Super Little Farmer



0I got up early the next morning. Ye Shuzhen, Romer, Yinzi, Ronnie, Yi Jing, and Zeng Haiying all stayed home to eat breakfast. Although they didn't say anything, from their expressions, it could be seen that they were supporting my work from the bottom of their hearts. I didn't say anything more. After breakfast, I went out with Aldin and Sally. By the time we arrived at the construction site, Zhang Jun and the tension had already arrived. Zhang Jun had even arranged the operating staff of the team and excavator to carry out the three-shift system. I looked at it and nodded in agreement. This way, people will not rest, will maximize the use of the machine value, good! As for the tension, although some of the laborers had also arrived, they were not all present yet, so I let him handle it on his own. Aitin contacted the spirit children and confirmed the resting place for the laborers.    


I was just getting things organized when Zhu Dantong personally arrived with her dad's employees to build a house in this place. It seemed like Zhu Dantong was willing to put in the effort. Judging by the scale of the house, it actually looked like a courtyard. That's good. At the very least, the operators who worked the night shift, or some of the laborers, had a place to rest.    


However, when I saw Zhu Dantong's beautiful figure, I couldn't help but smile as I recalled the scene where her high heels were stuck in the mud at the construction site. This little girl, she really doesn't know me from a fight! Zhu Dantong was in the middle of directing the men to make the house, and when she turned around to ask for my opinion, she saw me smiling at her. She blushed, but obviously enjoyed it, and immediately gave me a look. I smiled again. Seeing her turn her head to work seriously, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. This little girl has really put her heart into me!    


Thinking of this, his heart once again felt uncomfortable and sad. He then stopped looking at her and went on his patrol. It was a good thing that everyone had arrived. Seeing that I didn't have any further questions, I went to get Teacher Ceng and Teacher Luo. I had Ai Ting and Sally deal with some of the details on the scene. By the time I arrived, it was already more than ten. All kinds of laborers had already arrived. Zhang Jun was helping Tension organize the laborers.    


It seemed that I was using tension on him, because he had already quickly found a few laborers to assist him, and had arranged for all the laborers to be put in position. I nodded. I asked Zhang Jun to gather the technical staff and let the tension focus the heads of the laborers. They all came together to see the blueprints and listen to the introductions of Teacher Zeng and Teacher Luo. The two teachers lectured in great detail, and only ended at around one in the afternoon.    


Seeing that everyone had expressed their understanding, I told everyone to rest first. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, we will officially start work and send the two teachers home. Just now Romel had sent in the weather forecast, and the weather was fine tomorrow. In my opinion, that was a good day to start work. At the moment, I wasn't thinking about getting leaders to cut the ribbon like the others were doing. I was only thinking about moving the job forward.    


In the afternoon, seven companies sent personnel to contact me for collaborative construction business. I think we have to thank Zhu Dantong for this. Her method was able to wake her up in a short while. Yesterday afternoon, she had already made some noise in the Jingchu industry. I didn't expect it to have a good effect. Although most of them weren't interested, there were still a few who came over. After careful separation, I finally selected four companies with good qualifications. One was responsible for the construction of two underground tunnels, one was responsible for the construction of a bus platform, one was responsible for the laying of sewage pipes, and another was responsible for the construction of the second segment of the underground pipeline. Adding on the two companies I had previously agreed to help dig and transport, there were already six companies working with me.    


That night, he fell asleep in a state of unrest. I got up early the next morning, ate my breakfast hurriedly, called for Altin and Sally, and rushed to the scene. According to last night's advice, today I will not ask the leader to cut the ribbon, but the necessary launch ceremony is still necessary.    


In order to get there, Zhang Jun and Tension had already arrived. The heads of the six companies that we worked with had also arrived. Yesterday afternoon, after signing an agreement with four professional companies and two transport companies, I offered to start work at 8 o'clock this morning. They all agreed. Only I didn't expect them to arrive so early.    


Looking at everything in front of me, I suddenly had the feeling that everything was in a dream. In fact, at the age of twenty-two, I would announce the start of a major project in five minutes. My identity is just an ordinary migrant worker. However, in front of me are hundreds of migrant workers, as well as dozens of technicians and mechanical engineers. Standing at the very front were Zhang Junhe and Tension, as well as the managers from the six companies. At this moment, all of them had joyful expressions on their faces …    


They, along with my command, will fully deploy this brand-new road project!    


I took a deep breath and suppressed my excitement. I glanced at Old Professor Zeng and Old Professor Luo who were standing to the left. Their calm faces and encouraging eyes greeted me. When I looked to the right, it was Zhu Dantong, Ai Ting, Sally and Xie Yitian. The four beautiful girls were obviously very excited, and their bright eyes and red faces could only be seen. It was only because of this special occasion that they were trying their best to suppress the feelings in their hearts.    


Of course, the look they gave me was different, and they encouraged me with more passion! I suddenly exclaimed again. Luckily, I didn't accept the requests of the other girls back then. Otherwise, if all those beautiful girls were here, I wouldn't have been able to take it!    


Aitin waved her hand. I knew she was reminding me that I was getting closer. I came to my senses, looked at everyone calmly, took a deep breath again, sorted out my thoughts, and finally opened my mouth:    


We, from today onwards, will work together to create a miracle. A city record.    


I only said one thing. Once again, he calmly looked at everyone. Everyone was staring at me. I waved my hand.    


For the beauty of this city, and for everyone's beautiful life in the future, I declare, now!    


They obviously didn't expect me to say only two sentences before I started. However, it was clear that these people preferred to speak quickly. As my voice faded away, everyone applauded in unison. All the vehicles honk together and start the motor together...    


The entire scene was in an uproar …    


He shoveled it down, the second time he shoveled it down …    


The first car started, the second...    




The road repair was officially started, but I had nothing left to do. There were two old professors in charge of technical problems; the vehicle had Zhang Jun in charge; the staff had Aiten and Tension; the food and drinks had Romel in charge; the documents had Xie Yating in charge; and the account had Sally in charge …    


As for the remaining matters, there are only two things that I need to personally capture.    


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