Heading To Yin Kingdom

Heading To Yin Kingdom

3"Huft..." Liu Kang let out a long breath. Due to exhaustion, he sat down on the ground with his body shaking slightly from exhaustion. The Villain World's Gate Skill closed again; he felt his body tingling slightly from exerting all of his previous Qi in a single attack.     

Tang Ji looked at Liu Kang and said to Tang Kong and Tang Kuan, "Help Liu Kang; because of his help, we succeeded this time."     

Tang Kong and Tang Kuan nodded and went straight to Liu Kang.     

As for Tang Ji, he took Elder Lin Yuan's Space Ring. He immediately checked it and nodded slightly because the thing that was their main plan was indeed in the hands of Elder Lin Yuan.     

"Let's go away from this place. I'll take care of these corpses first so the Lin Clan doesn't get any clues." Tang Ji said.     

"Where are we headed now?" Tang Kong asked while carrying Liu Kang on his shoulders.     

Liu Kang was very upset to be treated like that, but he couldn't help but sigh because he was too tired to speak.     

"Yin Kingdom, we'll start the plan. We'll meet someone I know from the Royal family; he'll be interested in our proposal. They can't possibly refuse the abundant resources." Tang Ji replied as he cleared the battlefield.     

"Is the Yin Kingdom far from here?" Liu Kang asked in a tired tone.     

"Not too far away; if we move at the speed of an Earth Realm level cultivator, we will reach the Yin realm in less than ten days," replied Tang Kong, who, while walking, carried Liu Kang on his shoulders.     

"Is your body okay? You look like someone lacking Qi." Tang Kuan said when he saw Liu Kang's slightly pale face.     

"Yes, I did run out of Qi, but I'll recover in a few hours." Liu Kang replied.     

Tang Kong and Tang Kuan strangely looked at each other as Liu Kang's words seemed impossible. However, thinking back on the strange Liu Kang, the two of them didn't reply anymore because they felt it might be for an abnormal child-like Liu Kang.     

After clearing the battlefield, Tang Ji immediately spoke, "Let's go quickly. I don't know if the previous Supreme Elder of the Lin Clan knew where and with whom Elder Lin Yuan went. We'd better hurry to avoid that old monster if he knows!"     

Tang Kong And Tang Kuan immediately agreed with what Tang Ji said.     

Then the three immediately moved toward the Yin kingdom and brought Liu Kang along.     

Time passed, and Liu Kang, along with Tang Ji, Tang Kong, and Tang Kuan, had been moving from the ruins of the Tang Clan to the Yin kingdom for almost two days. Liu Kang had recovered from exhaustion and depleted the Qi in his body.     

"How strong is the Yin kingdom?" While moving in the middle of the forest with Tang Ji, Tang Kong, and Tang Kuan, Liu Kang asked.     

"We don't know their Strength because the Yin clan is hidden. However, there are many rumors that there are Cultivators who have surpassed the heaven realm level in the Yin Clan." Tang Ji replied.     

"Oh, then, How is the strength of the Yin Clan different from that of the Thousand Flowers Sect?" Liu Kang asked again curiously as he recalled Jane Shang's power which could even defeat many Sky Realm Tier enemies even though only duplicates had 20% of her Strength.     

"Thousand Flower Sect?" Tang Ji frowned slightly and thought about the difference between the sect and the Yin Clan that ruled the Yin Kingdom.     

"The Yin Clan is stronger because there are hidden cultivators. Many sects are not affiliated with the Two Great Kingdoms, and one of them is the Thousand Flowers Sect," Tang Ji said.     

"Stronger?" Liu Kang raised his eyebrows slightly and looked thoughtful.     

"If Jane Shang's strength is what I think, it's likely that the Thousand Flowers sect is on par with the Yin Clan." Liu Kang thought.     

"Yes. Although I have to admit that the Thousand Flowers Sect is one of the strongest sects, they will still find it difficult to fight against a kingdom, especially if there are strong cultivators hidden in the kingdom." Tang Ji said.     

"Strongest Sect?" I asked the male Liu Kang to confirm the Strength of all the sects.     

"The Thousand Flowers Sect has been recognized as a top-tier sect after rumors about the presence of an elder named Jane Shang; it is said that the figure of the sexy Mistress is extremely mysterious, even though Sect Elder has already reached the Eighth Stage Sky Realm. The news came recently when recruiting genius disciples in the Thousand Flowers Sect. Elder Jane Shang displayed her true Strength, reaching the Eighth Stage of the Sky Realm. From this estimate, it was certain that the Mistress of the Thousand Flowers Sect had already reached the Peak of the Sky Realm. That was what made all sects wary of sects. The Thousand Flowers and the news of a new disciple becoming the greatest genius in the Thousand Flowers sect makes everyone believe that the sect will reach new heights. Both kingdoms now want to ally with the Thousand Flowers sect." Tang Ji said.     

Liu Kang was slightly taken aback by this; He didn't expect that no one knew until now that Jane Shang was the Mistress of the Thousand Flowers Sect. Also, about the new genius disciple that Tang Ji said made him smile a little because it was his sister, Xiao Wu.     

"Alright, we've been moving for two days. It's getting dark today too. We're going to rest in this forest for a while, and tomorrow we'll be moving at full speed." Tang Ji suggested and immediately stopped at an empty place.     

Tang Kong and Tang Kuan immediately agreed. Liu Kang was the same as they had been moving for two days without rest after fighting.     


Liu Kang jumped onto a boulder and sat down on it. He immediately closed his eyes to meditate, waiting for something he had been waiting for almost three days.     

"Heaven!" Liu Kang called out in his mind.     


Liu Kang watched everything, and his eyes fell on the constantly running bar.     

[98% - ...]     

"Looks like it won't take another few hours for the manual I requested to be completed by the system." Liu Kang thought.     

Therefore, Liu Kang began to meditate again to wait for the manual to be completed.     

Tang Ji, Tang Kong, and Tang Kuan ignored Liu Kang and immediately meditated to restore their body strength to its peak so that they could move non-stop for a week on the way to the Yin Kingdom.     

More than 3 hours had passed since Liu Kang's group rested.     


[The manual 31 mergings have been completed. Creating a new appropriate manual for the Host]     

Hearing the notification in his mind, Liu Kang smiled a little.     

"Show manual!" Liu Kang's command in his mind.     


Liu Kang looked at the blue holographic screen in front of his face.     

"Manual of the Seven Deadly Sins, having three main layers, is clarified as a King-level manual." Liu Kang thought with a frown on his forehead.     

"Explain the manual description of the Seven Deadly Sins." Liu Kang's command In his mind.     


[The Manual of the Seven Deadly Sins is a unique manual from a combined 31 manuals that use different types of Qi in the body. This manual made Hosts possess skills that It could combine with the Eight Forbidden Gates. The Gate of the Vilain World is the opening of one of the eight Meridians that will display other characteristics when the Host refines the manual. However, the final Meridian is unique and cannot be combined with the Seven Deadly Sins Manual]     

[The change in Qi originating from the Seven Deadly Sins manual will automatically merge with the Evil Qi originating from the Villain God's Profound Veins.]     

[The last thing Host needs to know, the Seven Deadly Sins manual has unlimited growth potential because the System created it. Searching for other manuals and combining them with the Seven Deadly Sins manual using the point system. The Host will improve manual quality]     

[When it reaches its peak, the Seven Deadly Sins manual can be clarified as an item equivalent to the combined three shards of the Villain God's Profound Veins. However, to reach that level, the Host has to collect countless manuals since the System is not yet able to calculate how many manuals are needed]     

Liukang's heart skipped a beat as he didn't expect that the manual he had created together with the System would be able to reach such heights. Even though the System couldn't calculate how many manuals to search for to perfect the Seven Deadly Sins manual, it definitely wouldn't miss such an opportunity. Because That could say that the Seven Deadly Sins manual was new, and only he would use it in the future.     

"Learn the manual instantly!" Liu Kang ordered in his mind without wasting any time.     


[Host's cultivation is recommended to reach Earth Realm Level at least to learn the manual instantly]     

[Note: learn anything instantly, Host must be at least two levels lower than manual level, technique, or whatever.]     

Liu Kang twitched for a moment as he forgot about it; even though He had upgraded the system features to a new level, it was still possible to learn something instantly for only two levels above it. He was currently still at the Spirit Realm level; if studying the king-level manual, he should at least have the cultivation of the Earth Realm level. That was why Liu Kang had previously studied all the sky-level techniques.     

"Keep the manual; remind me when I have reached the earth realm level to learn the manual instantly!" Liu Kang's command in his mind.     


Liu Kang couldn't help but sigh inwardly. But he did not expect to find such a manual in the System. Since he possessed the Villain God's Profound Veins, the System instantly created a practical manual after analyzing it millions of times or even more.     

That makes the manufacturing process very long even though using the System.     

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