My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0After coming out of the room, she ate with Alex and the two got busy in chatting.     


This time Liam was in front of everyone in the bodyguard's arms and Sara was behind him. They were both came out of the jet with bodyguards. But what about Avery. Where was she?     

Well, Avery was still in the jet.     

Her arms were wrapped around Alex's torso and her face was buried in his chest. Like Alex, it was very difficult for her to stay away in the different city for full five days.     

She was sobbing very hard on his chest as she will never come back. This morning she didn't feel so much sadness and even during the journey, she had good control over her feelings but as soon as the plane landed Avery lost control over herself and she ended up crying.     

Just before disembarking from the plane when Alex saw the tears in her eyes, he immediately came close to her and cupped her face.     

Sarah witnessed Avery's breakdown but Avery's breakdown happened when it was time to get off the plane. So instead of going to console Avery, she got off the plane to give the couple the privacy they needed most.     

One of Alex's arms was wrapped around her waist, holding her in place, and with his another hand, he was rubbing her back. "Don't cry baby. Please don't...." He was trying to console her with his soothing words     

Alex was trying to calm Avery with his sugar coating words but Avery was Avery and she calmed down only when she poured her whole heart out. When Alex felt that her body had stopped trembling, he let out a sigh of relief and grabbed her shoulders, after removing the arms around her small body and pulling her away from herself.     

He gently squeezed her shoulders and said to her, "Love look at me."     

But she didn't listen to him because she was ashamed of her Childish Act now.     

"Love, look at me." He said again but this time his tone was not as loving as before but demanding. She moved her head left to right again and after jerking his hands from her shoulders she turned and said, "Let's go."     

Since he had no other option, he quickly grabbed her delicate wrist and turned her in a swift move and pulled her towards him.     

He grabbed her chin in his index finger and thumb and held her face up so he could look in her eyes. "Don't worry. I will be close to you even though I am far away. I will be there when you want me. So don't feel low."     

His soothing words made her feel so much better and she nodded her head.     

He bent his head down and kissed her on the forehead and lifted her into his arms in bridal style.     

The next moment she was in bridal style in his arms.     

"What are you doing? Put me down." She started kicking in the air.     

"Honey, don't try your empty attempt, because I'm not going to let you down."     

"Try to understand. My mother and your mother in law are outside the plane."     

"So What, what will happen? It's not like your mother hasn't seen you in my arms. This is not the first time I have held you in my arms in front of your mother."     

Hearing this she felt the colour of shyness on her soft cheeks. She paused for a moment and then again opened her mouth, "I know but still you ....." And her sentence stopped in the middle. Suddenly she began to feel dizzy and she put her head on Alex's chest without much argument and closed her eyes.     

His behaviour was on the track due to the sudden change in her behaviour and he looked at her with his narrowing gaze.     

Her eyes were closed and her pink lips were parted slightly.     

"Oh dear," He called her and bounced her slightly into his strong arms which caused her body to jerk a little and she opened her eyes.     

" What happened?" He asked her very carefully.     

"I am feeling little dizzy." She said in, a voice that could be heard with great difficulty.     

"Oh, my little one." He tightened his grip around her and held her closer to his heart. "After some time you will feel better little one." He tried to give her strength with his words.     

When he came out of the plane holding her in his arms, Sarah looked at him and frowned when she saw Avery in Alex's arms. And the only question in her head was what happened to Avery.     

Alex reached to her with a long step and asked a bodyguard to settle Mrs. in another car.     

She didn't have ch worry about Avery when she was with Alex, but her Avery's pale face increased her heartbeat and she tightened her grip on the five-year-old figure.     

After Alex got into his car, he settled Avery on his lap and placed her head on his chest. He tilted his head down and started patting her cheek gently.     

"Can you hear me?" He was worried about his wife and the big tension was how she would manage if it happened to her again in the next five-day bunny     

He patted her cheek again, "My cupcake, My Love, My bunny, My little sweetheart. Open your eyes." Lightly hearing all this Nickname Avery opened her eyes halfway.     

Feeling dizzy, she felt like all the energy in her body was gone and she was just an empty shell. After opening her eyes and looked at Alex.     

It was clear to him from the look on her face that it was very difficult for her to open her eyes.     

With one hand,d he held her body near his chest and with the other hand, he carried a bottle of water near her mouth.     

"Drink a little water. You'll feel a little better." Without saying a word, she clapped her lips around the bottle and Alex tilted the bottle upward to make it easier for her to drink.     

She drank three to four sips of water with great differ again she buried her face in his chest and hid herself in his arms. He started rubbing his massive hand on her back and told the driver to drive the car to his seven-star hotel.     

There, largest numbers of hotel in this city were under Hill's. Some of which were owned by Alex's youngest uncle and all others were under Alexander's name.     

In front of Alex was an entrepreneur from the same city who had a good deal that Alex was considering signing the deal.     

Recently, an entrepreneur from the same city had submitted a proposal to Alex. That proposal was of beneficial to Alex, and that's why he was considering signing the deal. And he was reading the information about that proposal on the plane a few hours ago.     

Alex had not any plan to take Avery to his hotel but he had to do considering her current situation. He could not leave her in that fragile condition. Behind Alex's car was the car in which Mrs. Miller was sitting, and that car was following Alex's car closely.     

After reaching the hotel, the driver took the car directly into the private parking lot and after the car stopped completely, the bodyguard sitting on the passenger seat got of the car and opened the door for Alex. When Alex got off the car, Mrs. Miller also got out of the car and the first question in her head was why did Alex bring them here. But without ask, ing him nursing, she followed his lead.     

Taking Liam in her arms, Mrs. Miller followed Alex and went into the elevator with him. Now seeing Avery's pale face she couldn't help but finalise, "What happened to Avery."     

Upon hearing, Mother Law's questioners looked at the small figure in his arm and answered Mrs. Miller, "She is feeling little dizzy." His face was expressionless and straight but his words were holding the care of his heart.     

With the sound of ding, the elevator door opened directly in front of the President's Suite on the top floor of the building. Alex and Mrs Miller came out with Avery and Liam in their arms.     

When Mrs. Miller looked at the bodyguards on the top floor, the first question that came to her mind was how many bodyguards Alex had and the point was that their behaviour was such that each bodyguard was fitted with a particular program that commands them to do their job perfectly on their time.     

Alex came in front of his presidential suit and stood in front of the scanner. The scanner scanned both his eyes and the door of his presidential suite opened and he entered. Alex Afterwards, when Mrs. Miller came in, her jaw dropped.     

Alex presidential suite was shouting about hi,s rich and luxurious life.     

Seeing that her eyes remain wide open.     

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