Super Little Farmer



0Oh, I'm finally going to wake up. This red wine is drunk, looks like even worse than that white wine, and our mountain of rice drunk. Well, my head hurts and I'm dizzy. How much did he drink? I don't know.    


What time is it? It looks like I'm really drunk!    


It seemed a little cold. Yes, it was cold, and cool. "Oh, that's wrong. Only my back is cool. This chest is warm and comfortable. It has a kind of softness to it …"    


I was confused. However, it was only a moment before I woke up. That was because the feeling of that soft flesh suddenly made me wake up. That, seemed to be a woman's fullness!    


That's right, it was definitely a woman's body. I've tried to get a spirit child, Zhou Yajie, and I've also experienced a spirit child. I'm sure that the one on my chest is definitely a woman's plumpness!    


Ah? At this time, how could I have a girl's plump body by my side? Also, I feel like I'm naked right now!    


I was shocked!    


Suddenly, I opened my eyes. Who is this naked lady in my arms? If it wasn't a pair of plump ones, then what was it?    


The woman was sleeping soundly with her head in the crook of my right arm, and her head was bowed, her disheveled hair almost covering her face. One hand was bent over my waist, the other was placed carelessly between my body and mine.    


Who is she? Ah, I'm in Shanghai, I'm with Zhou Bingjie. Is this woman Zhou Bingjie?    


I reached out with my left arm and lifted the woman's lower jaw with a trembling hand. Her hair was finally parted.    


Oh my god!    


Who else could this woman be other than Zhou Bingjie? The breathtaking beauty, the beauty that made me dream, who is it but not Zhou Bingjie?    


Me, ah me, drunken chaos!    


I'm on Zhou Bingjie!    


I felt cold sweat break out all over my body, and I sat up all of a sudden. Zhou Bingjie, who was beside him, seemed to be in some pain. Her face contorted in pain for a moment before she gently opened her eyes and closed them again. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes. Apparently, the first time she opened her eyes was because of me. The second time she opened her eyes, it was because she was frightened when she saw me sitting beside her and looking at her!    


She stared at me, her face expressionless. I also looked at her fixedly, my heart filled with regret and uneasiness!    


[Such a good girl, yet I actually took her after drinking so much!]    


I am a beast!    


As I stared at Zhou Bingjie lying on the ground, I scolded myself while thinking carefully about what kind of ridiculous things I had done. After a short moment, I start to panic again. For a body as good as a spirit child, the first time I had sex with her, it hurt so much; the second time I had sex with her, I even made her faint; and as for Zhou Bingjie's sister, Zhou Yajie, I had sex with her more than once, but I had to use it up and down to satisfy her. But now, she's the one who has to take on me. Besides, after I drank, I didn't have any consciousness and couldn't care for the fairer sex. I only cared about myself then, wouldn't she …    


Furthermore, Zhou Bingjie seemed to be a virgin!    


That was becoming more and more incredible …    


Startled, I ignored Zhou Bingjie's calm face as she looked at me. I quickly bent down and gently pushed aside her legs to look over there …    


Oh my god!    


She was definitely a virgin! There were traces of blood on the carpet and on the sides of her thighs.    


However, her private parts were so tragic that it was unbearable to look at!    


I don't want to look any more. But I think, Zhou Bing Jie right now private place impression, will forever be remembered in my mind!    


Crack. Crack.    


I slapped myself twice. My face burned. I think I have five paw prints on each side of my face now. I was still regretting it, I wanted to slap again, but I felt my hand being lightly tugged. Lowering his head, he saw Zhou Bingjie's jade-like arm.    


Seeing her like this, I immediately understood. She was afraid that I had tortured her so badly last night that she could not move at all. However, when she saw me slapping myself in the face like this, she came to stop me; it was just that she could not move at all, that was all!    


What a woman!    


My tears came at once.    


I bent down and kissed Zhou Bingjie, then I hugged her gently. I put my face close to her face and said in a deep voice, "Bingjie, your brother Yunzi is worse than a beast! Brother Yunzi apologizes to you! "    


Zhou Bingjie gently caressed my face and then smiled. "Yunzi ge, you don't have to blame yourself. As your woman, Bing Jie is also willing! "    


She wants to be my woman?    


Yes, that's a possibility." From her appearance to me, it is not difficult to come to this conclusion. But when a woman says to a man that she would like to be a man's woman, that means she has fallen in love with a man. Then, from this method of reasoning, Zhou Bingjie has already fallen in love with me? I was startled again. After a while, she thought, from the looks of the situation she had been in, it seemed to be true. But when did she fall in love with me?    


I looked up at her. Zhou Bingjie's face was a little red, but she was frowning from time to time. I knew that it was her lower body that had been tormented by me so miserably and painfully. Regret and pain filled my heart as I continued to embrace Zhou Bingjie. Immediately, I began to cry loudly. Zhou Bing Jie tried to advise me twice, but failed because I couldn't reach it with my current strength. But this kindness only made me feel worse. I shouldn't have hurt a good girl!    


I was still crying, tears pouring down my face.    


"Yunzi ge, I want to go to the toilet!" Zhou Bingjie suddenly made a request to me. I didn't know if she was really going to use the toilet or if she was trying to distract my attention. I immediately stopped crying and carried the woman to the toilet. Zhou Bingjie really wanted to pee. I held the woman up and turned on the bathroom bath and the wind to prevent Zhou Bing Jie from getting cold when she went to the toilet. You know, right now, she and I are both naked.    


After I finished all this, I thought about how this naked woman would piss herself, and how it wasn't a problem for a man to be by her side, so I went out. That Zhou Bing Jie lightly grabbed my hand and stopped me. Seeing that I was a little dazed, I smiled shyly and said softly, "On my body, where have you not seen it before? Heh, we're already like this, what are you still hiding for? "Yes, I want to pee on my hands!" At the end of her sentence, she actually began to act coquettishly.    


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