The Sinful Life of The Emperor




Sarah, Meghan, and Kiba were asleep on the bed. It was around 10 am when Sarah opened her eyes.

She checked her cell phone and discovered over a hundred missed calls. Even without opening the call logs, she knew the identity of the caller.

"Daniel!" Sarah muttered the name in both anger and guilt. She loved him and yet she succumbed to temptation.

"Good morning!" A faint voice came from behind. She felt a finger slipping from her neck down to her ass.

Sarah turned around and saw Kiba smiling at her.

"We did the unforgivable!" Sarah said in a low voice.

"Unforgivable?" Kiba stretched his hands, "Our bodies are our own! So what is wrong in using them to pleasure each other!?"

"I am married!" Sarah replied as she put a robe on her body, "And yet I felt a pleasure I have never experienced from a man who was not my husband!"

Kiba looked her in the eyes for some time before saying, "Your husband is a lucky man to have such a loving wife."

"I cheated on him!" She knew her husband cheated on her first but she felt guilty nevertheless.

"Talk to your husband then," Kiba arrived next to her and put his hands over her shoulder, "A frank conversation is the only way to save your marriage."

Sarah looked at him in surprise. She didn't think he would be this understanding.

"Thanks!" Sarah nodded.

Ten minutes later, she left the platinum suite.


Kiba freshened up and put on his clothes.

"You are leaving?" Meghan asked as she left the bed.

"I have to settle a few things but I am glad you are awake," Kiba handed her a business card.

Meghan's eyes turned wide as she read the name on the card.

"Allison Powell?! The film director!?" Meghan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Allison is an acquaintance of mine," Kiba looked at her and replied, "She would be able to help you for the movie debut."

Every model desired a transition to films as it meant an increase in both exposure and money. The same applied to Meghan.

"Thank you!" Meghan hugged him.

Kiba pretty much knew she wanted his help in staying away from creepy old men in the fashion industry. She has given him a good time so he gave her more than she wanted.

"If you ever need my help then message me on the number I gave you," Kiba said as the hug ended.

"Is this farewell then?" Meghan asked. She has enjoyed her time with him so she was disappointed to see it end so soon.

"You never know!" Kiba answered with a smile, "Perhaps we might meet in future after you become a big actress."

"I will like that!" Meghan gave him the final kiss...


Sarah opened the door of her house. Just as she entered the drawing-room, her senses were assaulted by the strong smell of alcohol.

"Daniel?!" Sarah couldn't believe the condition of her husband. He was sitting drunk with his eyes completely bloodshot. When she stepped in, he was in the middle of making another drink. After hearing her voice, he lifted his head and looked at her with anger and disgust.

"You had a fun night, right?" Daniel asked.

"You know!?" Sarah was startled.

"Of course!" Daniel gripped the glass so loudly that it shattered to pieces, "I am a Good Husband so how can I not know when my wife is satisfied?"

"What are you talking about!?" Sarah couldn't understand a single word spoken by him, "And why are you pretending to be a victim with everything you have done!?"

"Things I have done? Haha!" Daniel's eyes were filled with tears as he continued, "I never cheated on you! Not once!"

"So getting a handjob from a prostitute isn't cheating!?" Sarah wanted to be reasonable but she was now incensed, "You continued to stay with that slut even after I caught you!"

Her blood boiled when she thought of his actions.

"Cheating? Caught?!" Daniel took a mouthful of alcohol directly from the bottle, "Everything was a trap set by that son of a bitch!"

"What are you talking about!?" Sarah suddenly had a bad premonition.


Just then, a pillar of white light erupted next to her, emitting strong teleportation fluctuations.

"Basically he is complaining for not getting any pussy!" Kiba slipped his hand around her waist and said, "That's why he is angry as you got all the fun!"

Kiba's sudden appearance and his words were like a clap of thunder for Sarah. Her pupils constricted as she thought what his words implied.

When she realized everything, she felt the world spinning. If not for his hand that was supporting her like a proper gentleman, she would have collapsed.

"It can't be...!!" Sarah was crestfallen.

Daniel was horrified by Kiba's teleportation. He might be intoxicated but his thought process was active.

"How can he teleport here so easily...?!" Daniel thought of the enhanced security arrangements he made to avoid any intrusion. He has spent a fortune to surround his house with an electromagnetic field...

Kiba sensed his stare. His expression turned polite, and he said, "Congratulations once again for becoming a Good Husband!"

"Damn you!" Daniel transformed into a giant lizard. He shot straight at Kiba, his claws slashing out with sinister glow. 

"Please, no violence!" Kiba waved his hand, "I promised my lover to only resort to love and peace!"

A golden arc surged out of his hand and swept at the incoming claws. Daniel's pupils dilated as he felt an intense sense of crisis. Before the thought of dodging could flash in his mind, the arc smashed into his claws! 

"Argh!" Daniel's face turned ashen as his claws burst apart. The shredded pieces of his flesh fell on the floor below.

"Daniel!" Sarah regained her senses and dashed towards her husband.

Kiba sat on the nearby sofa. The table in front of him was filled with various brands of whiskey and cigars.

"You have good taste! And thankfully that's not restricted to just having a sexy wife!" Kiba praised Daniel while making a drink for himself. Daniel and Sarah were dumbstruck. He was making himself at home despite being an intruder!

Sarah broke out of her trance-like state and focused on her husband. His claws regenerated on their own, and he said, "Don't worry. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry!" Sarah wiped the sweat from his face.

"No, the fault was mine. I should have told you everything when he called me days ago!" Daniel explained her the conversation he had with Kiba.

Sarah was terrified by the details.

"See how great my service is?" Kiba said while enjoying his drink, "You were arguing before I arrived, but now you have become really close! Having a third person in a relationship is always beneficial!"

Sarah clenched her fists tightly. With a twisted angry look, she asked, "You ruined us just because of that news?"

"Ruined? That's a heavy word!" Kiba lit a cigar before continuing, "I made you two closer than before so you should be thankful! Besides what we had was consensual!"

Sarah and Daniel's expressions turned ugly.

"To be honest, even if not for that news, I would have tried to court you as you are lovely," Kiba explained with a smile. "But my methods would have completely different! Had that happened, you two wouldn't be in this situation!


"Now let me come to 'just because'," Kiba's eyes turned cold, "You speak as if the news had no negative consequences."

"Why should it affect you?! You are a womanizer!" Sarah knew his history with women.

He was fucking Meghan soon after the news broke so how could any negativity affect him?! Everyone in the city knew his history!

"It affected me more than you can imagine," Kiba smoked in a puff of cigar before continuing, "You used me to harm someone I care about!"

"Could it be...!?" Sarah thought of Agatha.

"You pretty much know how judgemental our society is, and yet you didn't care in airing the news," Kiba said icily.

"You are crazy! People read about affairs every day! There was no harm in it!" Sarah couldn't understand what was so bad in the news.

Sure it resulted in some bad publicity but that could do no harm. Besides Agatha and Kiba had an affair so they have no right to complain!

"Is that so?" Kiba opened his phone and swiped a panel. A virtual screen flashed out and swept into the tv. "Then this should do no harm as well! So can I publish it?"

The tv displayed a news clip: "Breaking News! Socialite Sarah, the wife of SBC News' owner Daniel, had an intimate affair with Kiba! As per sources, Kiba and Sarah bonded in a 5-star hotel!"

Images of Sarah and Kiba followed, showing them together on the beach and hotel premises.

"NOOO!" Sarah and Daniel shouted.

"It has yet to be published so save your reactions for later!" Kiba closed his phone and asked, "Surely this little piece of news could do no harm, right?"

Sarah's face turned white. She could imagine herself becoming a subject of gossip.

Everyone including people she never knew would call her a whore. She could imagine the jarring remarks, aimed not only at her but her family as well.

Daniel was horrified as well. He could imagine people sympathizing in open while snickering inside.

Affairs were common so they didn't have that much negative effect when discussed in closed circles. On the other hand, if an affair turned into a news item, the consequences were unimaginable.

Sarah and Daniel dreaded the consequences if the news was leaked.

"Why do you have such unsightly expressions?" Kiba asked with a bewildered look, "If you want, I could let your channel run this exclusive news!"

"Please no!" Sarah begged. She knew it better than anyone else how people enjoyed gossips about rich and famous.

"Why not? Imagine the soaring TRP ratings and the money you can milk from the sponsors!" Kiba pointed out all the advantages," SBC News could rule the media space in the city for a long time!"

Every word spoken by him was no less than a stab into their hearts. 

"The previous news brought you so much praise! Imagine the effect this time! You two would roll in money!" Kiba patiently explained, "Most importantly you wouldn't have to retract the news! You would even have exclusive interviews of all the involved parties!"

"Don't ruin our life! I am begging you!" Sarah's eyes erupted with tears. She didn't wish to become a hot topic in society.

"I don't understand your behavior," Kiba said as he crouched in front of her, "Didn't you say the news is harmless? Heck, you will benefit from it, unlike Agatha!"

Sarah's expression turned more unsightly.

"Please...I have two children!" She pleaded desperately.

Daniel begged as well. He also knew Kiba also has a recording of the conversation between him and Slyvian. Not in his worst nightmare did he expect a single news to turn his life into hell! 

Kiba was unaffected by their requests. He opened his cell phone and said, "I only have to click a panel and you two would be famous forever!"

"I am sorry for what I have done... please don't punish me in this way!" Sarah caught his legs as she pleaded.

Kiba's expression didn't change. His finger arrived on the 'send' panel. Just then, a soft sigh resounded inside the room.

"That's enough of punishment," A feminine voice said from behind, "Don't ruin their lives further."

Kiba was startled by the familiar voice. He turned around and noticed a woman.

"Agatha?! How..."

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