Super Little Farmer



0Thinking determines the way out. After thinking about it, I let go of my feelings. He sat quietly in his room and thought for a while. Then, a plan quietly appeared in his mind. A moment later, I felt that if I were to really do as I said, the result would be unbearable for me. After a while, he felt that if he wasn't so cruel and cruel, he really wouldn't be able to quell the anger he felt at the theft of his two sets of equipment and three pieces of technology! Thinking of this, he decided that his revenge would be cruel. He had to do it! Thinking of this, I texted everyone to tell them to do as I asked. Soon after, everyone replied with a text message. Although most of them did not understand, they did not raise any doubts and just carried it out.    


Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, the eighth day of the first month had arrived. According to my request, the leaders of each group, namely the ladies of my villa, have always been sending red packets from subordinates. Just as everyone was brimming with joy, the spirit child told me another piece of bad news. It was Tan Shan who led a total of eight technical staff to collectively resign. When I looked at the list, it was exactly the same eight technicians that Yi Jing and the others had found and suspected. I had expected such a thing to happen, but not so quickly. Since this was the case, he had to agree immediately. After thinking about it for a moment, I felt that once my plan was carried out, it would be too cruel to these people. Although I suspect that they have resigned for a purpose at this time, I still want to stay. He immediately sent Ling Zi to persuade the other eight people, including Tan Shanshan. About an hour later, the spirit call informed me that all eight of them were determined to leave and could not be persuaded to stay. Seeing this, I nodded my head in agreement. At that time, He Xu told me on the phone that the eight people he had arranged for to be monitored hadn't gone to work as I had imagined, but had all gone home. I just smiled. I had a plan in mind, so I said it was hard for him to send someone to keep watch.    


For the rest of his life, Nan He Heavy Automobile and the Bow Heavy Industry had been developing vigorously. Of course, the performance of Nanhe Heavy Auto is even more remarkable than that of the Bow Long Heavy Industry Company, continuously obtaining domestic orders. According to the intelligence department, all three production bases of the South River Heavy Automobile were now in full swing. Even so, they were still unable to meet the demand of the market. Meanwhile, the shares of the South River Heavy Automobile continued to climb. It has now reached an astonishing 53 yuan per share. Although the long bow heavy industry also has a relatively large scale development, but the speed is obviously inferior to the Nanhe heavy railway. This is my idea, as long as it is steady and firm.    


More than a month passed in the blink of an eye. On March 10, the same news had been reported by the major media organizations of Jingchu and Nanwei provinces. A Mexican company called "Tenghe Real Estate" had ordered twenty pieces of equipment from Jingchu Heavy Motor, which had a total capital of over $15 million! And according to the contract between the two parties, the Tenghe Real Estate had to pay a deposit of $3 million in advance! Furthermore, the Tenghe Real Estate Company intended to become the general agent of the South River Heavy Automobile in Mexico! Although the company has yet to agree, according to media and industry sources, it will eventually do so, as it will greatly help it open up markets in Mexico and even throughout the Americas.    


The good news was that the share price of the South River Heavy Motor had once again risen, pulling the price board that day. That same afternoon, He Liu called me to report a bad news: eight technicians, including Tan Shan, had joined the South River Heavy Auto.    


I finally had nothing to say. Because I have already fallen into a trap. I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't come up with any solid proof so I could only get hurt!    


Fortunately, on the evening when my heart was in pain, Ronnie told me a piece of good news. The provincial government had just made up its mind to move south to the provincial capital and move to the Moon Bay pilot area. The news had managed to dilute some of my pain. The next afternoon, staff from the provincial government office, provincial construction hall, and provincial land resources department came to me to discuss the relocation of land to the south of the provincial capital. I certainly agree with the proposal they put forward. It is to build a new provincial government station near the Wu Hou Hall on Jing Chu Road that I built. The red line diagram of these lands is in my hands, that is, the new provincial government takes 1500 mu of land from my hands, then converts the price according to schedule, then directly transfers the corresponding land to me. Since both sides had agreed that this would be done quickly, I transferred 1500 mu of the red line map to the provincial government that afternoon, and the provincial government gave me another 1,700 mu of land. The red line diagram of the new plot was obtained three days later.    


This news spread very quickly, and my land's price kept rising. According to the intelligence department, the price of my land has increased by another 30%!    


This excited me for once, because I made billions of dollars. In his heart, however, he insisted on his own idea, which was to take revenge on Nan He. Actually, it's not revenge, it's just taking back what was mine! Thus, the next day, according to my orders, Xie Yitong, under the condition that the police provided a part of the evidence, sued Nan He Heavy Industries in the name of the head of the gang, accusing the latter of stealing the technology of the former. The latter, of course, denies and provides the media with relevant evidence that the technology is being developed on its own. Such intellectual property lawsuits were inherently difficult to deal with. As a result, both sides would be embroiled in a dispute. That's what I want, and I'm not afraid of getting bogged down. Because to me, this lawsuit is a complete sham, mainly to cover my movements behind the scenes. This kind of situation suits my intentions the most.    


Seeing that this side had achieved my goal, I could only let Xie Yuting follow along and slowly pester the rest of the team while they each took responsibility for their own development. As for me, I was fully committed to the Nanchi Week. After a period of preparation, my land was fully prepared for business. I only had to wait for the "Nanchi Week" to start.    


Under the strong attention of the main leaders of the provincial government, the "Nanwei Economic and Trade Negotiation Week" as scheduled. On the first day there was a flash of light, and I was the biggest winner. Of the 117 projects of the day, my Moon Bay project was the most successful. This 3,200 mu of land, with a starting price of 6 billion yuan, was auctioned. A total of more than 60 real estate giants, including some foreign companies, participated actively. Finally, three companies, Beijing Nanxing Real Estate, Shenzhen Nebula Real Estate, and Guangdong Emerald Garden Real Estate, teamed up and won the auction with a hefty sum of 10.7 billion yuan.    


I wasn't there at the time, and I was as calm as still water when the phone-call told me the result. Because I estimated that it would not be less than 8.5 billion yuan! But when the spirit told me the actual deal price was 10.7 billion yuan, I was so shocked I couldn't react for a long time! After a long time, I finally calmed down, advised the spirit child to calm down, and then went to sign the contract. Ling Zi happily agreed and went back to her work.    


When she hung up, I touched my forehead to make sure it was real. After staring blankly for a while, he suddenly howled:    


10.7 billion yuan is mine, I've become a true billionaire!    


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