Super Little Farmer



0The third point we need to do is to do the necessary service. Eat, drink, pull, sleep, and so on. This was easy to do, and I, who was very familiar with the mountain, immediately came up with a countermeasure: to choose a suitable place and make a kind of square restaurant, namely, a big restaurant made of the trees and bamboos of the mountain, which is both cheap and has the original characteristics of our mountain, and which should be acceptable to people. As for living quarters, they could also make some of these wooden rooms, bamboo rooms, straw houses, mud houses, and stone houses. They could also make use of some of the caves. This place was relatively close to Puxu Town. If there were more guests, he would live there!    


These suggestions of mine were obviously praised again by Ronnie, who was so excited that she put her arms around me and kissed me hard once more …    


Just like this, the two of us chatted while we carried the raft. It was unknown when we arrived at our destination. Under my guidance, it was easy to find our car. In the car, Ronnie divided the work: she was working on the paperwork, I was working on some infrastructure, and she was working on the site registration, but I was in charge of the funding. I nodded in agreement. After thinking for a while, he realized that he had to pay more attention to this matter of road construction. The road from Pu Xu Town to the mountain had to be done well, at least better than the one in front of him right now. I thought that if the mountain people couldn't live there, they would all have to come to town, so the road would be important. Oh, I got it. There are some signs along the way, and some lights and so on. It seems that I need to pay attention to production.    


With that in mind, I suddenly had an idea and drove directly to the town of Puxu. However, there aren't many staff here. I guess most of them went to the teams in the villages, so I don't mind. Under the guidance of a staff member, Ronnie and I found a deputy mayor on duty.    


However, after knowing the purpose of our visit, this 40-odd year old Vice Mayor Deng seemed to be in a difficult position. It was only after my repeated explanations that he revealed his real reason: it would have been a good thing to contract the Gadfly Mountain, and the town would have received only a token amount of money; after all, the mountain was empty, and there would have been a chance for all of us; but it was hard to say, the town knew that the road would have to be built, but there was no money to spare …    


Now it was my turn to sigh. Thinking that there was no other way to force him, he had no choice but to go out together with Ronnie. However, just as I was about to leave, this deputy mayor who claimed that he worked at the town's land once indicated for me to stop for a moment. When he saw me stop, he seemed to think for a moment. In the end, he handed me a relevant State Department document.    


Seeing that I was looking at him strangely, he gave me a rare smile and finally explained his purpose: In this document, there are some suggestions on how to build the land and pay for the road, so I suggest that I take a look. If I can find some people to invest in the road, it's always good …    


I was finally speechless, but I also lamented that this deputy mayor was not easy to deal with. At the very least, it seemed to me that although he was not enterprising, there was still a sense of service to the people and to the people, except that the help he could provide was limited. After a while, he thought, since he handed me this document, he must have come to the conclusion that if I wanted to contract this mountain, I should be able to find a way to repair it. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at this Vice Mayor Deng once more. I bitterly smiled, picked up the document, and came out with Ronnie.    


For some reason, his spirit had been dampened. Ronnie seemed to understand, too, and she took my arm in a steady, unhurried way, and they walked out to get a ride. This time, it was Ronnie who asked to drive. I followed her and sat in the passenger seat.    




What I lack in front of me is money!    


Where do I get the money?    


At the Ying and Ling sons' place, they asked for money; at Romer's place, they asked for money; at Ye Shuzhen's place, they asked for money; at Zhou Bingjie's place, they asked for money; at Zhou Yajie's place, they asked for money; and at Aitin's place, they also asked for money! Everyone wants to develop!    


I've been to the bank twice, and I think I'll remember the look on the vice president's face for the rest of my life. But even if I got all those looks, I didn't borrow any money from there! Ah, what was going on these days?    


Zhu Dantong did have some money, but I'm afraid it wasn't much. Think of it, for the sake of my life, the supermarket and the Gadfly House, she could hardly get any money from any of the five properties; her own business would have to be developed and paid for! More importantly, in this delicate relationship between me and her, I am too embarrassed to borrow money from her!    


Sigh, in this day and age, starting a business is really not easy!    


But would he give up just like that? This does not seem to be my character, nor the character of our mountain folk. We mountain people, we have the pursuit of facing adversity!    


It's just that I know how to speak empty words, but I'm currently in a difficult position!    


Think about what I'm going to do right now. Fine, if I don't have enough money, I'll take one step at a time. It's impossible for me to become a fatty in a breath, but it's fine if I slowly eat until I'm full!    


At that moment, I let Ronnie drive the car and fell into deep thought. Of course, the most important thing to do was to think about how to raise money. After thinking about it, I felt that this trip should be the most important thing for the time being, because the opportunity and time would not wait for anyone. As for the other three offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, the suspension or suspension of their development for a month should not be a problem, so they should be able to provide me with around 1.5 million yuan in funding from these three directions. As for Rommel's, I'm not going to ask her for money now, because she just opened it. As for Ye Shuzhen, we also have to slow down the development process. I should be able to withdraw 3 million yuan or even a little more. As for Yinzi, I don't think she has too much money. If I were to ask, she would probably be able to squeeze in a million yuan. In that case, I should be able to gather about five and a half million yuan in a short period of time. Moreover, in our mountain, I can use as many resources as I can, such as wood, bamboo, stones, etc. This will also save a lot of money. Also, I ask our local mountaineers to help me with my work as much as possible, one of which they are able to do and are willing to do, and the other one, their wages, etc., I can postpone payment, which will also relieve me of the financial pressure of the present.    


Thinking of this, my mind opened up, and I immediately took out my phone to call a few people. When Zhou Bing Jie heard this, she gave me a kiss on the phone and immediately agreed to transfer the money. I didn't care what Ronnie thought, and affectionately kissed her on the phone. Zhou Yajie was the same, asking if I was good enough. If not, she had sold her old room. I wouldn't let her sell it, of course. I just said enough and promised again and again that she hung up. Ai Ting answered the phone. After she understood why I had come, she didn't say anything for a long time.    


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