The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Going Easy

Going Easy


Blackberry Resort was a high-class resort in the central district of Delta City. Floyd Preston, a bald man, rested on a lounger.

As the chairman of Royal Heart Academy's governing council, he enjoyed a very high status.

To become the chairman of such an institution meant he was wealthy and well connected in the first place. Now being the chairman meant his influence has surpassed most people in the city.

Even the rich and powerful of the city has to be polite towards him in order to make sure their children weren't rejected by the academy. After all, the greatest weakness of any parent was their children.

One might not have a child today but what about tomorrow? What about the children of relatives or one's own grandchildren in the future?

A parent always wishes for his children to have the best of everything, especially when it concerned education. Education was the foundation of the future which resulted in parents spending money like water.

This everlasting weakness gave education institutions an unimaginable amount of influence and wealth. Not to mention the institute groomed the future echelons of the city. Thus it can be imagined the authority Floyd enjoyed in the city.

Today was his 60th birthday, and to celebrate, he has arrived at the resort.

Currently, he was enjoying the sight of two women 'playing' on another lounger. They were the women he hired for pleasuring himself and he enjoyed seeing them 'play' with each other.

A gorgeous blonde was lying naked on the lounger with her legs wide open. A brunette has planted her face inside those lovely thighs.

The blonde twisted her left nipple as the brunette licked over her thighs.

"Eat her!" Floyd commanded.

The brunette kissed the pink pussy lips of blonde. She then slowly shoved her tongue inside between the vaginal foldings and gave a long, gentle lick.

"Make her wet for me!" Floyd excitedly commanded.

*beep* [[Urgent Message]]*beep*

"What?!" Floyd was startled. He was sure he has put his cell phone on airplane mode. So how could it activate suddenly?

He grudgingly picked the phone to turn it silent instead of reading the message, but then he glanced at the name of the sender.


Floyd's face lost color. Controlling his emotions, he clicked a panel to open the message.

"Thank you for removing me from the academy. I will always remember this favor. -Zed"

The message was short and simple without any negativity, but for Floyd, it was a nightmare.


He fell from the lounger with his eyes wide open. His entire body precipitated so heavily like he was going to have a stroke.

After hearing the thumping sound, the two ladies stopped playing. They turned back and were shocked to see Floyd on the floor.

They thought the stimuli of their 'play' was too much for an old man, resulting in his condition. This especially seemed true seeing the sweat on his face.

Both of them dashed towards Floyd to provide him support, afraid he will die.

"I didn't remove him!" Floyd loudly shouted. His breathing was rapid as he read the message again to make sure his eyes weren't tricking him.

The two women stopped.

He is fine so why was he sweating over a message? Isn't he a big shot in the city?

"Damn!" The phone fell from Floyd's hands. His body shivered in fear as certain memories from three years ago resurfaced.

A golden-haired man beating him, fucking his wife...and warning him of what could happen if some things weren't taken care of!

Floyd almost got a heart attack when he remembered what happened to some of his fellow governing council members. Compared to them, he felt he was far too lucky.

"No! I have to make sure the kid doesn't blame me! Otherwise that man!" Floyd rose from the floor. Without giving any attention to his 'birthday gifts', he rushed towards the exit...

"Rich people are strange!" the brunette muttered.

"Yeah!" the blonde agreed.

"Oh well! He has already paid to us!" The brunette smirked. "And whoever sent that message has protected us from serving a creepy old man!"

"Agree! Since our stay is also paid, let's have fun!" The blonde nuzzled her face on the neck of the brunette. She reached up to her breasts and pressed them together...


Thrill Park.

Zed swallowed an entire bottle of water.

"Phew~" He sighed in some relief.

"It was fun," Felicity said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "I am glad you brought us here."

Zed forced a smile. He actually regretted his decision of agreeing with her. She has taken him to a free fall roller coaster ride along with the skydiving, just like the previous time.

"I hope this will stop her from whatever she has planned for me," Zed prayed inside.

At times like this, he wished Felicity knew his secret. Then he wouldn't fear her helpful plans in his Kiba form. Alas, he couldn't reveal the secret due to the safety concerns of both.

The risk involved was far too high.

Eva knew his secret but she was meticulous and smart. This was why he didn't mind Eva knowing his dual identities.

On the other hand, Felicity and Agatha were different. They were trustworthy but lacked mastery in the art of deception, unlike Eva.

"What are you thinking?" Felicity asked as they took sat on the park bench.

"Nothing much," Zed gazed around the thrill park before continuing," I just remembered the first time you brought me here years ago. It was fun..."

"Of course," Felicity agreed, "My ideas are always great. You just lack the wisdom to appreciate them."

"...." Zed wished he hasn't brought the topic.

"Remember how you screamed when I first brought you here?" Felicity asked. She has taken him to Hell Coaster - an exclusive ride for mutants.

"I wasn't screaming," Zed replied in a stern manner. "Besides, could you really blame me even if I screamed?"

"Sighs~ What will I do of you?" Felicity shook her head in disappointment. Only she knew how difficult it has been to take care of him.

She truly wished for 'Kiba' to fulfill his promise of teaching 'Zed' about the importance of excitement in life. At least, she could save herself from so many troubles.

"...I should be the one to complain," Zed thought.


"Hm?" Felicity took out her cell phone.

"Who is it?" Zed asked.

"Mom," Felicity replied before picking the call.

"I am fine," Felicity spoke over the phone, "I wasn't in the mood for class so we came here. No. It was Zed who brought me to park and not the other way."

"....." Zed placed his ears next to hers to listen to what her mother was speaking.

"Don't lie," Felicity's mother replied, "You have always bullied poor Zed in following your bids."

Zed nodded his head. He couldn't help but say, "You are right, aunt!"

Felicity looked at him with her dark eyes.

"Zed, is that you?" Felicity's mother asked on the phone.

"Yes," Zed ignored the gaze of Felicity.

"Come to our house on Sunday for dinner," Felicity's mother said.

"I will," Zed thanked her. She has invited him for dinner many times before, and he has always liked her hospitality.

Felicity took the phone back and said, "Mom, I will talk to you later."

"...We are getting late so let us go," Zed said. Actually, it was only 1 pm but he was having a bad feeling so he wanted to get out now.

"Don't change the topic," Felicity looked at him, "Have I ever forced you to do my biddings?"

"Always," Zed thought in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. Instead, he replied, "Of course not."

"Yet you lied to mom," Felicity opened her phone app to book tickets to Hell Coaster, "So I might as well force you now to go to the new version of Hell Coaster."



The Principal's Cabin, Royal Heart Academy.

Owain sat in total comfort. There was a big smile on his face as he thought about the favors he has earned from the officials of the government and other organizations for giving admissions to their children.

"It has been only a week but I have gained so much!" Owain thought about his elevation as the principal of the academy. He was from the neighboring city and invited to the academy after the term of previous principal ended.

Owain clicked a panel on the tablet to open Zed's files.

"I should add a black mark on his degree," Owain thought with a smirk, "It will teach him a lesson for not respecting his seniors."

A black mark from the academy would ensure that a student never gets admission into another top institution. Earlier Owain wouldn't have done such a thing, but now he has earned enough favors so he wished to teach the impudent kid a lesson.


Just then, the door of the cabin was blasted open, filling the room with smoke and dust.

Owain was startled. He quickly dodged a few shards from the blasted door.

"Who have got guts to attack my academy?" Owain angrily barked.

"Your academy?!" An angry voice came out as the smoke cleared, "Son of a bitch, not even I own this institute but you got nerves to call it your own!?"

Owain was shocked when he saw the owner of the voice.

Floyd Preston?! The chairman?!

"S-sir, what are you doing?" Owain was having a bad feeling seeing the anger on Floyd's face.

"You are asking me?" The next moment Floyd was in front of Owain. Without any warning, he grabbed Owain's hair and then slammed him on the floor.

"Ah!" Owain's face landed on the floor with a heavy force. He didn't even get time to stand as Floyd began kicking him on the back.

Owain gritted his teeth and a red light enveloped his body. He was ready to counterattack but then a kick landed on his head.

"Cough!" Owain lost his concentration and the red light disappeared.

"You got nerves to fight back?!" Floyd was incensed. He launched one kick after the other.

A few minutes later, Floyd's anger calmed down. He took a deep breath and sat on the sofa.

At the entrance of the cabin, there were guards and droids but they didn't enter inside since the attacker was the chairman of the academy's governing council.

"S-sir, can we treat him?" A doctor asked.

"No need," Floyd snapped at the doctor, "I went easy on him so why should you treat him?"

The doctor and others glanced at Owain who was on the floor. His entire body was soaked in blood.

They couldn't see his face but from the broken teeth nearby, they knew his face was in terrible condition.

Just from a glance, it was possible to see there were multiple bones fractured along with internal injuries. It was even possible there were severe injuries on the head, and yet, he doesn't need treatment?

This was going easy?!

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