The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Fragile Ego

Fragile Ego

1Mahayana Dhyana Monastery, State of Avalon.     

At the deepest region of the monastery, there was a building with a large dorm. Some hundred meters ahead, there were dozens of antennas, internally connected to the dome.     

Unless one looks carefully, it was impossible to determine the antennas were composed of blue crystals. Even the wires connecting to the dome were made from crystalline particles, emitting an extraordinary glow.     

Kurtis gave Akshobhya a slight bow after which he stepped in. The stone door behind him closed.     

The interior walls of the hall were covered with frescoed paintings. At the center of the hall, there was a blue crystal platform upon which Akshobhya sat.     

Some ten feet above the platform, three blood-red cubic crystals floated. A thin thread of blue light passed by the center of the three cubes, joining them in the form of a triangle.      

Some twenty feet above the cubes was the ceiling, the oculus of the dome. If looked from a bird's eye view, the platform, the crystal cubes, and the oculus were in a straight line.      

"You haven't given up?" Akshobhya asked.     

"Can I ever give up?" Kurtis replied, his voice filled with boundless hatred.      

"Hate is the greatest enemy of living beings," Akshobhya said in a deep voice. "Alas, the hate has corroded every portion of you."     

"If I wanted to be preached, I would have visited your disciples," Kurtis continued as he stepped in front of the platform. "Nor you actually desire for me to drop my hatred, right?"     


"If there was no hatred or malice in this world, there would be no business for people like you," Kurtis said with a bit of ridicule in his words. "Anyways, I have already paid with a Dharma Chakra coin."     

"I'm aware, but what you wish to seek will cost the monastery more than the coin can pay for," Akshobhya replied, ignoring the ridicule.     

"Sometimes you should follow what you preach others about greed!" Kurtis traced a finger on a bracelet. "This should satisfy your other costs."     

The bracelet flashed multiple rays of light and in the next moment, the floor was filled with multiple mutated fruits: Vermillion Fruit, Blood Revival Fruit, Essence Nourishment Fruit, and a few more.     

In the age of evolution, the greatest attraction was definitely power and eternal lifespan. The advancement in genetic technology has made it possible to gain more power and lifespan then what was considered natural.     

The mutated fruits, mutated herbs, and mutated beasts were the main ingredients for the manufacturing of genetic drugs.     

This put flora and fauna of the evolved world in danger. While the mutated beasts were strong on their own right, they weren't as smart or technically advanced as the humans.     

The greed of humans has now made the other species on the brink of extinction. The only safe havens for the endangered species was the impenetrable wilderness created by the meteorites.     

While there were dozens of such safe heavens, the most resource-rich was Amazon Rain Forest. Even the World Government has very low success in the extraction of the resources from there due to the nature of the mutation in the region.     

Akshobhya didn't think the fruits were from Amazon Rain Forest. The only place he could think was Desolate Blood Forest.     

There was Atlantis, of course, but the members of the sea race were pretty close to each other and they would rarely allow humans to exploit their resources. Akshobhya didn't really care how Kurtis got the fruits.     

"It would be impolite to refuse your kind gesture," Akshobhya smiled and snapped his fingers.      

The praying beads on his right hand twinkled and the fruits were sucked into the beads.      

"I hope you remember I can't help you unless you have the source of that kid," Akshobhya reminded him.     

"No need to remind me something so obvious," Kurtis took out three blood pearls from his bracelets. "These should give you half of the source."     

Akshobhya took the blood pearls and then tossed them towards the floating blood-red cubes.     


The blood pearls disintegrated into a mist of blood and were absorbed by the cubes.     

"That should be the blood from your children and Rebecca, right?" Akshobhya asked.     

"Yes, that bastard shares half his blood with my children!" Kurtis's eyes flashed with hate. "Rebecca is his mother so it should help you further in tracing the source."     

"What about the other half of the source?" Akshobhya asked, "If I don't have that, it would be futile just like decades ago."     

"Obviously I have made arrangements!" Kurtis took out a small glass container from the bracelet, "This should suffice, right?"     

Akshobhya was startled. He hurriedly took the container with an expression of disbelief on his face.     

Inside the container was an eyeball! An eye carrying an icy shade of blue!     

Akshobhya opened his third eye which was blood-red in color just like the crystal cubes. A red light erupted from his third eye and passed through the container.     

"How!?" Akshobhya muttered in total shock as his eye confirmed the genuineness of the eyeball. "How can you get your hand on this?! The incident from back then should make it impossible for someone like you---"     

"Am I obliged to answer?!" Kurtis cut in.     

"Of course not," Akshobhya regained his composure. "But do you truly wish to waste something so precious just to kill that kid?"     

He knew the value of the eyeball, especially when he recalled the ability of the owner of this eye. If it was normal times, he would have tried to steal it and use it for his own growth.     

But he didn't dare now. Not after the payment of Dharma Chakra's golden coin.     

He knew what would wait for him if he broke the trust after accepting the coin. Even death would be an easy outcome for betraying the cause of Dharma Chakra.     

"I'm using it to achieve what I want!" Kurtis icily replied.     

"The fragile ego of men truly makes them stupid," Akshobhya thought with disappointment in his heart. "To avenge the so-called slight, they would go to any extent."     

As a monk, he considered himself to be free of faults that were unique to men and women. According to him, the nature of men was funny and hypocritical. They didn't believe their acts of sleeping around as wrong or immoral, but if a woman does the same, their ego was hurt.     

A woman was a slut for how can she enjoy the pleasure outside?     

How can she get the right to have multiple lovers when she was 'reserved' for a single man?     

Only a man should have the right to have multiple sexual partners!     

A man wishes to have multiple lovers but always wants his woman to only have him as her eternal lover.     

As a dharma follower, Akshobhya believed the nature of men has always been hypocritical since the inception of time.     

The harems of the kings of the past were the best example. A concubine caught having even slightest sexual activities with another man would result in her death!     

The era and time have changed but the ego of men continued to be fragile... Not like women the women were any better with their ego. This was why it was often said, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.     

For all these reasons, he believed ego was the greatest enemy of humans along with hatred. How great it would be every man and woman followed the path of dharma, free from sinful desires and emotions! So many troubles around the globe could be avoided! Sadly, the humanity has fallen!     

"Then again, Rebecca wasn't just sleeping around since she was separated from Kurtis at that time," Akshobhya thought further. "She planned to elope with that man for they were in love..."     

Akshobhya didn't know how to judge the situation. Not like he cared, for the ego has brought him good business.     

The only reason he even thought about this was due to the precious eyeball that was being wasted to satisfy a grudge.     

"Maybe he is angry that she loved another man and had his child!" Akshobhya contemplated in his heart.      

"What are you waiting for?" Kurtis couldn't stand the thoughtful expression on Akshobhya's face.     

He knew the opposite party was definitely thinking him as a lowly man but so what?     

How can the world understand the mockery and slight he suffered because of that bastard?! How can a monk understand how bad it felt to have people looking at him with looks of schadenfreude and suppressed laughter?!     

"Apologies," Akshobhya threw the specimen container towards the floating cubes. "Things should be ready in an hour."     

The container shattered in pieces, and the eyeball disintegrated into tiny particles. Just like the blood pearls before, they were absorbed by the crystal cubes.     

"If that kid has his father's abilities, then he would be prepared for me from months," Akshobhya said with a serious expression. "That ability would make things difficult for me."     

"Even if that bastard has the ability, it would be useless, unless someone teaches him how to properly use it!" Kurtis wasn't worried the least bit. "If he was nearby us, then he could have sensed it in advance but not now!     

"I'm pretty sure he is not in Avalon so there is no chance of him knowing, given his age. At most, he would realize moments before the inevitable!"     

"Your words make sense," Akshobhya nodded in agreement. "And lastly, don't forget, I can't promise success if he is in those life forbidden zones."     

"I'm aware," Kurtis replied. "But I actually doubt that bastard would be in those suicidal areas."     

"Just reminding you," Akshobhya already knew the chances were zero. "Is there anything specific you want me to do when I start?"     

"I'm glad you asked," Kurtis' eyes were filled with malice, "Torture him for the entire life by turning his brain into a vegetable!"     

"If that is what you want then sure," Akshobhya responded with an audible sigh, "That kid can only blame his bad luck."     

"I'm sure he wouldn't be in a state to blame anyone after you are done!" Kurtis started laughing loudly, imagining Rebecca's reactions after she finds her bastard son.     

"....." Akshobhya ignored Kurtis. He closed his three eyes to establish a mental link with the crystal cubes.     


Royal Heart Academy, Delta City.     

Zed sat in the cafeteria along with Felicity, Jessica, and Loren. A waiter cleared out the empty breakfast plates and replaced them with juices and coffee.     

"The dinner was great!" Loren said, thinking of the dinner last night at Felicity's house, "Being rich sure has its advantage."     

"Yeah," Jessica nodded her head, "Sometimes I wish to kidnap Felicity and Zed for ransom!"     

"We would definitely become rich if we kidnap them," Loren agreed, "But sadly they are not easy targets."     

"Kidnap?" Felicity was intrigued, "I have always wanted to be kidnapped but sadly no one has dared to do so till now! It would be so much fun if I was kidnapped!"     

Zed, Jessica, and Loren: "................"     

"Zed," After a minute of awkward silence, Jessica changed the topic, "Can I use your training facilities today?"     

"Sure, I don't mind."     

Zed brought the cup of coffee from the table to his lips while answering her, but then his hand started shaking and his forehead broke out in cold sweat.     


The cup fell on the floor and shattered into pieces. The coffee splashed around and stained both Felicity and Zed's feet.     

"Hey!" Felicity looked at Zed in annoyance, but then she noticed him trembling.     

"What's wrong?" Felicity asked, her voice filled with concern.     

Zed was in no state to answer as his scalp turned numb by every passing second.      

He felt as if a building was placed on his shoulders. The pressure was not physical but mental.     

His body was warning him of impending doom!     

"Life & Death crisis?!"     

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