Runaway II

Runaway II

2"Husband!!! Watch out!!! Down there, something is approaching!" Fei Lan shouted.     

"I know Lan'er..." Liu Kang replied and immediately turned to the side. He also entered a shallow place to avoid the attack coming from below.     


The water pillar covered in Qi passed right in front of Liu Kang and Fei Lan, which made their hearts beat very fast as they were almost hit by it.     

"Almost!" Fei Lan said in a slightly nervous tone because she felt so close to death. She must have realized how powerful the Qi enveloping the water pillar was.     

Similarly to Liu Kang, he was currently wiping the cold sweat off his forehead. He also waited until the water pillar was exhausted, and he would immediately move again.     


[Host is advised to wait; another attack will come!]     

When Liu Kang wanted to move because the water pillar was slowly fading, he froze.     

Fei Lan saw that Liu Kang, who was about to move, was slightly confused. "What's wrong, husband? Let's move. There might be another attack if we don't hurry." He said, a little nervous.     

"It's coming!" Liu Kang replied.     

Fei Lan, confused at first, felt another extraordinary movement of Qi.     


Another pillar of water passed in front of them, which made Fei Lan's heart want to stop. If only her husband had moved earlier, they would have both died on the spot.     

"Heaven, check for another attack?" Liu Kang ordered in his mind ignoring Fei Lan's frightened face.     


[No movement of Qi from Whale King Xirus]     

Hearing the system's reply, Liu Kang, who saw the water pillar slowly fading away, immediately stepped out and shot upwards at full speed.     

Knowing there might be another attack, Liu Kang activated his two gates again to increase his speed to the max.     

Whale King Xirus, who had already made two strikes, frowned as he didn't feel any sign of anything coming from the top of his head.     

However, when Liu Kang used the Forbidden Gate, he could immediately feel that the disorderly germ had not yet died, making him very angry.     

However, just as he was about to strike back, an unbearable throbbing pulsed through his brain. The pain made Whale King Xirus unable to concentrate.     

Inside the Whale King Xirus' breathing hole, Liu Kang looked up and found the end of the giant cave. It was coated with a thin Qi to prevent water from entering. Whale King Xirus might have done it on purpose for some reason.     

"Heaven! Check the Qi layer!" Liu Kang ordered in his mind.     

[No abnormalities. Whale King Xirus' Qi was blocking things from entering his airways. The Host can easily penetrate it]     


When Liu Kang passed by together with Fei Lan, both of them arrived in the water, which made Liu Kang's face slightly ugly. He realized that it would be difficult for him to do anything underwater.     

"Husband! We're going to use this!" Fei Lan immediately took out a tool that could make a person move underwater.     

"Submarine?" Liu Kang was a little surprised inwardly. But the shape is very strange and does not resemble a submarine. However, Liu Kang immediately understood what this means of transportation was for.     

Fei Lan opened the door of the underwater transportation device and immediately pulled Liu Kang into it.     


Fei Lan immediately kicked the door as fast as she could to keep water from getting inside. Hurriedly, she directly controlled the underwater transportation device using his Qi.     


The transportation device that was the size of a truck in Liu Kang's previous life immediately shot toward the surface at an extremely high speed.     

"Heaven! Track Whale King Xirus' movements!" Liu Kang ordered in his mind.     


[King Xirus Whale will wake up in a moment from the pain that might be coming from his brain]     

With a serious face, Liu Kang also tried to feel something outside the means of transportation. He nodded, slightly satisfied because the speed of the means of transportation was much higher than the speed of moving on land.     

"What is this, Lan'er?" Liu Kang asked curiously.     

Hearing that call for the second time, Fei Lan's heart beat rapidly like a drum indicating a war was about to break out. She was very happy when her husband called her that.     

"This is a means of underwater transportation that is often used by cultivators who have yet to reach the Sky Realm level of the Dark Continent because the Continent of Darkness is a collection of thousands of islands despite having the main island, which is the largest that should be the original Dark Continent. It happened in the past. a certain natural disaster that split the continent of darkness into many pieces, so cultivators created this thing." Fei Lan explained to Liu Kang.     

"Oh," Liu Kang was slightly surprised that means of transportation were common on the Continent Of Darkness.     

"It won't be long before we reach the surface, husband. We must move immediately when we reach the bottom of this lake!" Fei Lan said.     

Liu Kang is, of course, annoying. But he smiled slightly, knowing that if Fei Lan wasn't around, he would likely be in danger of being unable to move quickly in the water.     


[Whale King Xirus has come to his senses. The spiritual beast is moving toward the direction the Host is in]     

"Lan'er, hurry up! Whale King Xirus is approaching!" Liu Kang shouted hurriedly.     

Fei Lan got serious and immediately used up all of her Qi. "This means of transportation will be damaged if I do that. But that doesn't matter anymore!" She thought.     


The means of transportation also move almost three times faster. In the means of transportation, shocks ensued as if the means of transportation were unable to withstand the pressure of the water and seemed to be forcing themselves to move faster.     

"Here We Are! Husband! Open the door!" Fei Lan shouted.     

Liu Kang immediately pulled the door out, and water still entered in large quantities. He grabbed Fei Lan and immediately shot out as fast as he could.     

Wasting no time, Liu Kang immediately swam upwards several meters away from the surface and took out the Heavenly Demon Spider's Sharp Legs.     


Liu Kang threw his body with the sharp legs on his back and immediately shot into the air at his current full speed.     

The Whale King Xirus in the water could certainly feel where Liu Kang was.     

"Damn human! You will pay for it!"     

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