The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Facing Bugs

Facing Bugs

0Section I, Dream Rise House.     

Golden ripples clashed with the violet energy waves.     


The force field protecting the lab equipment showed signs of cracks.     

[[Sir! Stop!]]     

Claudia knew how serious the state of the lab was. The lab could barely stand the energy waves from Section IV and now even her master was radiating out strong ripples.     

Kiba continued to stand with a look of madness. Far high in the sky, the layer of dark clouds covered the morning sky.     

Within the radius of many miles, every living being felt a suffocating pressure. Their breathing turned heavy as they felt crushed.     

In her apartment, Agatha was changing clothes when her eyes flickered as pressure arrived. She clenched her fist and her body turned immaterialistic. Alongside this, she isolated the space around her.     

On the streets, people lost control of the vehicles and started crashing into each other. Felicity was speeding on the bike when she suddenly lost control.     

"Ahh!" The bike crashed on a pole and she fell down on the road, bleeding.     

[[If you continue, Lady Felicity would die and same would go for those you care!]]     

Claudia reminded her master. She brought the body stats of Felicity and Agatha who were wearing the bracelets she has designed for them.     

"What?" The words struck Kiba and his anger partly subsidized.     

[[The dark clouds have already engulfed a part of the city and if this continues, the golden lighting would erupt. Lady Felicity is near the villa and the other ones who you care about are within the radius of your power.]]     

"I can't even use my power here," Kiba's eyes turned bloodshot, "Things keep turning worse."     

If the golden lightning manifested then the fate of everyone in its domain would be the same as the team sent by Sylvan during the wasteland incident. They would obliterate out of existence.     

"Kid, how is your consciousness turning stronger even now?" Akshobhya's words rang inside his mind, "Just what secret you discovered from Castor Damon's expedition?"     


More powerful ripples radiated from Kiba. His entire being hated the voice of Akshobhya and just his voice brought the madness back.     

[[Sir! Think of the consequences if you use your full powers now!]]     

"Fuck consequences!" Kiba was engulfed by a column of white light and he disappeared from the lab.     


Claudia couldn't understand what has happened for her master to turn insane. She was further worried after his sudden teleportation.     

In the sky, the dark clouds disappeared in the blink of an eye. Felicity, who was lying on the road, could finally breathe again.     

"Zed!" Felicity muttered before she lost her consciousness. She was alive with no major injuries but the pressure has exhausted her...     


Most of the wasteland was now in the form of a crater.     

A team of five high ranking investigators and fifteen junior investigators were in the wasteland. They were accompanied by a hundred local military officers along with the equipment they have brought.     

The other high ranking investigators and few junior investigators were in the other parts of the city.     

Currently, the team on the wasteland was standing on the only intact landmass in the crater. Other places were ruined but the landmass for few miles was intact.     

The team believed the incident originated from this place. They stabbed a metallic cylindrical tube into the ground to read radiation signs.     

"Hey!" An investigator named Bruno looked towards the city where dark clouds were engulfing the sky, "Aren't they similar to the dark clouds seen in the previous incident?"     

"You are right," A man named Dylan replied, "Thankfully Liam, Morgan, and others are there in the city so they would find out."     

The main investigators were injected with serums and reinforced with equipment to protect themselves from the effect of lightning so they weren't afraid. Even the junior investigators were given the serum.     

"True---What?" Burno and others looked on as the dark clouds disappeared.     

"They disappeared so soon?"      


Suddenly, the sky above the wasteland was filled with an intense sound. The weather turned into stormy while dark clouds wrapped the sky.     

Everyone in the wasteland looked at the change of events with total astonishment.     


An investigator looked at a tablet in disbelief.     

"We have lost signal with outside!" The investigator shouted.     

"What is going on here?!" Dylan asked.     


The land shook heavily as a figure engulfed by rays of white light landed on the ground. As the light disappeared, everyone saw a golden-haired man.     

"Kiba?" One of the investigators identified the man. They have checked the basic profile of everyone who has met Lisa Rey.     

Kiba ignored the shocked investigators and raised his head towards the dark sky. The half-blue in his eyes was now being replaced with gold.     


Followed by sounds of explosions, the dark clouds flashed with bolts of golden lightning. Deafening thunder reverberated in all directions. The team of investigators felt their chest becoming heavy and tight.     

"URGH!" The local military officers cried out heart-wrenching screams. Blood leaked from all their orifices and in just a second, their bodies started dissipating into dust.     

First, the skin was ripped apart followed by the blood and lastly the skeleton.     

"Save me!" Over a hundred officers begged for mercy.     

"Stop!" Dylan angrily looked at Kiba.     

They were now sure Kiba was responsible for the incident in one way or the other.     

Kiba ignored Dylan and continued to look at the sky. After the manifestation of his full powers, his golden hair extended till the end of his back.     

His eye pupils turned fully golden while golden sparks radiated around his body.     

"What on Earth are you?!" Akshobhya's faint voice resounded in his mind, "How could your power increase even now?!"     

Akshobhya could barely maintain the telepathic link. He couldn't understand how his target's strength increased thousands of folds.     

What truly startle him was the things his consciousness observed in the surrounding. The lightning in the sky made him tremble, and he couldn't help but recall the things he saw in the memories of Zed.     

"Think of your answers in the hell!" Kiba pointed a finger towards the sky and the pressure of lightning reduced in the area.     

He didn't wish for his connection with Akshobhya to cut off by the pressure.     

Kiba lifted his head fully towards the sky and his vision passed right through the dark clouds. The layers of the atmosphere didn't hinder him, and soon he vision was outside the Earth's orbit.     

He saw a satellite, covered with blue crystal coating, emitting blue ripples. His vision entered the interior of the satellite where three blue crystal cubes joined into circuits.     

"Crystals made from Galinum?" Kiba plainly said without any emotions. "Do you think having the technology of that world gives you the right to be so cocky?"     

"You could see the satellite?!" Akshobhya didn't dare believe what he heard.     

How can a person's vision pass through a distance of about forty thousand kilometers?!     

In the monastery, the three blood-red crystal cubes started showing signs of cracking. Akshobhya felt the situation turning worse. He sent a mental command to the team of monks outside.     

Quickly, the monks brought around fifty children to an adjacent hall. These children were the same ones who were earlier playing in the courtyard with happy smiles.     

The children sat down in meditation positions, and soon, blue ripples surged out of their foreheads. The ripples swept into the next room and merged with the blue crystal platform.     


In the wasteland.     

"Can't you listen to me?" Dylan was incensed. Almost ninety of the hundred local officers have turned into nothingness.     

"Get ready!" He looked at others of his team and signaled them to attack Kiba.     

Dylan's body started bloating and increasing in size. His face deformed while his hands transformed into metallic claws. From his back, metallic tentacles with spikes emerged.     

Bruno transformed his hands into chainsaws while on his forehead, three small holes emerged, releasing blinding, purple glow.     

A woman named Bella opened her mouth and from her throat, sonic waves manifested, ready to attack.     

Another man named Kazir crouched down and stuck his hand onto the ground. From the ground, spears made of stone and earth emerged.     

"Now!" Without waiting for the others, the four of them launched their best strikes.     

Dylan was the first to arrive at Kiba with his metallic claws aimed at Kiba's neck while the tentacles with spikes attacked his opponent's heart and lungs.     

On another side, Bella released sonic waves at Kiba. The ground blasted apart as the spears made from stone and earth rushed out, ready to stab into Kiba.     

Bruno attacked from another side with his chainsaw slashing down at the torso. The three small openings on the forehead cascaded purple light aimed at the chest.     

"Guess you could live for a few more moments," Kiba turned his head from the sky to the incoming attackers.     

There was no more anger or madness on his face.     

His expression was nonchalant without any signs of coldness or malice. It was like he was just a spectator observing a play without any involvement.     

He extended his right hand in the empty air and then clenched it down. The air in the surrounding compressed into multiple folds before exploding out. An ear-numbing blast echoed as the exploding air turned into a violent energy storm!     

The storm swirled forward, swallowing the sonic waves and the spears. The three rays of purple light were next, and the storm turned more chaotic.     

"Are you kidding me!?"     


"Just like that?!"     

"So easily?"     

Dylan's eyes dilated with horror as the turbulent storm swirls engulfed him, just when he was a step away from his opponent!     

"No!" The metallic claws and the tentacles were ripped to pieces by the terrifying swirls. Blood splashed out as the physical enhancements ripped apart, exposing his flesh.     

"ARGH!" Dylan cried miserably, struck among the storm swirls, helpless.     

"You bugs are truly annoying," Kiba flicked a finger on Dylan's forehead, "Crying at every single instance."     


"AAHHH!" Multiple cracks originated from the point of contact and extended around the head. Like a watermelon smashing on the ground, Dylan's head exploded into a mix of white and red liquid.     

The headless corpse fell on the ground. The body twitched for a few moments before entering eternal rest.     

Kazir, Bella, and Bruno were also struck in the air by the turbulent storm. Unlike Dylan, the swirls didn't attack them.     

They didn't dare celebrate at this small mercy after seeing the condition of their fallen friend.     

"There is that insect trying to invade my consciousness and now you all, "Kiba lightly tapped a foot on the ground.     


Multiple spears protruded from the ground and stabbed Kazir who was in midair, in the shape of X.     

Earlier he has launched a similar attack but the turbulent energy storm neutralized the attack.     

"AHHHH!" Kazir could do nothing as the spears pierced every part of his body, killing him.     

Kiba took a single step forward and he was in front of Bella. She was beautiful on her own right with a porcelain skin tone and black hair.     

"You were the loudest one," Kiba wrapped her neck with his right hand.     

"Please spare me!" Bella whimpered helplessly.     

Kiba looked at her without emotions. He increased the force of his grip and as he did, her face turned pale.     

"Pl...ase..." Bella muttered her final words before Kiba snapped her neck into two.     

Bruno and other dozens of investigators were terror-struck on the spot. The golden lighting in the sky continued its struggle, trying to enter the Earth.     

Kiba took another step and he arrived in front of floating Bruno.     

"No matter what type of enhancements a bug takes," Kiba brought a hand on one of the chainsaws, "A bug would always remain a bug."     


"URGHHH!" Bruno helplessly watched the chainsaw snapped away.     

"The government sent you here depending on these trash enhancements?" Kiba brought the chainsaw on Bruno's face, "Or perhaps they are more powerful than what their appearance makes them out?"     

"Don't!" Bruno's eyes turned wide with horror. The chainsaw started rotating and its set of teeth stuck below his eyes.     

"AHHHHHH!" Flesh and muscle mass erupted in the air as the chainsaw cut inside, ripping through the face.     

Half of his face fell on the ground followed by the remaining part of the body...     

"Not bad for a bug," Kiba turned towards the remaining eleven investigators, "I have to agree that you bugs have a powerful reproduction system."     

"There is just no end to you all!" Kiba said with contempt in his voice.     

The rocks continued to shatter and soar high to turn into nothingness. The group of eleven backed away, fear evident in their eyes.     

"He is not a human! He is a monster!"     

"How can such a monster even exist?"     

"The government never warned us of such an existence!"     

"They sent us on a suicide mission!"     

"Fucking bastards! We have to run!"     


"Stop being so noisy," Kiba lowered a hand, and simultaneously, the team of eleven slammed down on the ground.     



Kiba waved another hand and ten cyclones appeared in the area. He clenched his fist and the cyclones moved towards the group of eleven.     

Suddenly, Kiba released his fist as a look of struggle appeared on his face.     


After the release of his anger and frustration, his eyes were filled with rationale.     

"I'm giving in to my instincts instead of carrying my true objective."     

"Time to focus," Kiba then looked in the sky. "Why so silent, old man?"     

The cyclones continued to exist as a wall to prevent the eleven from leaving.     

"Kid, don't be so arrogant!" Akshobhya's faint voice ringed inside his mind, "Your fate will remain the same!"     

"I'm waiting," Kiba has a faint smile on his face. "Why don't you start if you have completed your preparations, pedophile?"     

"What did you say?!" Akshobhya was shocked.     

"You think I didn't felt your psyche slowly accumulating with young and naive psyches?" Kiba asked with his smile expanding. "Now it explains why you were so against my joy with the women! You were a pedophile all along!"     

"YOU!" Akshobhya was incensed.     

He was someone who strictly followed celibacy, and yet he was blamed for such a heinous crime!?     

"No need to be so angry," Kiba continued with a smile. "A man with a small penis like you can only feel big with innocent children."     

"Kid, wait for a few seconds and I would be done with preparations!" Akshobhya swore to torture Kiba. It was only a matter of second for his consciousness to merge with that of the children. When that happened, he will be ready to make this kid beg for mercy.     

"A few seconds?" Kiba's smile turned into a smirk, "You are a disgrace to all men if you could only last for a few seconds."     

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