

1Jane Shang's inner couldn't believe what she was feeling. She naturally knew it was a burst of Qi because Whale King Xirus was receiving very heavy injuries.     

Of course, the wound inside the brain wasn't simple at all. For a being as powerful as Whale King Xirus, he would not be able to bear such a burden of pain.     

"At this rate, any cultivators that enter there must be in danger. Should I go back and bring Liu Kang?" thought Jane Shang. Because the situation was going to worsen, she immediately sent telepathy to some of her subordinates. In her strength as a Sage Realm cultivator, it wouldn't be difficult to catch up to that means of transportation.     

Jane Shang shot at full speed towards the sky continent not far away and where Liu Kang was.     

If only Jane Shang knew that the source of the current troubles came from Liu Kang, she would be speechless because it seems that the boy likes to make trouble that could lead to a huge disaster.     

Besides, Jane Shang went straight to Liu Kang's place because she didn't want Liu Kang to die, which would make her two students unable to develop anymore.     

Even though she might be able to hide it, if Liu Kang doesn't come to the continent of light one day, his two disciples and Xu Yue will surely find Liu Kang's whereabouts, which makes things difficult.     

"Hopefully, Whale King Xirus doesn't try to destroy the Sky Continent. Even though he is a spiritual beast that lives underwater, he can make the Sky Continent sink into the ocean with his extraordinary Qi." Jane Shang thought and rushed towards the ancient royal ruins. Even now, she was still thinking about how Whale King Xirus had lived underground for a long time.     



Whale King Xirus thrashed in the gigantic lake while expending all of his Qi in an enormous amount. The lake is also currently rotating to form a whirlpool covering the entire lake.     

The cultivators near the lake were frightened as they stared at it because the gigantic body of Whale King Xirus was visible.     

 Whale King Xirus has a shape like a whale in general. The difference is he is dark black, like black metal. The eyes are red like blood, and the mouth has a lot of fangs.     

Currently, Whale King Xirus' fins and tail were enveloped in a water-type Qi that seemed to wrap around like a sharp knife.     

"What's that?"     

"How can there be such a big spiritual beast?"     

"Will he try waving his tail when he reaches the edge of the lake?"     

"Let's get away from this lake!"     

The cultivators were talking in many places with cold sweat on their foreheads. Even when staring at the figure of the spiritual beast screaming in agony, they could only cover their ears and walk away for fear that the Whale King Xirus would wag its tail.     

With a body as big as a mother's, cultivators speculated that when the Whale King Xirus flicked its tail, if it didn't reach them, a burst of Qi would surely rush over them.     

Currently, Liu Kang and Fei Lan had stopped slashing here and there as they covered their ears at Whale King Xirus' screams of pain.     

"Heaven! Find a solution!" Liu Kang shouted in his mind.     


[Recommend buying earplugs that block sound and Qi trying to enter the ear]     

"Buy two a pair!" Liu Kang shouted in his mind.     


[Purchased a sound and Qi barrier device for 1000 system points for two]     

Liu Kang immediately picked up what looked like an ear warmer that covered the entire ear. He immediately put it on and felt relieved because only the faint sound of King Xirus Whale's screams could be heard. He also approached Fei Lan, who was kneeling while covering her ears.     

Liu Kang immediately placed the device in Fei Lan's ear without wasting any time.     

"Husband?" Fei Lan, who initially felt like her head was going to explode, looked at Liu Kang in surprise for even having such an item.     

"Don't ask anymore. Let's finish it!" Liu Kang said while gazing at the Whale King Xirus' brain tissue which seemed to be squirming from time to time and emitting an extremely strong Qi.     

Even though Fei Lan didn't hear what Liu Kang said, she understood just by moving her husband's lips. She nodded slightly and immediately prepared her technique again.     

Likewise, Liu Kang immediately prepared more techniques to injure the Whale King Xirus than before.     


As before, Fei Lan slashed first then, followed by Liu Kang. Both move to and fro to split a lot of King Whale Xirus brain tissue.     

Within the current Whale King Xirus brain, Bleeding that looked like a flood of blood could be seen as much of Whale King Xirus' brain tissue had been dismembered by Liu Kang and Fei Lan.     

Even though the shaking in Whale King Xirus's brain was getting more intense and the Qi pressure suddenly appeared, the two of them did not stop until they were both satisfied.     

In less than 2 minutes, more and more blood flooded Whale King Xirus' brain. Still not moving as fast as before, Liu Kang frowned when he heard the system notification.     



[The pressure is getting bigger, not even one more minute, the pressure won't be able to be endured by the Host's body. It is recommended to get out of the brain of Whale King Xirus]     

Hearing that, Liu Kang put away the Villain's Bloodsword and shot toward Fei Lan, who was about to swing her Sword back.     

Liu Kang instantly hugged Fei Lan's slender waist and darted in a certain direction, having unleashed the Heavenly Demon Spider's Sharp Legs.     

Fei Lan was originally confused. She wanted to ask. But first fell silent because she felt Liu Kang's speed moving slower over time. She also felt a terrifying pressure run over her body as if her body was made of an enormous and heavy rock.     

The pressure also made Liu Kang sweat a little. He immediately enveloped his entire body with the Villain Qi and forced the sharp legs on his back to make them jump even faster.     

"Heaven! Find a way out of Whale King Xirus' body!" Liu Kang shouted in his mind.     


[Get out of the previous path, then fly towards the cave—]     

The system explained the exit path from Whale King Xirus' body, and Liu Kang immediately moved as fast as he could.     


When Liu Kang entered the previous cave together with Fei Lan, the previous pressure dropped drastically because the Whale King Xirus had indeed created such pressure in his brain.     

Because Liu Kang and Fei Lan were in his body, Whale King Xirus found it very difficult to determine where the bacteria that cut his brain tissue was, so he felt incomparable pain. Thus, he did not exert pressure anywhere else. Also, Whale King Xirus no longer exerted his strongest pressure because it might also damage his brain.     

So, everything that happened right now was luck for Liu Kang and Fei Lan. If only the two of them messed up in the intestines, the story would be different from now.     

With extremely high speed, Liu Kang moved while carrying Fei Lan in the direction of exiting Whale King Xirus' body with the help of the system.     

Fei Lan remained silent and was even more astonished that her husband seemed to know a way out. But she wouldn't ask now or later because she was also happy that her beloved husband could do such a thing.     

Their current position as they moved was like they were walking through a very long labyrinth.     

Meanwhile, Whale King Xirus was constantly thrashing around and was already close to the edge of the Great Lake.     

The cultivators who saw Whale King Xirus approaching were frightened.     

Feeling excruciating pain, Whale King Xirus immediately wagged his first tail to the side with all his might.     


The tail of King Whale Xirus immediately hit the surface of the water close to the edge of the lake.     


A gigantic tsunami accompanied by a burst of Qi rushed to the side.     


"How could this happen?"     

Several cultivators who saw a gigantic tsunami with powerful Qi rushing towards them couldn't help but remain silent in resignation, knowing that it would be impossible to dodge any longer.     


At a distance of more than 50 km, the tsunami mixed with Qi also swept away everything in less than 5 seconds. All the cultivators in that direction died instantly because they couldn't hold on. In just one direction, around 40 more cultivators died.     

The cultivator in the other direction also stared in fright. They immediately searched for shelter underground or a high place to avoid a giant tsunami if Whale King Xirus did the same.     


Whale King Xirus, who felt excruciating pain in his brain, dived for a moment and immediately hit his head against a cliff in the water.     


Violent tremors occurred on the sky continent just because of the impact Whale King Xirus made against a cliff deep in the water. It didn't stop there; when the impact occurred, a blue Qi surged into the distance and swept away everything in its path.     


A huge chasm was created instantly within an extremely distant radius as if it were about to split the Sky Continent.     


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