My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH 320

CH 320

0He wanted to take her to the bedroom but she felt more comfortable there, and so she was unwilling to go with him. His back was leaning against the tree and she was sitting between his legs, crossing her legs. Her back was pressed against his chest and her head was on his shoulder. One of his hands was curled around her stomach from the back and the finger of the other hand was interlocked with hers.     

"My lord," they both heard the caretaker's voice and Avery started. Alex tightened his grip on her just as she was about to get out of his hold.     

He grabbed her head and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He wrapped both his arms around her body and crossed his legs around her body so that her entire body seemed to merge into his large body. Her body was completely hidden in his large body. She put her hand on his back and clenched the fabric of his t-shirt. The thought of someone seeing her in this intimate position made her heart beat faster. "You can come here."     

His voice was as usual cold and lack of emotion. Soon the caretaker came there. She had a food basket in one hand and a mat in the other hand, Alex made her make all the arrangements there. She looked at both of them and a smile appeared on her face. She could clearly see how protective her Lord Xander was for this young girl. The young girl's pitiful small body was hidden in Lord Xander's strong arms. She could see how her cold Lord kept rubbing the girl's back as if he was trying to calm her down.     

Avery pushed her body further into Alex when she heard some noise in the background. This little act of hers brought a smile to Alex's lips and he buried his face deep in her crook. She was still as shy as before. "Relax, you are in your husband's arms and not a stranger, so you don't need to feel uncomfortable."     

Some time later the caretaker went back. "She's gone." His words fell on her ears as she pulled her face out of his crook.     

She lifted her brown eyes and looked at him. She brought her hand from his back and placed her soft hand on his face.     

"Why are you so cold with everyone?"     

"You already know I don't care what anyone thinks about me, and I don't give fucking shit to anyone's feelings." He gripped her chin between his thumb and index finger and brought his face closer to her. "I only care about your feelings."     

Not your mother's either." Without thinking, these words came out of her mouth and she immediately regretted it.     

"I don't even think about her feelings when it comes to you. Get it into your brain that you are my first priority." He gently tightened his hold on her chin and placed his lips on her pink lips.     


Closing her eyes, she immersed herself in her husband's tender kiss. She placed her free hand on his chest and despite lack of breath she also started responding to the kiss. But in front of her great kisser husband, her effort was nil and he immediately moulded her lips to his in his type of liking. Desire started building in his body and this was his indication that he needed to break the kiss or else he would lose his temper. "Let's have lunch, you have to take your pills too." He wiped her wet lips with the pad of his thumb and kissed her head before helping her stand up.     

Firstly Avery didn't want to eat at all but when she saw the beautiful dishes arranged on the mat, she wanted to test them. She looked at her husband who was already serving her dish. "Alex, I think this is too much for both of us."     

"So what do you think."     

"Can I invite Ben and Kia to eat with us?" she asked hesitantly, pressing her lips between her teeth. Hearing this, Alex wanted to deny her but he couldn't. She had been with Ben and Kia since morning and now he wanted to spend some time with her. But it seemed that this was impossible. He reluctantly said yes and pulled out his cell phone to call Kia's father. He was about to call when suddenly, "Fairy." Ben's voice fell on their ears and soon he came running in front of them. He had his soft toy in his hand and his face was full of tears.     

Before Avery was about to ask him something, he ran up to her and hugged her like his life depended on that hug. He started to complain to her in a stuttering voice but she could not understand what he was saying due to his crying. She could pick out only four to five words from his complaint. Her heart ached seeing him in such a state and she started rubbing his back.     

"Ben, why aren't you listening." This time they heard the voice of an adult woman and immediately in front of them appeared a woman who was in her thirties. There was no doubt that she was Ben's mother. When the woman caught sight of Alex, she immediately lowered her eyes and immediately apologized to him. "My Lord, please forgive Ben. He is just a child. He has no sense. I will take him back now." She looked at her son. "Ben come here."     

"No, I don't want to come. You lied to me. You said my fairy went to her house." Ben's mother's body was beginning to tremble now. She felt like crying. Her son did not understand who he was talking to.     

All this irritated Alex. He wanted to put a bullet in someone's head in that situation. He had so many plans for today it seemed like she was not going to spend today's day with him.      

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