The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Dinner (Final Part)

Dinner (Final Part)

2"You took too long!" Morgan said as he saw Suzane and Olly stepping towards the table, "I was worried!"     

"I apologize but only now I'm feeling better, much better!" Suzane leaned into her husband, "Thank you for caring so much about me!"     

Suzane's lips joined her husbands and she gave him a small passionate kiss to make up.     

Morgan was startled by the kiss, but he reciprocated in delight. It was very rare for his wife to initiate a kiss, and that too, in public. So he wasn't about to waste this chance! He sucked her lips and even brushed his tongue with hers!     

"This was to thank you for the love you have for me!" Suzane said as she broke the kiss, "You are the best husband a woman can ever ask for!"     

Emily was surprised by the public display of affection.     

"Your lips taste different," Morgan remarked as Suzane walked towards her chair, "Are you using a new lipstick?"     

"Yes, a new flavor oriented one," Suzane's heart was beating rapidly. She has forgotten she was giving a blowjob to Kiba a few minutes ago, "You like it?"     

"It is good," Morgan absentmindedly said without much thinking.     

"Thank you," Suzane beamed to him, "I'm addicted to this flavor and I plan to use it more."     

"Wise decision," Morgan nodded.     

Olly listened to the conversation with a gloomy expression. He wondered how his father can be so clueless.     

"Maybe it is because of me!" Olly thought with a terrible feeling in his stomach, "He could never imagine anything like this especially when I was with her!"     

"Flavored lipstick?" Emily asked, surprised, "I want to try it as well!"     

"Of course," Suzane gave her a light peck on her cheeks, "I have a feeling you will love it!"     

"Do give it to me then!" Emily requested.     

"Sure!" Suzane thought Kiba would give Emily the flavor sooner or later. She was sure of it for she realized all his actions were well calculated.     

She then pointed to the empty chair opposite her, "Where is he?"     

"He was having some problem with his car," Morgan replied, sounding pleased, "I don't think he will be returning anytime soon."     

For the last twenty-five minutes, he expressed his views on Kiba to Emily. He believed she would no longer care about him.     

"I see," Suzane said in a nonchalant tone but inside, she was startled by the illusion Kiba has cast on everyone. No one suspected anything as if they took everything at face value.     

"He used Morgan's dislike for him to manage the entire situation!" Suzane contemplated with reverence, "A man who knows how to use others' emotions is the most fearful!"     

Five minutes later~     

Kiba entered the diner with no sign of distress on his face.     

"Is your car alright?" Morgan asked with a smirk.     

Recently he was under far too much pressure due to the investigation but today's events brightened his mood. To see a man like Kiba suffer further pleased him.     

"Yes, there was no problem with my car," Kiba answered with a smile, "But the manager asked me to inform you something."     

"Inform something?" Morgan was startled.     

"Yes," Kiba nodded, "Some thieves have stolen your car."     

"What?!" Morgan jumped up in shock and disbelief.     

"I think it was stolen---"     

Morgan didn't wait for Kiba to complete his words. He left the table and rushed towards the exit.     

A man cares for three things the most in his life: sex, sports, and vehicles! Morgan wanted to get his hands back on the car so he speeded out.     

"I was kidding!" Kiba's voice came from behind, "You didn't even wait for me to complete my words!"     

Morgan was struck at the exit of the diner, not daring believe he was being played. He turned around and saw Kiba sitting on his earlier chair.     

"Bastard!" Morgan cursed inside. He turned around and noticed many peculiar gazes on him from the nearby tables.     

Even Emily was barely controlling her smile but others weren't so courteous.     

"Look at the reaction of uncle!"     

"He ran like someone stole his wife instead of the car!"     

"The gramps got no chills!"     

Morgan could hear the comments passed from the other tables. Everyone was laughing at him and this made him incensed.     

"Calm down!" Morgan muttered to himself. He knew if he took this 'joke' at heart then his reputation would ruin beyond redemption.     

People expect others to take a joke well, without getting offended, otherwise, only more ridicule would follow.     

"Well played," Morgan tried to smile as he returned to the table, "You have got a nice sense of humor."     

"Glad to see you appreciate it," Kiba pointed to the chair next to him, "Please have a seat."     

Morgan gritted his teeth and sat next to him. He now sat opposite Suzane while Kiba sat in front of Emily.     

"Please serve the dinner," Kiba asked the waitress, "I'm spent and I need energy."     

"Yes, sir," The waitress started serving the dishes.     

"You really are different!" Emily remarked with a faint smile, "I'm glad your car was fine."     

"Thanks," Kiba took a glass of wine, "But it would have been a lot better if something had happened to my car!"     

"Why!?" Emily asked, surprised. She believed men have a strong fascination with their toys, especially cars. Much less loosing, they couldn't even bear a single scratch.     

"If my car was broken or stolen..." Kiba took a sip from the glass, his eyes on hers, "You will be forced to give me a ride back home!"     

Emily was startled but then she laughed merrily. She was impressed he could turn even his long disappearance in his favor.     

Earlier she was angered when Kiba left her in the presence of Morgan alone. She was forced to listen to Morgan's boring words about Kiba being a bad man with an evil reputation.     

She feigned interest in her conversation with Morgan, all the while blaming Kiba.     

But now Kiba made up for everything by toying with Morgan. She enjoyed his guts and wits to carry out such a prank just to sit across her.     

She has a good laugh in her heart and would have laughed loudly if not for the presence of Morgan.     

If this wasn't enough, Kiba even pleased her by using playful words. They were flirty, and she enjoyed them.     

"Cocky son of a bitch!" Morgan continued to curse inside his heart.     

Suzane was impressed by his boldness but she kept quiet, afraid of displeasing her husband. Olly, on the other hand, thought about how Kiba never liked to be at a disadvantage.     

"He truly schemed against dad from the start of dinner!" Olly thought, depressed.     


An hour later~     

In the parking lot, Emily and Kiba stood opposite Morgan and his family.     

"That was a lovely evening!" Emily said in a polite tone, "Thank you for joining us!"     

"It was our honor," Morgan replied with a forced smile.     

"Please invite us to dinner as well," Kiba added in a sincere tone, "We would love to know you and your wife more!"     

"Sure," Morgan gritted his teeth and entered the car.     

He was worried if he conversed any further he would lose control.     

"Good night!" Suzane gave a hug to Emily before leaving.     

The family of three soon left.     

"That was fun," Emily said as she stepped towards her car, "I can't believe I initially refused."     

"You did change your mind so all is good," Kiba opened the door of her car, "But I do think we need to have a private dinner to laugh on our awkward interview."     

Emily looked at him with an amused expression. She has completely forgotten the interview in police headquarters.     

"I will think about it," Emily replied as she stepped inside the car, "Good night!"     

"Good night!" Kiba repeated as he closed the door of the car. He turned around and walked towards his car.     

In her car, Emily was surprised by Kiba's actions. She believed he will try to make an excuse or two to either delay her, or request for her mobile number.     

"A strange man!" Emily thought as she drove the car, "His actions are so hard to determine!"     

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