My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0He had treated her daughter in front of her as if she was the most precious to him. According to her husband, Alexander had come into their lives, but she did not know that he would take her daughter away from her so soon. But she still didn't believe him, so she had asked him some questions to make sure, and Alex opened up to her about things that only she and her husband knew. And especially he knew the biggest truth of Liam's life.     

Sarah didn't think that Alex would ask her daughter in exchange for help. And by the time she turned him down, Alex had made it clear to her that he had lived without Avery for many years and that he could not live without her anymore. Sarah didn't want her daughter's deal for her son. It was like she was selling her daughter for her son. She had already regretted speaking with Avery in a demanding tone. How could she demand that her eighteen-year-old daughter to save Liam?     

She was not yet ready to hand Avery over to Alex. But when Alex told her that, "I love Avery very much and I will marry her in any case because she is already turned eighteen years old today."     

She finally agreed for marriage but she never thought that she would not be able to attend her daughter's wedding herself. At that time, she controlled her heart very hardly but it was out of control when she found out about Alex's Extra marital affair     

She had decided to bring Avery back at that time but even then Alex had not allowed her to do so and had stopped her saying if she took Avery away from there her life would be in danger and he was doing everything just for Avery. That's what he said. Sarah was a mother and could not risk her daughter's life.     

And now she understood how much Alex loves her daughter. Thinking about the past and the present, she let out a long sigh and looked at her son who was still in his deep slumber.     



Avery was still in her deep sleep when Alex walked into the room with the international magazine in his hand. He walked over to her and sat on the bed near her head. Avery was sleeping like an innocent baby with her knees close to her chest. It was common for her to sleep like this when Alex was not sleeping near her.     

He looked at her for a moment and after stroking her hair he kissed her on the forehead and immediately got up from the bed and stretched her legs out in comfortable position. He kicked his shoes and lay down on her side and placed his head on his folded arm. He put his hand on her cheek and began to rub her soft cheek.     

"Hey darling..." He didn't want to wake her up. But telling her that matter was also necessary because after talking to Sarah, he also wanted to tell his wife about the matter.     

"Oh dear open your eyes." This time he gently patted her cheek. After a while she opened her eyes slowly and after blinking for a while she opened her eyes wide and looked at him.     

"What is this alex. Have we reached? "     

"Not now. There is more time."     

"Then why did you wake me up?" She complained and immediately moved her body forward and buried her face in his warm chest.     

He lifted his hand and placed it on her back and began to rub. "Darling Aren't you feeling hungry? You didn't eat anything from morning."     

"Hmm..." She hummed dramatically and said, "Let me think," she again paused, "In fact, I don't want to eat anything right now."     

"Ok, Take your time for that but I want to talk to you. I want to tell you something." He leaned his head down and whispered in her ear. Hearing this, she poked her head out of his chest and looked at him.     

"And what you want to tell me," she asked Seriously. She knew in that look that something was important, so Alex wanted to tell her very badly.     

Before telling her, he lifted his body from the bed and sat down with his head resting on his headrest.     

"Come here!" He grabbed her hand and sat her on the bed. In the next second he placed her between his legs and wrapped his arms around her belly and placed his chin on her shoulders.     

"Tell me Alex," Her patience was running out because she wanted to hear that important matter from his mouth as soon as possible:.     

"Look at this," He opened the page of an international magazine which had an article about him and an interview with the minister's daughter.     

The first thing Avery noticed on that page was magnificent image of Alex. "You are looking so handsome in this picture." She said running her fingers on his photo.     

"Love, When you have the original piece, you don't have to look at the image with such interest. Read what is printed on the side of the photo."     

She removed her eyes from Alex's photo and brought it to the article.     

Alex had told her to read it herself, but as she started reading the article, his heart rate increased. He did not know what her reaction would be after reading it.     

Suddenly he tightened his grip around her. Avery read the full article in her intense gaze and, "What the hell is this?"     

"How can she say you are the father of her child. Has her brain gone out of head. Is she insane? I swear to God, if i meet me, I will take her life." Avery said gritting her teeth. Her reaction was completely opposite to what Alex had thought.     

He lifted his chin from her shoulders and looked at her with wide eyes.     

When Avery turned her hade to face him, she asked after looking at the shock expression on his face, "What happened?     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked and he suddenly put his hand on her forehead like he was checking her temperature.     

"Why? What happened to me?     

Why are you checking me like this?"     

"Are you all right?"     

"Yes, Except for pregnancy, I am perfectly fine. But I'm telling you the truth, I'm going to kill that girl."     

"Slow...Slow down little Lioness. Take a deep breath and you don't need to kill her because I'm going to close this matter very soon. But I'm glad you trusted me. I'm glad I didn't have to explain. I'm really feeling happy." He said kissing her on the temple.     

"Alex." She whispered his name and placed international magazine on the bed and then she turned her body completely into Alex's arms and her chocolate brown eyes stared into his blue eyes. "You don't have to say all this because I have faith on you and that faith will last as long as my heart tells me to believe in you and until I will not see anything wrong with my own eyes."     

"But sometimes what you see with your eyes is not true. What if you misunderstood something you saw with your own eyes and you believed it without thinking about it?"     

He asked her because it could have happened again in the future. Since alex was the most favorite bachelor among girls, there was a possibility of more false claims on him. And Avery's faith in Alex was very essential to overcoming that situation.     

"Some things also depend on the situation." Avery had given Alex a hidden message that she would not believe anyone's nonsense unless she saw it with her own eyes.     

"So I will try my best to see that such a situation does not arise."     

"Hmm..." She put her head on his heart and closed her eyes.     

The rhythm of his heart was providing her peace that she could not find anywhere else. After holding each other's arms for a while, Alex grabbed Avery's both shoulders and separated her from him a little.     

"You haven't eaten since morning. I think you should eat something and now it's also your meds time." He said looking at his wristwatch.     

"Did you eat anything?" She asked.     

"No!" He answered.     

"Okay then. Let's eat together." She said.     

"I your wish and now Let's go then. " He got up from the bed and grabbed her hand and got her out of the bed too and they both came out of the room after putting their footwear.     

When Avery came out and saw that her mother and brother were not in the same place as before, she asked Alex about them and Alex told her why her mother was not there.     

After listening to Alex, she went to see her mother in another room, her mother's head resting on her headrest and her hand on Liam's head. She decided not to disturb her mother as she saw her mother in a calm state and she came back from the room with back steps.     

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