Super Little Farmer



0I waited for them to discuss it for a while before suggesting two more things: First, because of the need for work, Etten will go with me to Beijing for work, with the vegetables company Jingchu Project Department and the Shanghai Project Department each contributing 200 thousand yuan as the starting fund for the Beijing Project Department. Second, the original vegetable company shareholders unchanged, the share ratio unchanged, but management made changes. I shall continue to be the chairman of the board of directors, who shall be the son of the president, and shall also take care of the businesses under the administration of the original children; Zhou Yajie shall remain the vice-president of the company, but shall actively assist the new company in its work after things have been sorted out. At this point, I thought of another point, and added: If the companies need to recruit people, the general manager of each company is responsible in principle; the financial accounts of each company do not need to be reported to me in all respects. I will sign over 50 thousand yuan, and the following will be directly signed by the general manager.    


Saying that, I let them all talk and continued to drink my tea. However, whether it's Ai Ting, Zhu Dantong, or Ronnie, the gentleness in their eyes will all melt me! I was a little taken aback, but I didn't have time to drink my tea. I quickly made my own suggestion: everyone had to vote on it. The result is the unanimous approval of my proposal. Moreover, Ms. Zhu offered that her three properties would neither be equity nor require cash compensation; later, with consensus, she accepted the second option.    


A unanimous adoption, that's for sure. I had expected it. The two are agreed upon by everyone, but I will announce it myself. Three, these women, with the exception of Ye Shuqian, are in love with me. Although they usually make it difficult for me, they are all on the same side when it comes to passing a resolution.    


It was agreed that all the funds would be focused on the account designated by Ronnie by 10 a.m. tomorrow; that Ronnie would continue to be in charge of the company's registration through her advantages; that Ye Shuren, along with Reiko and Zhou Yajie, would be in charge of all the affairs of the new company; that Zhu Dantong, using her advantages, would like the renovation team to renovate the three properties as required, and that the new company would pay for all the new company; that Yinzi would be in charge of all the original company's affairs; and that Etten and I would go to Beijing tomorrow to develop the new business.    


When the conversation was over, Ronnie, Zhu Dantong, and Ye Shuren left together; Aitin did not go to work, but left with them. I waited for them to leave, then called Zhang Jun's old watch. When the old man heard this, he agreed and said that he would get me two cars in three days. I asked him to tell the driver to go directly to Beijing and contact me when he got there. He nodded in agreement. I spoke to Zhang Jun and Zoric on the phone and said a few words of thanks, which they happily agreed to and reassured me.    


That night, I slept in the same bed with Sachiko, while Sachiko slept in the same bed with Sachiko. The night passed in silence. The next day, of course, I organized the funds as agreed on the previous night. When I confirmed that 1 million yuan of capital had been poured into the same account, I felt like I was dreaming. In the afternoon, I boarded the train to the north with Aitin and Li Zheng. I'm sorry, but this time it was Aitin who reserved the tickets. The four of us are in a soft seat.    


In Beijing, the first thing I did was rent three houses in the same district in Tongzhou, two rooms and two rooms for Aitin and my room, two rooms and two rooms for two drivers and one for Li Zheng and Li Zheng. What followed was a market survey. The four of us were divided into two groups. Li Zheng and his wife were in one group, and I was in another group. The data collected from various sources shows that the foreigners in Beijing also like to eat small vegetables!    


That means we have a market!    


What happened next was easy. Li Zheng and his wife were responsible for looking for the construction sites to recruit people; Aitin was responsible for finding the workrooms and vegetable suppliers; and I was responsible for identifying the stalls. There are probably more foreigners living in Beijing than in Shanghai, but they live in more scattered quarters. I had planned to lay out 50 points at a time, but when I felt that this approach would not be able to increase the cost of human capital and transportation, I gave up and decided on 30 items. I also chose to go through the same two batches as Shanghai, with 15 items in the first batch and 15 items in the second batch.    


With the experience of Shanghai, everyone was ready. In just a week, all kinds of preliminary work in Beijing had been put in place. Even the unified billboard and the unified price target board had been put in place. Two postcarts also arrived in Beijing and contacted us. As usual in Shanghai, I settled the two drivers, He Weiping and Liu Xinyi, together, and paid a reserve of 20 thousand yuan each. Everyone understood. Next, we prepared carefully for another two days.    


From the 10th day onwards, the first batch of 15 sites was fully spread out in Beijing's large expatriate areas. The effect was very good. At 12: 30 P.M. on the same day, all 15 bank posts had text messages in place, and I had nearly 80 thousand yuan in cash on my account. Over the next three days, the total daily sales of these stalls reached the highest level of 220 thousand yuan, and began to stabilize on the fourth day. From this, I deduced that each stall would have an estimated daily sales of 10 thousand yuan. After discussing the matter with Aitin, she proposed to start the second batch of 15 booths in advance, without increasing from 5,000 yuan a day to 10,000 yuan in the beginning. I thought for a moment and accepted this possibility, agreeing with Aitin's view. Clearly, Aiten's suggestion was very true. On the same day, before 3 p.m., the 30 booths and corresponding bank messages were all in place. I felt better. The next day, I directly increased the daily sales to 10 thousand and 5,000 yuan.    


Once again, the market proved that I had acted wisely. At around 5 pm, the bank messages from the various booths were all in place. That is to say, my marketing of vegetables in Beijing is now fully on track, with a total daily sales of 450 thousand yuan and a net profit of over 330 thousand yuan. And by now, I have more than 2.2 million yuan in cash on my account!    


Seeing that the work here was complete, Jing Chu's spirit son called again. Jing Chu's supermarket was already in full swing, and it was estimated that it would open within 10 days. Her phone specifically mentioned Zhu Dantong, saying that she had insisted on having three refurbishing teams from her father's company, Zhu Zhitong, to work overtime on three properties, thus ensuring the hardware facilities needed for the operation. As for Ronnie, she had also completed the company's registration. I thank them, of course. Having said so, the spirit child suddenly asked, "Brother Yunzi, did you grow a tail?"    


What do you mean? My tail? Why does this man have a tail?    


I was stunned for a moment before the spirit child by the side smiled. Following which, the spirit child accepted the phone from me and gave his blessings. I was stunned again, but soon understood: Today my birthday, real age 21 years old, virtual age 22 years old!    


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