My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-193- Where Is Raina?

CH-193- Where Is Raina?

2She had a sharp slap with scars visible on her cheek. His heart ached at the sight of her tearful eyes. He leaned his head down and pressed his warm lips to her cheeks. Avery closed her eyes to feel his lovely touch.     

"Alex. I was very scared. He...he...said... said he wo...would take Liam's he...heart." She choked her words. Proper speaking was difficult for her. " don't know what...wo..would have happened if brother hadn't come." Streams of tears began to flow from her eyes again which made Alex's cheeks wet. He pulled his face from hers and looked into her eyes.     

"Don't cry, my love." He kissed the tears that came from her right eye.     

"No more tears my love." This time he kissed the tears that came from her left eye. Then he gave her a small kiss on her lips and placed her on a nearby bench before approaching the man who had dared to slap her.     

Noah, who was holding Liam in his arms, was also hurt when he heard Avery's words. He also thought that if he and Alex had not arrived on time, he would have lost three important people in his life. And with that came a few previous scenes in front of his eyes in which Emily was trying so hard to free herself from the clutch of bodybuilders.     

He looked at her who was still standing leaning her head against the wall and tears were constantly flowing from her closed eyes. She had both her arms wrapped tightly around her stomach as she was protecting herself.     

Noah stepped forward and stood in front of her.     

He sneaked his free hand around her waist and pulled her to himself causing her body to hit directly on his chest. He wrapped his arm securely around her waist and brought his cold lips close to her ear. His cold lips touched her ear caused an electric current ran through- her whole body.     

As soon as she felt his warmth, she wrapped her arms around his waist.     

"Don't cry, sweetheart. Nothing bad had happened. You're safe my little fairy." He whispered in her ear and kissed her earlobe. She felt a little relaxed by his sweet words and safe hug.     

She poked her head out of his chest and looked at him. "Take me out from here." She whispered.     

"I will my Love... I will." He said.     

" And I don't even want to go to the dorm." She shook her head while puffing her little cute nose.     

"You will come with me." She nodded her head, then looked at Liam whose head rested on Noah's shoulder.     

"Is he okay?" She touched Liam's cheek.     

"Hmm... He is unconscious only due to the effect of the drug. As soon as the effect of the drug wears off, this little one will regain his consciousness."     

"Thank God." She placed her head on Noah's chest and looked at Avery, who was looking at Alex.     

Alex was standing in front of the man in his majestic aura. However, his presence was enough to bring sweat on the forehead of that man. He did not think that the girls he was trying to trap would be related to the influential figure in the country.     

He was trembling in his place. Alex's men didn't beat him, as per Alex command. Alex wanted to torture him personally, with his own hands. "You dared to touch what is mine. You touched her with your dirty hand."     

Alex took that man's right hand in his and squeezed it very hard causing him to cry in pain. Alex then twisted his finger backwards and broke the finger bone. "Ahhhh..." This time he cried out louder than before.     

"Shhh..." Alex grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. "Only I have the right to touch her in this world. Only I have the right to make or break her. But you.... You dared.... NOW SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES...."     

"Sir, please. Please. I didn't know she was yours. If I had known, I would not have dared. Sir..i..."     

" But you dared." Alex smirked evilly, "And what did you say? If you knew she was mine, you wouldn't have dared. If there was another in her place, you would have dared. How cheap you are." Alex's two-way talk confused him.     

He didn't even understand how to gave a satisfying answer to Alex. The man was looking for the right answer to give Alex in his thoughts but he came out of his thoughts when he felt a sharp pain in his palm. Alex pierced his palm with a small sharp knife. That pain was unbearable. He tried to shake his hand but Alex's grip was too strong on his hand.     

Satisfied with his bloody hand, Alex moved his hand closer to that man's face, as his knife was about to pierce his cheek.     

Noah placed his hand on Alex's shoulder     

"What?" Alex looked at Noah and pulled his eyebrows.     

"She needs you." Noah gestures to Avery who was sitting on the bench and clenching her heart. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, which made Alex soft.     

He quickly approached her And sat on his knees. "Love." He cupped her face in his hands. "What happened?"     

"Please stop this. You can punish him later. I just want to go. Liam is still unconscious. Please take him to the hospital."     

"Okay.... Okay... Don't cry." Alex wipes her tears and stands up. He also helped Avery to stand up.     

Before leaving, Avery stretched out her hand to take Liam from Noah. But seeing her condition, Noah hesitates a bit. He wasn't sure if Avery could carry Liam. Seeing his reluctance, Avery grabbed the sleeve of Alex's shirt. "what?"     

" Tell Brother Noah to give me Liam." Alex wanted to laugh at her child-like demand but buried his laugh in his cheek.     


"But Alex I think her condition is not good."     

"Trust me I'm here."     

Noah handed Liam over to Avery. And it happened just as he had hoped. Avery couldn't bear Liam's load but Alex took care of her before she lost her balance.     

"Thank you." She whispered to Alex.     

" Always my dear." Just as they were about to leave, Avery remembered Raina.     

"where is Raina?"     

"Here is." They all turned in the direction of the voice. Raina's unconscious body was in Max's strong arms.     

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