Super Little Farmer



0"Originally, she had already registered three clothing brands, but they were the 'Fortune', 'Aitin' and 'Love' brands." "Yun" brand to men's clothing, "Aiten" brand to women's clothing, "love" brand to children's clothing. However, due to his current energy, he didn't want to get involved in children's clothing yet. Instead, he started the production and sale of both the "Fortune" and "Aitin" girls' clothing at the same time.    


Of course, her actions were very particular! This particular emphasis was on clothing research and development as well as the market.    


According to Aitin's thinking, the two companies made men's wear and used the same brand, while the two companies made women's wear and used the same brand. As for registering the company in Shanghai, the main consideration is that the clothing products in Shanghai are easy to open up the domestic and international market, the company's business favors R & D and marketing; as for the two companies registered in Nanwei Province, they are mainly engaged in production, including, of course, some R & D and sales. The four companies also have slightly different amounts of registered capital: 1 million yuan each for two companies in Nanwei Province and 4 million yuan each for two companies in Shanghai. However, the four companies only had a total of two residences. One of them was in Shanghai, where they rented an office building on the first floor. The other one was the main one, located on the 15th floor of Grand Xia's Block A in Jingchu City. As for the production site, it was filled by a storage base provided by Zhou Yajie.    


I'm very familiar with Tianhua Grand Xia, it's right across from Ye Shuzhen's fresh supermarket office, which can be considered a relatively high class office building in Jing Chu. As for the storage base provided by Zhou Yajie, I'm not worried about that, because Zhou Yajie is currently doing a lot of logistics, transportation, and storage. There are many storage bases, so it's not hard to choose one for Ai Ting in the suburbs.    


However, what made me troubled was Aitin's explanation. That was all. Listening to her explanation made me want to cry. Because I'm sure that Aitin's heart is tied to me!    


This girl!    


What am I supposed to say?    


In the old days, she had been willing to die for me, but she had helped me withstand a blow from Zeng Haiying that I still owed her; then, although she disliked machinery and architecture, she had taken on both because of my orders, and both were doing quite well. Even though these two pieces are in the hands of a spirit child, I must admit that it started with Aitin. Right now, the Road and Bridge Corporation had nearly 500 million yuan in assets; the Bow and Heavy Industries Corporation had hundreds of millions of yuan in assets. With the two companies helping to invest in the company, the total would probably be more than 1 billion yuan! You know, this 1 billion is all mine! This isn't like Ye Shuzhen's company. Although I have over a billion yuan on me, more than half of it is from someone else. I will pay it back eventually!    


Although the three companies of Road Bridge, Investment, and Heavy Industry were not entirely due to Aitin's efforts, it must be admitted that apart from good opportunities and my planning, she had also put in a great deal of effort! If it wasn't for her hard work, then there wouldn't be this day!    


That's all right, when it's all on track and I ask her to fulfill her own ideals, she doesn't hesitate to dive right into the making of the costume. Even the name of a clothing brand is intimately connected with me!    


Looking into her eager eyes, I knew what she was waiting for. But when I think about the girls around me, I can't promise her anything. I had no choice but to choose to retreat and avoid her after another round of blessings and exclamations. There was finally something crystal in Aitin's eyes, but nothing happened. She was still smiling, though it hurt me to see it. I almost said something, but in the end I didn't. However, in the moment of my heartache, I could clearly see that Aiten seemed to see something on my face or in my eyes, and a real light flashed across my face, along with a sincere smile.    


I didn't know why, but for a moment I felt like I was hallucinating. Aitin, on the other hand, left on her own with a smile. Her figure was still captivating, but her steps were exceptionally light. Obviously, she was in a good mood.    


For a long time afterwards, I did not meet Aitin again. Even when I took the initiative to look for her, I was unable to find her. But I was too embarrassed to give her a call, so I gave up and threw myself into my work. Only, by chance, I learned from a few other girls that Aitin was working hard at the moment.    


Right now, yes, just today, Sally sent me a clerk's report. This is a report from Aitin Corporation. In the past, I'd always wanted to keep an eye on her, but I'd always been afraid to arouse other people's disapproval, like whether Aitin would think I didn't believe her, and so on, so I hadn't looked at the reports from her companies. But today, I really can't help it, because I found myself missing Aldin inexplicably, and of course I was concerned about her company, so I let Sally send me the report! I looked at it and I really thought I made a mistake!    


It wasn't until I personally called Sally to confirm that her ambiguous yet sour laughter was real!    


How was this possible?    


In less than two months, Aitin had already made a profit! And he had already built terminals in 26 provincial capitals and 5 provincial cities!    


In the end, of course, I didn't care. After all, what Aitin was doing was not that simple. I am also sure that the reason she was able to do what she did today was most likely related to the vegetable network in the country, as well as the logistics and storage network in the country. With the help of these two and Aitin's own hard work, it was only possible for them to reach their current scale.    


However, I have a feeling that the reason this Ai Ting has managed to expand her clothing industry to such a scale is related to me. Of course, I don't know where this connection is, but I subconsciously think it's related!    


Thinking of this, I inexplicably sighed in my heart. He picked up the report and read it carefully. After looking at it for a moment, I thought for a moment and immediately exclaimed that it was a good choice for me to use Aiten in this clothing company. It looks like she really has the mind to make this outfit.    


That's all, because when I looked at the report, I saw that she had a way of running the brand. For example, when she operated the men's clothing, she did quite a few preparations:    


The "transport" brand is divided into stars, supermarkets and other levels to operate. Among them, the star clothing industry mainly operates. There was also a division of labor in this field: among them, the "men's clothing" directly sold in hotels above the 5-star level corresponded to the "men's clothing" at the 5-star level, including the "man's clothing" at the 5-star level, the 6-star level and the 7-star level. For example, the Spring River Hotel had a special cabinet at all three levels; the most expensive "man's clothing" was just a name, but there was no clothing supply in stock.    


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