Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C10 He Was Burning with Rage

C10 He Was Burning with Rage

0In the kitchen, Ann Rann and Lee Siqi were still busy, so they did not notice Wen Meilan eavesdropping outside the door.    


"Siqi, thank you for taking care of Ann Ann. I am currently busy with work. Ann Ann still needs you to worry about a lot of things. " Ann Rann put the cut green pepper on a plate and said.    


"It's nothing!" Lee Siqi took a sip of the corn rib soup. She smiled and said, "You just have to work in peace. I will take good care of Ann Ann. "    


"Yes. Thank you. " Ann Rann stopped what she was doing. When she thought of her current unemployment situation, her gratitude towards Lee Siqi became even deeper.    


When Ann Rann came today, she transferred all of her savings to Lee Siqi's bank account. Even so, this was still not enough.    


Ann Rann did not expect that when they were cooking just now, Lee Siqi transferred the money back to her. Lee Siqi told her that the money was for her to use.    


Ann Rann felt that Lee Siqi seemed to be able to see the predicament she was facing with a glance. Then she would help her when the time was right. Ann Rann felt very lucky to have such a good friend.    


"Siqi, thank you again. However, you should just accept the money. I will transfer the rest of the money to your account next month. "    


" That's enough. Don't say anymore!" Lee Siqi quickly interrupted Ann Rann's words. She used a spoon to pour the corn rib soup into a bowl. Then she looked at Ann Rann and said, "Rann. You have many good points, except being too polite. We have been good friends since the first year of university. I'm one year older than you. I'm still Ann Ann's godmother. It's my duty to take care of him. "    


"But. . . "    


" There's no buts. " Lee Siqi pretended to be angry as she stared at Ann Rann. "I know you are stubborn and you are too embarrassed to give others trouble. But you must know that I am your best friend. So I should be given special treatment by you. You first accept Ann Ann's living expenses and his kindergarten tuition. When you get a promotion, raise your salary, and marry a rich man. . . Then return the money to me. When the time comes, even if you don't want to return the money, I won't agree either. "    


Ann Rann saw Lee Siqi's serious look and smiled gratefully. She also did not continue to reject Lee Siqi's good intentions. But in her heart, she had already made up her mind. As long as she found a job, she would immediately return the money to Lee Siqi. After all, Siqi's husband's salary was not high. They needed to raise two children. Now their family had another elder.    


"Don't think about it anymore. Try the corn rib soup I made. Do you think it tastes good?" Lee Siqi saw that Ann Rann was still thinking. She hurriedly poured the soup into the bowl and then passed the bowl to Ann Rann.    


Ann Rann took the bowl from Lee Siqi's hands and drank a mouthful of rib soup. She exaggeratedly said, "Wow, Siqi, the soup you made is really delicious. You are simply the model of a capable woman!"    


"If you think it is delicious, drink more. You've become skinnier recently! " Lee Siqi smiled at Ann Rann. She looked at her best friend who had suffered setbacks in her life over the past few years and said with heartache.    


"Since you are cooking today, of course I want to have a good meal!" Ann Rann seemed to only be able to enjoy delicacies in Lee Siqi's home.    


Ann Rann and Lee Siqi chatted happily in the kitchen. Their conversation and laughter reached Wen Meilan's ears.    


Wen Meilan snorted coldly from her nostrils. Her wrinkled face revealed a look of dissatisfaction. In her opinion, Ann Rann did not seem like a person who suffered a loss. No wonder she spent money to buy gifts. It turned out that she did not want to return Ann Ann's living expenses and tuition fees!    


"Grandma, are you playing hide-and-seek here?" Mei, who had played enough Barbie dolls, suddenly stood beside Wen Meilan. She looked up and blinked her big eyes at Wen Meilan. Her clear and melodious voice of a child could be heard in the kitchen.    


After Lee Siqi and Ann Rann heard Mei's words, they went to the kitchen door to take a look. They saw that Wen Meilan was still bending over and sticking her ear to the wall.    


Wen Meilan saw Lee Siqi and Ann Rann's puzzled eyes and could only stand up awkwardly. She smiled at Lee Siqi, "I am looking for a rag. That table was too dirty. You don't even wipe it. Right, where is the cloth?"    


Wen Meilan said as she pretended to look for the cloth and left.    


Mei, who was carrying the Barbie doll, looked at Wen Meilan's back and said, "Grandmother was squatting there just now. She clearly did not look like she was looking for the rag!"    


When Lee Siqi and Ann Rann heard Mei's words, they naturally knew that Wen Meilan was eavesdropping on their conversation just now.    


Lee Siqi smiled awkwardly and said apologetically to Ann Rann, "Rann, my mother-in-law is a little strange sometimes, so don't mind it!"    


"Of course I don't mind!" Ann Rann quickly shook her head, "It's alright. "    


Although Ann Rann herself did not mind, Ann Rann suddenly realized that Lee Siqi's situation was also very bad. Lee Siqi had a conservative and conceited mother-in-law, and she also had an irresponsible husband. The pressure of her life was also very great.    


It was time for dinner.    


"Mei, eat some big prawns. You can grow taller in the future!" Wen Meilan first picked up a peeled prawn and placed it in a beautiful bowl.    


"This is my godson's favorite sugar pork!" Lee Siqi also picked up a sugar pork for Ann Ann.    


"I don't know if Mei is your biological daughter. You don't love your biological daughter, but you love the son of an outsider instead. " Before Wen Meilan put a piece of fat and greasy meat in her mouth, she muttered softly.    


However, although she said it very softly, everyone at the dining table heard it.    


But Wen Ming acted as if he did not hear it and continued to stuff rice into his mouth. Lee Siqi could only smile awkwardly and pretend not to hear.    


Ann Rann was somewhat restless. Could it be that Siqi's mother-in-law had always treated Siqi like this? If she stayed here all the time, would Siqi's situation be very bad? Furthermore, judging from Siqi's mother-in-law's attitude, she seemed to not like Ann Ann living here. What should she do?    


Just as Ann Rann was thinking about the problem, Wen Meilan spoke again. "Miss Ann, did you pay for Ann Ann's living expenses at my son's house and his school fees? You know, my son and daughter-in-law's wages are not high. They need to raise Mei and me. "    


Ann Rann bit her lips. She knew that Wen Meilan heard the conversation between her and Lee Siqi in the kitchen. Ann Rann did not get angry because Wen Meilan eavesdropped on their conversation. She only felt a little guilty.    


Because of her current predicament, it caused her good friend for many years to be embarrassed in front of her mother-in-law.    


"Auntie, I will transfer the money to Siqi's bank account immediately. " Ann Rann seemed to be guaranteeing.    


"En. " Wen Meilan heard Ann Rann's words and nodded her head in satisfaction. She politely said, "Miss Ann, it is not that I am unreasonable. It is just that the current society is like this. Even if it was between brothers, they would still clearly distinguish the money. So. . . "    


" Auntie, I know. I will transfer the money. " Ann Rann smiled at Wen Meilan and promised once again.    


"Rann, there is no need. "    


"Siqi, don't speak anymore!" Ann Rann quickly interrupted Lee Siqi's words. She hoped that Lee Siqi would not continue to argue with her mother-in-law because the problem of her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was after all a problem that was difficult to solve throughout the ages. Ann Rann did not wish for Siqi and her mother-in-law to have any conflicts.    


When Lee Siqi saw Ann Rann's troubled expression, she immediately became furious. Ever since her mother-in-law came here last week, besides ordering her to do a lot of housework, she had also been very picky about her. Her mother-in-law felt that she was not worthy of Wen Ming. Now, she actually interfered with her helping her good friend. She made Ann Rann and her feel awkward!    


She looked at Wen Ming again, as if he did not notice what was happening around him. He only cared about eating. He didn't say a word.    


The atmosphere at the table suddenly became tense. Even the young Ann Ann noticed the serious atmosphere. He put down his chopsticks and lowered his head without saying anything.    


Only Mei was still loudly saying, "Grandma, I still want to eat big prawns. "    


"Okay, I. . . "    


Wen Meilan had not finished speaking when she heard Wen Ming shouting. The vegetables that he picked up with his chopsticks fell to the ground.    


"Son, what happened to you?" Wen Meilan quickly put down her chopsticks and asked with concern.    


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