The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Rear Door

Rear Door


A few minutes later, Suzane wore a blue cocktail dress, showing ample cleavage. She didn't let her frustration show as she joined Morgan for a night out.

Far away, Kiba looked at Suzane. He felt she was a poor woman in need of help.

"I will have to help her soon!" Kiba resolutely muttered in his heart.

Whenever the 'happiness' of a beautiful woman was concerned, he was always ready to help. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was a true believer in the concept of altruism.

"For now I have to help some other woman in need!" Kiba thought as he felt his raging hardon.


Sarah had returned to her house after her husband was discharged. Daniel was advised for a bed rest but otherwise, he was fine.

The doctors assured Sarah that her husband will not have a stroke again. Not unless he suffers something terrible like the last time he got the stroke.

To make sure her husband has proper rest, Sarah sent away the kids to her sister's house. She wanted to spend quality time with her husband and make up for her mistakes.


Sarah came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped on her naked body. She applied perfume and then stepped in front of the bed where a red lingerie set was placed along with a short skirt.

She planned to give her husband a good time so she brought the dresses to compliment herself.

"I hope he will enjoy them!" Sarah muttered as she stared at them. She removed her towel and took the bra in her hand.

"I rather prefer you nude," A voice came from behind, "Nothing can complement your gorgeous body!"

Sarah was startled by the familiar voice. She turned around and saw rays of white light converging into Kiba.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah apprehensively asked. She grabbed the towel back from the bed to wrap it around her body.

"Now that's not proper behavior," Kiba waved his hand in a grasping motion, and the next moment, the towel turned into dust, "There should be no hindrance between a man and a woman."

Sarah covered her privates by her hands, "Please get out of here!"

"Don't say those hurtful words!" Kiba looked at her with a smile, "I came here to contribute to the sweetness you are missing."

"Sweetness I am missing?" Sarah's eyes involuntarily moved on his jeans that were on verge of tearing apart. She blushed and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, remembering what he felt inside her.

"I never go back on my promise so here I am," Kiba took a step towards her, "Let out bodies share the sweetness."

"Kiba, stop! Daniel is in the next room!" Sarah reminded both herself and him.

"Then we should be discreet!" Kiba's right hand made a grasping motion towards her.

A gale of wind pushed Sarah ahead, and the next moment, she found herself in his arms. Her naked breasts pressed on his chest and she felt his raging hardon touching her stomach through his pants.

Before she could think of protesting, his two fingers slipped inside her pussy. Her mouth turned wide open in shock but then she trembled as his other hand moved over the cracks of her ass.

"Your ass is so soft and firm!" Kiba praised as he leaned down to kiss her on lips. Sarah thought of backing away, but then how could she with him teasing all her right spots?

She felt a tingle of current as their lips meet. She had multiple kisses with him before but this time it was different.

Her husband was next door, recovering! This time she was truly cheating on him! There was no justification!

When she thought of this, she tried to push him back but he showed no sign of leaving. She released a low moan as his tongue invaded her sweet mouth. Alongside, his hands caressed her ass and pussy.

She couldn't help but allow herself to give in. Their tongues wrestled and their kiss turned more passionate.

"Ah!" Sarah lightly shivered as their mouths parted. She felt another tingling sensation as his lips pressed on the soft skin of her neck.

Kiba was intoxicated by her perfume that smelled like roses. He gave a low bite on her neck which made her release another moan. From kissing her neck, he moved to nibble at her ears.

Her breathing turned shorter as his hands continued to tease her clit and ass. She cursed him for attacking all her week spots at once.

He removed his soaked fingers from her pussy and then licked her juices.

"You are sweet like honey!" Kiba placed the wet fingers on her lips and she opened her mouth to taste her own juice.

"Sweet indeed!" Sarah remarked. She couldn't believe she was saying such things with her husband next door!

She felt guilty but then her vision arrived on his pants. His hard-on was waiting for her and she kneeled down.

Sarah felt a chill as she placed his hands on the pant. She felt him harder than ever before, and much longer.

He was the most well-endowed man she has ever known, and now he felt far larger as she caressed the outline of his cock through the pants.

"He must be turned on by the situation!" Sarah thought as she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, "Not like I can blame him when I am so turned on!"

Without wasting any time, she wrapped her hands around his thick cock. She gave him a few strokes, making him harder.

She then proceeded to sensuously kiss over his entire shaft in a teasing manner. She felt she should give him a dose of his own medicine, so she lightly licked over the enormous shaft.

Sarah let out a devilish smile as she licked away from the end of the shaft to the top. She slowly opened her waiting mouth to take him inside.

Kiba felt like heaven as his cock entered her warm mouth. Soon he felt his cock striking the back of her throat.

He couldn't help but grab the back of her head to take control of the situation. Sarah was surprised as Kiba started fucking her mouth like it was her pussy. He stroked in and out rapidly, enjoying her mouth fully.

She felt she was going to gag as his strokes reached the end of her throat. He continued to push inside her mouth and she started feeling tears in her eyes.

"Ohh God!" Sarah let out a breath of relief as Kiba let go of her head just when she was about to faint.

"You don't like teased!" Sarah looked up at him in his eyes as she rose from her knees. She noticed his hard-on getting impatient.

"Greedy as always!" Sarah said with a teasing smile as she stroked his throbbing cock. The sheer thickness made her wet from arousal, and she knew, she wanted him to stretch her tight cunt.

"No time for more foreplay!" Kiba pushed her on the bed.

Sarah opened her knees in anticipation as he slid his cock over her pussy. He slowly rubbed it against her clit before slipping inside.

"Ahhhhh!" Sarah released a loud moan. She could feel his fat cock stretching her. 

"Your husband is next door!" Kiba reminded her as he began hammering in and out of her hungry cunt.

Sarah bit her lips to suppress her moans but the power of his thrusts increased. She found it harder to control her moans as he started fondling her breasts, his cock jamming in and out of her.

"Oh my fucking god!!" Sarah wrapped her legs around him as he fucked her like her husband never could.

"Honey, is everything fine?" A voice came from outside.

Sarah's eyes turned wide as she heard her husband's voice from behind the door. She didn't even get time to reply as Kiba increased the pace of thrusts. His hips were a series of blurs and he slammed his cock deep into her. Her pussy muscles contracted and rippled out with sensuous ripples.

"Stop....oh fuck!!!"

Sarah cried as waves of orgasmic pleasure hit her. Her body trembled and the orgasmic waves took her to heavens.

Kiba lowered his mouth on her breasts. He didn't stop fucking her despite how sensitive she was from the post-orgasmic glow.

"Honey?" Daniel's voice came again, "Are you fine?"

He wasn't able to hear her cry as Kiba has laid out a sound barrier at the last moment but Daniel was getting impatient.

Sarah pushed Kiba away. She knew he has yet to cum but she has to answer to her husband otherwise there would be a lot of troubles.

Sarah covered herself with another towel and rushed to the door. She opened the door enough so that her husband could only see her face.

"Love, I was getting ready!" Sarah muttered. She hoped the orgasmic red flush on her face wouldn't make her husband suspicious.

"I heard you screaming a minute ago!" Daniel said. Obviously, he didn't think she would cheat on him again.

"I hit my leg," Sarah replied, "I am fine now. Go and have a rest as I dress up to surprise you!"

"Surprise!?" Daniel's eyes lit up. He couldn't help but smirk thinking of the night he would have.

"Ahh!" Sarah suddenly gasped. Kiba has arrived behind her, and using the door to hide, he rubbed his cock against her pussy lips.

"What happened?" Daniel asked. He was only able to see her face and nothing else since the door was only partly open.

"N-nothing dear!" Sarah barely muttered as Kiba shoved his fat cock into her. She felt a spasm in her cunt as almost half his cock disappeared into her.

He was thrusting into her but she couldn't even tell him to stop, as it might alarm her husband.

"Why are you sweating?" Daniel noticed a deep redness on her cheeks along with sweat.

Sarah felt Kiba ramming inside her, and she cursed herself for getting turned on by the situation. Uncounsioculsy, she drove her tight pussy back into his thrusting cock, wanting him to fill her fully.

But much to her disappointment, Kiba only thurst eight times before he pulled out.

"Why!?" Sarah muttered.

"What why?" Daniel asked.

"I mean I am fine!" Sarah barely forced a smile. At the same time, her body began to shudder as she felt Kiba's fingers rubbing her dripping wet cunt. He moistened his fingers with her juice and then retraced them back, moving on her ass.

Sarah didn't dare believe her guess. The next moment, she felt a wet finger lubricating her anal opening.

"Are you really fine?" Daniel wanted to enter inside the room but he thought he shouldn't, especially seeing she was planning a 'surprise' for him.

"Of course!" Sarah trembled as she felt the thick head of Kiba's cock up her ass cheeks.

She has never tried anal, but now a man who wasn't her husband was going to take her anal virginity. In normal times, she would never allow even Kiba but now...

She gripped the door tightly, trying her best to not scream as Kiba spread her ass cheeks wide. She clenched her body muscles in order to stop his invasion but it proved futile.

Daniel was confused by the expressions of Sarah. Her eyes were closed with her face turning a dark shade of red.

Sarah felt the tip of Kiba's cock entering her tight ass. She felt burning pain but also another sensation she has never felt before.

"Ohhhh fucking hell!" Sarah's eyes erupted with tears as more of Kiba's cock barged into her ass. She felt she was going to blackout as stars and fireworks exploded before her.

Finally, his shaft entered inside her and she trembled. The burning sensation of having her tight ass stretched made her eyes wide open and face twist.

"Honey?!" Daniel was afraid something bad was happening to her.

Sarah tried her best to fight the pain. Desperate, she leaned her face towards Daniel to kiss him. She was afraid she will scream loudly if her mouth wasn't occupied.

Daniel was surprised but he kissed her back. He felt her tongue going wild and he couldn't help but look forward to the exciting night.

Kiba took full advantage of the situation. He grabbed her hips tightly before ramming his cock till the end of her ass.

"Ahhhh!" Sarah squealed as she found herself in the most erotic experience of her life.

She was kissing her clueless husband while her lover fucked from behind!

Each thrust felt like a trip to heaven. She was turned-on but also afraid as Kiba continued to tear her ass apart. As a minute passed, she felt the explosion of orgasm ready to rip through her body!

She closed her eyes tightly as the intense orgasm blinded her senses. She kissed her husband more fiercely while her ass contracted around Kiba's cock.

"I am cumming as well!" Kiba whispered in her ear. The sensation of her tight ass has brought him to climax.

Sarah's body shook as she felt Kiba erupting inside her. She broke her kiss from Daniel and gasped for breath.


"Honey, I can't wait for tonight!" Daniel excitedly said as he gave her a peck on her cheek.

Sarah tried her best to smile as her husband turned around and left for the other room.

She sighed in relief knowing her husband has left. The trembling she was desperately controlling from the orgasm gripped her body.

"Ooooh god!"

She felt violet tremors inside her as Kiba's cum trickled out of her ass. Exhausted, she fell on the floor.

"I am afraid I wouldn't be able to walk today, much less surprise Daniel!"

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