Super Little Farmer



0After a good night's rest, I got up early the next morning. At this time, the little beauty didn't wake up. I quietly came out and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and boiling water. Breakfast was still pumpkin porridge, and when the porridge was cooked and the water boiled, he left them to cool down naturally; then he went out again and, in the faint light of dawn, went into the garden to dig up some cold potatoes before returning to the house.    


The little beauty still hadn't woken up. I left the house softly and carried the big bamboo raft down the hill by myself. To be honest, this bamboo raft is quite heavy. Even though I spent quite a bit of effort on it, I still wasn't able to lift it. I had no choice but to take advantage of this downhill trend and lower it slowly down the slope before I could get it down. However, I don't have to worry about this raft since I personally made it. I might not be able to say it's beautiful, but it's fine to say it's a prison. I dare to beat my chest and guarantee it!    


After a period of effort and a burst of sweat, I finally managed to get the raft into the stream at the bottom of the slope. Fortunately, I was assured that there would definitely be enough water in the stream for the raft to move freely.    


In fact, this little stream is just what I say, and at other times, it is a little river. However, it was not the rainy season and the water was not abundant. There was not much water in the river, leaving only a small stream. If it is a rainy Spring and Summer Festival, it is all a river. As a matter of fact, I suddenly realized something was wrong when I was trying to bring the raft down the slope, because I hadn't considered whether the stream's current was enough to support the movement of the raft, so I forced myself to look at it. And now, I'm finally relieved, because these worries are obviously unnecessary. This stream is really not much, but it is enough to support my bamboo raft. I can confirm that the load on the raft is not heavy. Aside from me and the little girl, there are some dried bacteria. It's not too heavy, so the water is completely sufficient.    


He placed the raft into the stream and tied it to a large rock at the side using a vine that he had prepared beforehand. Only then did he return home with ease. When I got home, I saw the little girl standing in front of the house, looking at me. It turned out that she couldn't see her from the bottom of the hill, but she could clearly see what was going on below from where she stood on the plateau. Seeing her smile sweetly at me, I smiled back. When they reached the top of the hill, they called her into the house to have some porridge. I took out some homemade pickles and started drinking from a pumpkin porridge.    


The little beauty's manner of eating was very beautiful. However, for the pumpkin porridge, she seemed to prefer my pickles. This gave me a lot of confidence. Of course, I was also extremely confident in my own skill at cooking pickles. [There is nothing I can do about it. I got it from my mother's Successor Disciple!] Furthermore, my mother's ability to make pickled vegetables was passed down from her ancestors. It just so happened that she was a hardworking person and had created her own unique characteristics on the basis of her ancestors' guidance. My brother and I loved to eat because it was delicious, and because we loved to eat, we learned from our mother, who, of course, taught us seriously and even gave us a demonstration with her own hands. In fact, before I was ten, I could make good pickles. Later, when I was in college, I read books about it and my theoretical knowledge became richer. By now, I think the pickles I made were not inferior to my mother's pickles.    


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