Release That Witch

The Knight of the Elk Family (Part I)

The Knight of the Elk Family (Part I)

0Prius had been kept here for five days.     

After the transformation, the residence was almost like a cell. The original wooden doors had been replaced with wood balustrades and the furniture had all been removed. Only a few blankets remained. The only advantage was that the room was still clean, and neither air nor rain could leak in.     

Aside from him, there were four other people in the cell. One belonged to the Wolf Family, while the other three were from the Ryan Family. And he, himself was the knight of the Earl of the Elk Family.     

"Oh, heck! When can we leave?" The oldest knight of the Ryan Family shouted, "The wheat in my domain has not been sown yet! My wife doesn't know how to deal with these things."     

"Your domain?" The young knight of the Wolf Family sneered at him. "Do you think His Highness will let you go to gather horses, weapons, and armor? Do you think he'll give you a chance for revenge? To tell you the truth, you should consider him merciful for not hanging you already"     

"What did you say?!" The older knight glared at him.     

"It's the truth," said the young knight in a carefree voice. "The duke was the mastermind behind the rebellion. Why did he not dispose of his elite knightage, to leave them for his son? As for us, we had no choice but to go to the battlefield under the threats of the duke.     

"I think you're suicidal!" He walked over and lifted the young man, with his right hand clenched. As he was about to beat him, a hand stretched out from behind and held him firmly.     

"Stop! Halon. Do you want to attract the guards?" An extremely handsome knight pushed down his fist. "He's right. We're the knights of the duke. When convicted, the sentence will be severe. Right now, the only thing we can do is to wait for the result. Look at the knight of the Elk Family and look at you. Where's your demeanor as a noble?"     

Prius knew him. He was Ferlin Eltek, the star knight of Longsong Stronghold. His nickname was Morning Light. He had attracted many young ladies of the noble. But in the end, h had married a civilian woman, which had caused a big clamor at the time. Hearing Ferlin Eltek mentioning him, Prius could not remain silent anymore. He said to the three people who were quarreling, "I'm not sure whether your domain will be returned. But at least I know His Highness won't kill you."     

"Oh? Why?"     

"Killing you at the stronghold would have been more effective, why would he kill you here after all the trouble he went through to bring you here? For his subjects?" Prius shook his head. "The knightage wasn't even able to enter Border Town. "     

They had not burned, killed or looted the town, so the townspeople would not hold extreme hatred against them. Therefore, for the prince, killing them in the town would not be as good as killing in the stronghold. Since they had not been killed in the stronghold, they should be alright.     

Ferlin thought a little and nodded. "What you say is reasonable. And what's your name..."     

"Prius Dessau."     

"Thank you for your comfort, Sir Dessau." Ferlin looked at him with gratitude and took Halon back to the corner.     

Ferlin Eltek sat down and hummed against the wall.     

Prius thought that Ferlin Eltek was not really afraid, but his own "calmness" was just a facade.     

Prius knew that he was unsuited to be a knight. He had not inherited his father's bravery or the wisdom of his mother. Compared with swords, he performed by taking care of his fields. For example, keeping chickens and ducks, going fishing in the pond. He had been forced to fight for the Earl of the Elk Family. He did not even like to hunt, and he never mind killing people. When in an assault, Prius always rode behind other people. He was still surprised to be alive.     

"Wait..." Suddenly, he felt a bit strange. "As the star knight, why has Ferlin Eltek survived as well? Shouldn't he be the first one to go?"     

"His Highness wants to see you," the guards shouted at the door, "Sirius Daly! Come out first."     

The young knight jumped up, waved to the others, and walked out of the cell.     

"Hey, what about us!"     

Halon ran to the door but was forced back by a short jab from the guard. After locking the door, the guard said, "Don't worry, it'll be your turn later."     

Knowing that the trial was about to come, Prius was getting more nervous. Damn it! He had been waiting for this day, but now that it was here, he was frightened. He got angry. His body could not stop trembling. He looked at the door from time to time. It was like waiting for his first child's birth, with hope and panic coexisting.     

Fortunately, the wait was not long. About 30 minutes later, the guard came back. "Prius Dessau, it's your turn."     

He stood up in a panic and tripped over the blanket on the ground. Luckily, Ferlin was quick to help him up.     

"Thank you." His throat was dry.     

"It's no bother," Ferlin replied gently, which made Prius feel quite relieved.     

He nodded to Ferlin and followed the guard out of the cell.     

The guard was a young boy, about 17 years old, wearing dark brown leather and boots, he carried thorns and sticks in his hand.     

"Aren't you going to tie my hands?" asked Prius.     

"You were searched before being locked in, what can you do without weapons?"     

"Where are you going to take me?"     

"The castle of His Highness."     

"What happened to the man before me? The knight called Sirius. What about him?"     

The guard shrugged and did not answer.     

Well, maybe he did not know, maybe he did not want to tell. Prius stopped asking.     

He felt strange about this guard. He looked like an ordinary civilian from his dress and appearance, but he was not afraid of the knights and when talking he did not even use the most basic honorifics. It seemed that he was not aware that these people could easily determine his life and death in normal times.     

Something was strange about the guard's eyes. Prius had seen many civilians who had been running around for life, who were stiff and indifferent, just as a corpse without soul. But in this man's eyes, he saw the pride. He was obviously a civilian, but he had the same proud manner as the knights'. Prius was very confused.     

What kind of environment could create such a person?     

He looked around. Though he had not been to Border Town before, he had still heard of this barren and desolate place. But the town in front of him was thriving, far different from what he had imagined. The streets were crowded with busy people bustling about quickly. From time to time someone would say hello to the guard. Everyone's faces were ruddy and full of energy as if there had been no suffering during the Months of Demons.     

Close to the castle, he saw an open space with more than a hundred people. It seemed that they were building houses, but looking at the size, it looked like more than one. The materials piled nearby were clay bricks. In general, only the nobles could choose this expensive material, but then again, these houses were too small for the nobles. Some of the houses already built in the open space were just a little bigger than his own living room. In addition, the rooms were too similar, as if they were printed out. What kind of noble would like this kind of room?     

With his mind full of questions, Prius entered the castle.     

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