.    


The assassin seemed to know that if he didn't leave soon, he would be finished. He quickly fled into the distance. But how could Zhang Tianhao let him do as he wished? He exerted the Swallow Fluttering Shadow to its limit. He chased after the assassin.    


After being seriously injured, the assassin's speed had become much slower. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianhao had caught up to him.    


"Die!" Zhang Tianhao slashed down with his blade.    


This slash was not fancy at all. It was a direct slash, but it carried a terrifying killing intent.    




The assassin's head was instantly sent flying by this sharp blade. His head moved.    


"Ding Dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Heaven's Punishment No.7 assassin. Experience Points: 10,000 True Qi, 1000 Berserk Energy: 10"    


Zhang Tianhao shook his head. Someone who was weaker than him. After killing him, the amount of experience he could get was very low. He didn't even drop a single hair. The third assassin in front of him, although his cultivation base was also weak. However, he was still able to drop two Martial Skill Pill at the very least. But this fellow was too petty. He didn't even drop anything.    


However, after killing the seventh assassin, Zhang Tianhao had achieved his goal. As long as he killed the other assassin, it would cause chaos within the squad, and even make them suspicious. This would also make it easier for him to deal with them.    


Time passed, minute by minute.    


In the cove, the atmosphere of the Heavenly Tribulation Assassin Squad was very solemn.    


"Strange, boss. Why hasn't Number Seven come back yet? We sent one, but one went missing. Don't you feel that something is wrong?" Number Two said with a serious expression.    


Number One frowned and asked Number Two, "Number Two, what do you mean?"    


"I suspect that Number 7 and Number 3 have met with unpredictable situations, otherwise they wouldn't have been out of contact for such a long time" Number 2 said worriedly.    


"Impossible, with Number 3 and Number 7's strength, who can kill them!" Number Four shook his head firmly and denied.    


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