The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Frame Me!

Frame Me!


How can his ability manifest without his intent?!     

Even if it did, why would it land on the chair just when Athol took a seat?!     

"I'm not lying!" Zed looked hurt by their reactions, "My hand had turned numb after I blocked the green arc of light.     

"I was only waving the hand to lose the numbness... but unconsciously a small amount of my power swept out!"     

Everyone did recall Zed waving his hand up and down as an exercise to ease the numbness.     

Can he be speaking truth?!     

But that won't explain why the streak of fire crashed on the chair!     

"Besides, how was I supposed to know a great police officer will be affected by my meager amount of power?"     

Loren, Jessica, Suzane, Eloise, the four fools, and everyone else looked at each other, to make sure they heard it right.     

"He is now blaming Athol for this?!"     

"It might be a meager amount of power but he caught Athol off guard!"     

"Not to mention, no one can handle fire on their ass!"     

"Athol was lucky his main asset remained safe!"     

The four fools shuddered when they thought about the 'main asset'. They recalled how Zed burned 'main asset' of a poor fellow named Finlay.     

Their stomachs churned with a terrible feeling as the horrifying scene flashed in their mind. They felt Athol was truly lucky to be spared!     

"Zed, you think this is y---"     

Athol was in the middle of making a statement but stopped when he saw Zed taking out his cell phone.     

Zed adjusted his body posture before opening the camera of his phone in 'selfie' mode so that everyone was within the frame.     

"What is he doing?"     

"Can he taking a selfie in the middle of this?!"     

"Are you fucking kidding me?"     


The sound of a photo clicked echoed in the room.     

"Good pic!" Zed left the couch and stepped towards the desk.     

"What are you doing?" Athol was having a hard time controlling his anger.     

This kid first insulted him by words and then set his ass on fire! Now he even took a selfie!!     

This kid needs to be taught a lesson! A lesson he won't forget for life!     

Athol didn't think Zed as anything special even though he blocked his earlier attack.     

He only attacked lightly without any intent to kill, so while it was surprising for Zed to block it, he didn't think much of it.     

"Calm yourself!" Edgar's father once again reminded him of the propaganda spread by the masked terrorist.     

The impression of the investigators was already ruined with people believing them to be in charge of some freak experiment.     

Now the investigators couldn't afford to be caught in some murder scandal. This was why the parents of the four fools wished to use the law and order to get Zed into jail.     

In ordinary times, they could easily kill or cripple anyone, but the present scenario demanded utmost care even in a frame-up.     

"I'm posting this pic on my social media," Zed's voice waked Athol from his thoughts, "So I want to seek suggestions for some cool headlines."     

Zed turned his cell phone to show everyone the 'selfie'. The picture showed the faces of everyone, especially Athol whose expression couldn't be uglier. There were even remnants of burned pants.     


"Posting on social media!?"     

"He couldn't be serious, right?!"     

Zed looked at the blank expression of everyone.     

"Haah," Zed let out a sigh, "How about #meetingwithfools, #corruptcop, #freakinvestigators?"     

Athol and the parents of the four fools looked at Zed with plain hatred. Just what type of hashtags he planned to use?!     

"When I posted the video of the fearless cop - Sir Athol - attacking me, it became an instant hit!" Zed showed them the short video, "It got over 10K likes!"     


No one dare believed Zed has recorded the earlier episode. After all, Zed didn't take out his cell phone to record, but once the video started playing, they knew they were wrong.     

Looking at the camera angle in the video, they were sure the video was recorded when the phone was in his shirt pocket.     

How did he do it then?! Has he remotely programmed it?!     

Athol's eyes turned wide in disbelief.     

This kid had recorded the entire situation and even shared it?!     

The investigators, on the other hand, were even in worse condition. They trembled in horror as Zed showed them the title of the video:     

"Powerful investigators forcing a corrupt cop to attack an innocent!"     

What truly scared them out of wits was the description of the video: "In all my life, I have respected the investigators and the police. When the attack on police headquarters took place, I believed the terrorist was lying. But today, I saw four of those investigators trying to frame me for a crime I didn't commit! Not only that, but they also asked the corrupt cop to kill me! When I took a seat on the sofa, the cop attacked me at the behest of the investigators! #corruption #greedycop #freakinvesitgaotors #powerabuse #scandal #nosafeplace "     

"This is false!" Ree's father shouted.     

"Just how did this kid posted so much in such a short time?!"     

"And how can it get so much publicity?!"     

"Bastard!" Athol's veins were on brink of exploding. He can imagine how the situation would turn out in the present environment.     

The public only wanted a single proof of power abuse and they will fully believe the narrative sold by the terrorists!     

And now Zed has given what the public wanted!     

Undeniable proof!     

Athol can perfectly imagine how seniors in the police department will force him to accept responsibility and turn him into a scapegoat!     

Not to mention, all his past crimes will be investigated by the frenzied media. He will become a target for the entire society!     

"Bastard?" Zed's voice turned cold. "You have no idea how lucky you are to be able to mutter that word twice and yet still live."     

In his present form, his emotions were fully stable. But if it was Kiba, he would barely be able to tolerate this word which reminded him of his caretaker.     

Just a little over a month ago, this single word got Hanks nearly killed by Kiba at White Angel Corporation.      

Athol didn't know why but he felt a chill down his spine. His body started shaking violently. His face turned pale with his heart skipped a beat in fear.     

"What's going on?" Athol felt a killing intent so strong that his entire body broke out in cold sweat.     

How can only words have so much killing intent in them?!     

"You think only the four fools and their dumb parents have influence around here?" Zed continued in a cold voice, "Or you believe I'm some stray dog you can imprison anytime as you wish?"     

Athol gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He was horrified from the earlier killing intent, and now in no state to contemplate Zed's words.     

"Haven't you learned anything from your admission being revoked?" Zed turned towards the four fools. "Last time I showed mercy since you were Loren's acquaintance, but it seems fools will remain fools."     

"Y-you!" Edgar clenched his teeth.     

"Shut up!" His father stopped him. As the words of Zed set in his mind, he felt dread.      

Due to anger and frustration at the state of his child, he has forgotten the fact that Zed was able to revoke admissions in the number one academy of the city!     

But after hearing Zed's words, he remembered just how severe the situation was.     

Just what sort of background can influence the academy to not respect the children of government officers?!     

"Zed!" Jessica and Loren were shocked by Zed's conduct.     

They have never seen him act like this. He has always been soft spoken and never used demeaning words for anyone.     

"One more thing," Zed opened his cell phone, "I never posted the video and picture."     


Athol and others looked at Zed with complete horror.     

He was bluffing earlier?!     


If he was bluffing then why would he reveal it now!?     

This didn't make any sense!     

"I was just playing around to relieve my boredom," Zed answered their unasked question.     

Relieve boredom?!     

Suzane and Eloise looked at each other. They were completely stupified by the answer and couldn't help but think - just how strange their daughters' friend was!     

"This is a police station!" Suzane muttered.     

"Yeah," Eloise nodded, "Not really a place to relieve boredom."     

"He was trolling?" Loren asked in a low voice.     

"Seems so!" Jessica answered.     

"Well played though!" Loren and Jessica muttered together, their eyes sparkling.     

"........." Suzane and Eloise were speechless.     

"Besides I don't need to rely on these childish tricks to protect myself," Zed added without caring about reactions of anyone.     

He then turned towards the exit.     

Childish trick?!     

The investigators didn't dare believe such a smart move was a childish trick! The video could turn the entire situation around, and yet he was throwing it away?!     

"It is for good, right?" Percy asked.     

"No!" Percy's mother answered, "His refusal to use the video means he has a far more powerful card in his hand!"     

"No way!" Percy muttered while glancing at the exit.     

"If you have got guts then frame me," Zed said as he left the room, "I want to see just how smart you dumb idiots are."     

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