Release That Witch

The Honeysuckles and the Elks (Part I)

The Honeysuckles and the Elks (Part I)

0When night approached, the Earl Elk's mansion was brightened up by glitters of lights. After Petrov handed in his invitation card, he was led by a servant to the hall. The earl's third daughter, Aurelia's birthday party had just started.     

The guests invited to this party were invariably nobles from prominent families in Longsong Stronghold. From the woolen carpet in the hall and the servants' gilded black uniforms, one could tell the earl took the matter very seriously. After all, it was Aurelia's 16th birthday. She had reached an age of maturity and was ready to be introduced into society for a decent marriage.     

The music rang while the servants passed through the crowd with wines and glasses in their hands. Steamy food was placed on the several round tables in the hall. Aurelia, on the other hand, like a proud canary in full bloom, enthroned herself among a group of ladies at the corner, appearing to be in good humor.     

Unlike the banquet in the Western Region, where everybody sat around a long wooden table, waiting for chefs to serve food which was usually a big bowl of pork, a whole chicken, buttered bread, some golden fried eggs and lettuce, the party here was all about style and fashion.     

Having said that, it was still uncomparable to a true first-class banquet. To Petrov, who had lived in the king's city for several years and knew the real extravagance, the birthday party was merely a superficial imitation.     

For instance, the wine glasses delivered by the servants were in various colors rather than pure, transparent ones. Because of this, the glasses could neither display the vivid color of the grape wine nor enhance its mellow taste. The table should be entirely covered with white draperies to conceal the grease underneath. Meanwhile, the food, which still stuck to the typical Western Region tradition, was served in large portions and chopped into big pieces. Petrov shook his head. At least, the chef should slice them before serving.     

It was a common practice for nobles to eat before the banquet so that they would not need to bother cutting these big chunks of meat on their own. Since every guest at the party represented his own family, it was considered as very impertinent to devour like a savage. Petrov did not want to become a conversation piece of those ladies.     

"Hey, man, long time no see." Someone suddenly flung his arm around his neck. "I've heard you were appointed as the ambassador by the lord again? How's the mining business in Border Town going? I bet you've reaped a big profit from it, haven't you?"     

By the familiar voice, Petrov soon recognized the person as Rene Medde, the second son of the Elk Family, a complete idiot who had been longing to become a knight yet was not even capable of managing his own territory. In spite of this, he was still a friend of his. "Not bad." Reluctant to talk about his experience in Border Town, Petrov simply steered away from the subject. "Did you put your combating skills to good use at Coldwind Ridge this time? Or you just locked yourself in a tavern at Hermes shaking like a leaf?"     

"Damn it." Rene pushed Petrov in his back, complaining. "You just won't stop criticizing me, will you? I didn't even go to New Holy City this time because I happened to have caught a cold on the very first day the troops set out. So, I lay in bed for a whole week."     

"Good. You did better than last time. At least, you saved the troops a lot of trouble."     

"You're wrong though." Rene suddenly summoned up a mysterious smile. "If I didn't happen to stay in bed at Coldwind Ridge for a week, I would probably stay at the freezing city wall of Holy City forever."     

"What do you mean?" Petrov raised his eyebrows.     

"I got the news from someone else." The second son of the Elks whispered in Petrov's ear. "New Holy City almost fell. Demonic beasts dashed into the inner city and nearly took the cathedral. Fortunately, the church sent out their strongest warriors and stopped them. The armies of the Four Kingdoms, however, suffered great losses. Only very few people returned to Coldwind Ridge from the battle. It made tons of women in the city into widows within just a month. Those who don't have savings..." Rene winked and made a gesture. "Two silver royals for a night. Hey, don't look at me like this. I didn't do anything."     

"Are you sure it's true? What about the border guards?"     

"I saw it with my own eyes. The lord was shocked and got sick on the very day he received the news." Rene shrugged. "As to the troops... there's nothing he can do about it but slowly recruiting more in the future. Experienced soldiers are currently in urgent need in the Northern Region. I would have been able to command a group of knights if my family didn't desire my immediate return."     

"This isn't the point," Petrov said within himself. The main purpose to garrison a troop at the border of Coldwind Ridge was to defend against the Judgement Army from the church. Now, soldiers of the four kingdoms' died in Hermes altogether. Petrov somehow smelled conspiracies. If the church was indeed scheming something, the north of Graycastle was currently as vulnerable and defenseless as a stripped, helpless woman. "What about the casualties among the Judgement Army?"     

"Won't be better than troops of the four kingdoms. It's pretty obvious because they're all crazy men who always rush at the very front. In fact, nobody will voluntarily fight until the Judgement Army takes the first move," Rene said scornfully, "Those knights are always talking about their chivalrous manners. But when it comes to a real battle against demonic beasts, they're the last to put their words into action."     

"There's one such kind of fellow right in front of me." Petrov smiled. Perhaps he had just been paranoid. Even if the church did plot to invade the north, it had nothing to do with Longsong Stronghold. It was something the new king should worry about.     

"Unfortunately, nobody wants to employ me—or rather, I haven't found anyone I want to pledge alliance to." Rene paused for a moment and looked toward the door. "I saw the Wolf Family coming in. I've got to greet them. Talk to you later."     

"Sure. You don't need to worry about me."     

"Right." Just when Rene was about to walk off, he turned around again. "Have you noticed the handkerchief tugged in the invitation card?"     

"You put in there?"     

"No, I'll only put my old socks." Rene waved his finger. "My sister made the handkerchief herself. Although you're a lot older than her, I'll fully support you if you have the intention to seek this union. You have to think about it, man. You're 22 now."     

Petrov gave him a side look. Rene whistled and walked away with a smile.     

Petrov took a glass of wine from the servant and picked a corner, starting to study the bustling hall in secret. He noticed Aurelia would steal him a glance from now and then in the middle of her conversation. The moment their eyes met, Aurelia soon turned away to avoid his gaze. Petrov noticed a vivid flush gradually rose to her cheeks.     

He smiled back as a courtesy. To him, Aurelia was simply an innocent little girl.     

Just then, a furious voice on one side of the hall drew everybody's attention.     

"What? He really said that?"     

"Yes. Cornelius that coward just came back without even defending his honor." The loudest person exclaimed. "Such a shame on Longsong Stronghold!"     

Petrov recognized that man. It was Simon Elliot, a remote branch of the Wolf Family, who married a quite beautiful woman. He had seen the wife once. She did possess some unique charm.     

"Like you have a solution to that." Someone retorted with mockeries.     

"Perhaps I can't do anything about it on my own. But if the duke notices such absurdity, I don't think Roland Wimbledon will still be able to act so unscrupulously"     

Hearing this familiar name, Petrov was stunned for a moment. He was soon intrigued by this interesting conversation.     

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