The Sinful Life of The Emperor



3The dining room.     

Kiba sat across the dining table with his chin resting on his hands. He observed the owner of the house with disappointment.      

"You are an ungrateful husband!" Kiba remarked with a heavy sigh. "All I did was help your wife by ensuring her milk doesn't go to waste, and yet, you misunderstood my noble intentions!"     

"!@#$" Athol muttered a series of cruses.     

When he stated the name of his ex-wife - Saskia - he didn't expect the only impression Kiba would have of him was an ungrateful husband!     

Her milk doesn't go to waste?!     

Are you some milkman on a mission to conserve all the milk in this world?!     


What was there to misunderstand when I caught you red-handed?! I had seen how you squeezed, fondled, and kneaded her tits! So what exactly did I misunderstood!?     

As for help... excuse me, but what help?!     

"Sucking on my wife's breasts is not help!" Athol shouted.     

"Haah~" Kiba shook his head in pity. "If I remember it right, you were like this back then as well."     

"Obviously! Any sensible man would be like this!" Athol screamed angrily. "Or were you expecting me to buy your explanation?!"     

"Of course," Kiba nodded before becoming serious. "Do tell me why you assumed I was lying?"     

"Are you asking for real?!" Athol's blood pressure soared as he replied. "You were planning to fuck my wife!"     

"Planning to fuck her?" A frown appeared on Kiba's face. "How will you know that? Are you perhaps a psychic or a mutant with the ability of divination?"     

As he heard these questions, the veins inside Athol almost burst from rage. What truly made his anger rise was the tone used by Kiba while asking these questions.     

It was like he was being serious!      

You must be kidding!     

He asked those questions because he was serious?!     

Who the hell need special abilities to guess such stuff!?     

Everything was so obvious!     

Seeing no response from Athol, Kiba let out another sigh.     

"Your limited worldview and negative attitude towards life made you assume the worst!" Kiba explained. "You really need to expand your horizons and get positivity in your life."     


Limited worldview?!     

You planning to fuck my wife! How was this even related to worldview!?     

Negative attitude?     

Obviously! You expect me to be positive when I know you were going to impale her cheating cunt?!     

As for expanding horizons... Did you want me to witness you fucking the shit out of my wife?!Would that have expanded my horizons?!     

"Why the hell are you making it sound like everything is my fault... for catching you and Saskia in bed?!" Athol demanded.      

A piercing green glow erupted from his hands, wrapping his arms with streams of blinding green light. Behind him, the phantom of a menacing tiger appeared, surging with a presence that could crush anything.     

"Because you were at fault," Kiba rose to his feet. "You blamed lovely Saskia for no fault of hers."     

Athol was no longer able to handle this strange logic. He aimed his hands at Kiba and shouted, "Die!"     

The streams of light around his arms charged forward, shrieking through the air. The fluctuations emanating from them broke the tiles and tables, sending wooden and stone fragments in the air.     

These fragments wrapped around the streams of light as they rushed at Kiba, like a storm, ready to obliterate him!     

"Nothing ever good comes out of violence!"     

Kiba tapped his hand in the air.     

The floor under him burst with rays of golden light and they shot up, forming an ethereal barrier.     


The streams of green light violently crashed into the barrier. Green sparks flew out and they smashed into the house walls, breaking the foundation with their destructive energy.     

"Dammit!" Athol broke out in cold sweat.     

He had faced Kiba years ago so he knew Kiba was strong. What he didn't expect was Kiba having an ability to create barriers.     

Athol snapped his teeth. He poured his entire strength into the tiger phantom behind him.     


The tiger pounced forward like the king of the world! Its canines were the epitome of death, and nothing seems to escape from its majestic might.      


The ceiling started crumbling into pieces, filling the room with debris. By the time the tiger smashed into the barrier, every furniture was nothing but wooden splinters.     

At the same time, Athol swiftly turned around and dashed out. He had poured his entire strength into this attack to not kill Kiba, but rather divert his attention!     

He knew his limitations so he wasn't expecting to win. All he wanted was to buy some time to escape the house and call for help!     

Once he was outside, Kiba wouldn't dare kill him in the presence of onlookers and surveillance cameras!     

Meanwhile, the dining room was enveloped with smoke and dust. The tiger slashed its claws and ripped its teeth into the barrier, creating violent sounds.     

"How noisy!" Kiba said, annoyed.      


The tiger's eyes flashed with shock as it sensed something. Above it, an illusory hand has appeared! Before the tiger could react, the hand grabbed it!     


The tiger struggled to escape. It stabbed its claws into the illusory hand, but to its despair, there was not a single scratch.     

"Your master is running away."     

Kiba clenched his hand into a fist.     

"So I can't play with you."     


Simultaneously, the illusory hand clenched into a fist. The tiger phantom wailed in despair as it was crushed by the clenching force. It shattered into shards of green energy...     

Athol reached the living room, exhausted from the earlier usage of his power. He showed no sign of stopping as he rushed towards the main exit.     

"Yes!" His eyes brightened for the door was only five meters ahead.     

Just five more meters and he would be safe!     

Even with all the exhaustion, he rushed forward, powered by his survival instinct!     

Four meters!     

Three meters!     

Two meters!     

One meter!     

"Finally!" Athol stretched his hand to unlock the door. Just then, his hand trembled and hos body sopped with a jerk.     


His connection with the tiger phantom broke and he coughed out blood. The backlash of having the phantom destroyed made him feel his internal organs dislocated!     


Athol bit his tongue to use pain to help him retain consciousness.     

"I can't afford to lose consciousness now!"     

He brought his hand towards the door again.     

"Yes! I'm safe!"     

Just as he reached the lock, space before his eyes blurred. The door faded and all he can see was a blinding white light.     


Athol cried as the white light enveloped him.     


He was back in the dining room, on his knees!     

Kiba stood with his arms crossed.     

"It doesn't suit a cop to run away!" Kiba said with a bit of mockery.     

"You won't get away with this!" Athol threatened.     

"I'm sure I will," Kiba replied with a smile.     

"Don't be so overconfident of your abilities!"     

Athol felt his insides twist in dread. He wanted to live and for that, he was ready to rely on the might of Police Force.     

"You are right. I'm indeed overconfident," Kiba stepped forward. "But isn't because of my abilities."     

"What?" Athol looked at him in fear and confusion.     

"I'm overconfident because I trust Police force!" Kiba explained. "You see the police never broke my trust."     

"Trust on what?" Athol couldn't understand Kiba at all.     

He was not relying on his abilities but on the police?     

Athol was himself relying on the police for survival... and now even his enemy was relying on the same?!     

This didn't make sense!     

"Trust on the incompetence of Police Force," Kiba answered.     


This was your reason for overconfidence?!     

Are you kidding with me?!     

Police Force is not incompetent!     

"Police Force has lived up to this trust for the last four years," Kiba crouched in front of him. "And I'm sure they will maintain it in the future."     

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