Release That Witch



1A real brother.     

[A real... brother? How's that even possible?]     

Tilly stared at the stationery in her hand but could not concentrate enough to make sense of it, and her train of thought was a complete mess.     

King Wimbledon III, their father had five children, among whom Gerald, Timothy, and Garcia were the eldest. So, they were all close and by the time Roland was born, Garcia, who was the youngest, was six years old at that time. Naturally, the older boys would not let him join their play. Normally she would have had a close relationship with Roland, but that was not the case.     

Her brother Roland absolutely admired their other three brothers and tried in every way to get close to them. But, as a result, he was always bullied, which made Roland bitter and irritable over time. Of course, he dared not release his pent-up wrath on his brothers but saved it for her.     

For example, Roland once forced her to steal their father's crown with him. Following some verbal abuse, he would even sometimes hit her if she refused to cooperate. Later, their father found it and severely punished him, which made him a little less arrogant, but he still intimidated her in private.     

While she had not understood it at the time, in retrospect, Tilly realized that it was all ridiculous and... foolish.     

When she found broken pieces of an earthworm in her beloved shoes at the age of 10, she finally could not take it anymore and decided to fight back. She yelled for Roland and directly stuffed the pieces into his mouth. She then threatened him, and after that Roland no longer provoked her and she just began to ignore him.     

As an adult, Roland had not made any progress and had even become vainer. His deeds were always filling her ears. According to the noble's, he was irritable, harsh, ignorant and unbecoming of his nobility. He had nothing left but his royal status. Tilly agreed with this evaluation greatly. However, she also knew that his bad temper and irritability were his way of keeping up appearances and to conceal the fact that he was timid and weak.     

However, he was the person who sheltered and defended the group of alien witches, known as the devil's minions, even going so far as to make an enemy of the church.     

Tilly did not know what to say in that moment.     

"Tilly, Tilly?" She did not fully snap out of her daze until Ashes gently shook her.     

"I'm okay. It's just a little bit... unbelievable." She shook her head before saying. "Sylvie told me that the Lord of Border Town is probably the real Roland Wimbledon and not someone controlled or replaced by a witch."     

"Well, he's the fool... ahem, the guy who once attempted to bully me?" Ashes coughed and said then, "He has made some staggering changes since we met a year ago. I feel like I'm watching someone else in general, except for a little difference in his face in my impression."     

"Can you be more specific?"     

Ashes thought for a long time with her head tilted to one side. "I think... the biggest difference is that he's neater."     


Both his dress and my impressions indicate that he doesn't favor ornaments like the other nobles. He doesn't even wear gold or gemstones." Ashes recalled. "Even his clothing looks common and more relaxed, lacking lace, ornamentation, and gold. There's almost no differentiation between him and other people, except his conspicuous hair. But, anyway, he isn't like an ordinary noble."     

"He looks like the nobles?" Tilly asked.     

"Not anymore, not like typical nobles." Ashes curled her lip. "None of the nobles here are clean, and instead they're like stagnant water or sludge at the bottom of it. As for him... I can't give an accurate evaluation. Anyway, overall he makes me feel good."     

"It's hard to believe that you're praising him."     

"Uh, I just wanted to answer your question honestly."     

Tilly exhaled. It seemed that her brother had changed a lot. However, what had contributed to his transformation? Was it something external that had changed him into another person?     

Princess Tilly suddenly remembered Roland's first letter—[to this end, I must destroy the whole church, eliminate the belief that witches are evil and pull my people out of stupidity and ignorance. This will be a hard process, and I'll need more of your help. As for what made me come to this decision and what made me no longer indifferent to everything, like in my past, are something trivial that I'll explain in more detail to you later.]     

Maybe once they see each other in person he would tell her the real reason.     

Taking her thought back, Tilly returned her eyes to the letter.     

The latter part of its content discussed what Sylvie had seen and heard in Border Town.     

Originally, Roland chose her to find mineral resources. However, a great amount of the God's Stone of Retaliation was found in North Slope Mine. As it turned out, the stone that suppresses witches' abilities grew out of the ground just like other minerals. That indicated that Holy City of Hermes must have controlled a mineral vein that produced the God's Stone of Retaliation continually.     

And then another passage caught her attention.     

It talked about a terrifying weapon that could fire iron balls and bolts from an iron pipe with a deafening roar... Although Maggie and Ashes had mentioned this kind of thing to her before, this was her first time reading such a detailed description, and there was even a hand-painted diagram to accompany the paragraph.     

"Oh? Now I finally know what the thing that shot me looks like." Ashes walked over. "Since we're all allies, you can write back asking him to send you a batch of weapons to protect Sleeping Island from the church. Unless you think he isn't willing too... Hum, maybe this ally isn't as reliable as you think."     

"Allies don't mean preparedness." Tilly smiled. "Since this weapon is the foundation from which he guards himself, why would he share it with others? The temptation to ask for things would only destroy our slowly developing trust. There weren't Molly and Breeze presented on the witch capabilities list that I handed him. Besides, we're going to Border Town this winter and I think it would be more appropriate to ask for a favor in person, don't you think?"     

"Well," said Ashes, "as you wish."     

Tilly smiled and continued to read the letter.     

When her sight had reached the end of the letter, she could not help but express shock.     

Roland intended to send a brazier, as a gift, to every adult woman in the Witch Union. This was absurd! Everyone knew that only lovers bought gifts that were personal like that. How could he... wait, Tilly suddenly remembered that he once sent corsets to some noble ladies in the king's city, some of which were directly thrown back in his face. This incident became a joke among the nobles at the time.     

This seemed just like something he would do!     

Tilly suddenly felt entangled. On the one hand, she wanted to see if he was just like in her memory. But, on the other hand, she would rather not.     

Deciding whether or not she would go to Border Town this coming winter greatly distressed Princess Tilly.     

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