Super Little Farmer



0My heart sank when I heard this news. He didn't blame Zhou Yajie too much. He only smiled and comforted her. After hanging up the phone, I thought for a moment, then dialed Rommel and explained the situation to him, to see if she could help with her relationship, or her father's, and he answered and went to get in touch. As soon as I hung up the phone, my heart skipped a beat, and I looked in another direction, but I felt helpless again, but after a moment's thought, I picked up the phone and called Old Professor Zeng. I mean to see if he can come forward and get hold of a boat through Party Secretary Zhang of the Provincial Committee. Old Professor Zeng remained silent for a while before answering.    


More than an hour later, Rommel replied that her father had done his best, including asking friends from several coastal provinces, for help. Only one ship was due to stop in Brazil, but the cargo ships were already full, so it was impossible to load seven ships. At most, they could bring two ships to Brazil. When I heard this, my heart sank again. I said forget it, thanked him again, and hung up. More than an hour later, my phone rang again. When I picked it up, it was a stranger's number. After they confirmed that I was Zhang Yun, they told me that Secretary Zhang had something to tell you.    


I was taken aback for a moment, but then I understood. Secretary Zhang was most likely Secretary Zhang of the Provincial Committee. As for the person who had just arrived, he was probably Secretary Zhang of the Provincial Committee. Just as I was thinking about it, a gentle voice came from the other side. It was indeed Secretary Zhang from the provincial government. He briefly introduced the situation to them and then informed them that he had indeed contacted one of the ocean-going ships from the Dalian Ocean to Brazil, but since most of the cargo was full, he could only carry four water slurry pumps, which was exactly the same as four standard containers.    


I was a little disappointed and was about to reject him, but somehow a thought flashed in my mind. I immediately thought of a way to send a batch of zeros to Brazil and immediately thanked him happily. After exchanging his contact details with Secretary Zhang, he hung up the phone gratefully. As soon as I hung up, I immediately called Romel to get her father's help in contacting the ocean-going ship that could only hold two slabs of cement. I needed his help. Although Loremarie was stunned, she didn't quite understand why I was so adamant about it. However, she guessed that I was in a hurry and just agreed to it. Soon, Romer called me back and gave me the contact details. I immediately called Reiko and Zhou Yajie. Zhou Yajie quickly followed up. After an hour or so, I was reported to have completed all the arrangements, and only needed to wait for the Spirit cargo to arrive at the port. It's just that we can't ship at Xiamen now, 4 of them to Qingdao Port and 2 to Lianyun Port. They just needed to adjust the transportation plan and by noon tomorrow at the latest, they would be able to reach the two ports. In the afternoon, they could load the ships and set off for the voyage. It is estimated that they will arrive in Brazil on the same day.    


I wanted to tell the spirit child to send a few more people to follow me, but then I gave up because I was sure that the spirit child could do it.    


However, there was one other thing that was still in front of my eyes: there was another one in the factory, and it could not be shipped out!    


What should he do?    


After standing in front of the map and circling it a few times, I finally made up my mind: Even if I had to post a copy, I would deliver the goods to the last one on time.    


However, I was still a bit worried. In this airlift, the top pump parts and arm parts should be fine, as it could be opened up for shipment and assembled over there. However, there was a problem with the lower chassis!    


How was he going to deal with it?    


After a few more rounds, I was inspired. I wondered if I could purchase the same quality chassis in Brazil, airlift the parts over here, and then send the professionals over there to assemble?    


Thinking about this, without saying anything further, I contacted the spirit core. When the Spirit heard my thoughts, it only thought for a moment before agreeing. I called Zhou and she said she would contact Air South and the Brazilian logistics company.    


After hanging up, my mind was in a mess, and there was an inexplicable surge of anger in my heart. I wanted to vent, but I couldn't. Just as he was thinking about what he should do next, a call from Reiko came in, indicating that Liu had brought a team of ten people with him. He asked Ronnie to help him with the passport and asked her to get it urgently. He estimated that they would leave for Beijing tonight, then transfer from Beijing to Brasilia, and from Brasilia to Aragos. I nodded to show I understood. After hanging up, he gave it some thought before dialing Liu Zhiyun's number. Liu Zhiyun must be careful of his safety and told him to bring more money with him. Liu answered and told me that one of his team had studied in Portugal and understood Portuguese. He knew that Brazil used Portuguese as its official language, so he specially selected this person for translation. I nodded. He thought to himself, "It looks like he was right to say 'three smelly smiths against one Zhuge Liang'. At least, I didn't consider that point earlier." It occurred to me, for the first time, that I didn't expect anyone in my company who had studied in Portugal to attend. After a while, he felt pleased with himself: "If I only have such a person under my command, then I am a good person myself. Otherwise, why would such a person come to my company?" After a while I thought, when they all come back from Brazil, I'll have to find a way to see the man, or find out what other people in the companies who know foreign languages do. In this case, I found it necessary to set up a relevant organization, one responsible for communicating with foreign countries, which would organize or nurture a group of translators. According to the development of my company, I'm afraid I'll need it in the future!    


The next day, in the afternoon, a cargo plane would fly to Mexico City. She had already reached an agreement with Air South that the cargo plane would accept her consignment and, after landing in Mexico City, would fly to Brasilia and then return home from Brasilia. Currently, the South African side has contacted the Mexican side and the Brazilian side to determine the relevant routes.    


That was good news. However, the last one was probably the first to reach their destination!    


I sighed in my heart and suddenly felt that something was wrong. That is, why would this Southern Airlines company specially fly to Brazil for my goods? After thinking for a moment, I was about to ask Zhou Yajie about it, but she opened her mouth before me and explained the reason: It turned out that she had already agreed to pay the relevant fees, equivalent to chartering a plane, thus gaining the understanding and support of the Southern Airlines!    


So that's how it was!    


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