Otherworldly Evil Monarch

"Search Viciously!"

"Search Viciously!"

0For a moment, a ruthless coldness flashed across Li Youran's eyes as he got up silently and straightened himself. He maintained his courteous composure and said with a humble smile, "Senior Duke's teachings are just. Please forgive this junior's offence."     

He said those words with a smile. Although he had a deep sense of shame, his face expressed a smile of sincerity towards Jun Zhantian. It seemed that he was genuinely embarrassed by what he said earlier.     

Jun Zhantian's eyes widened when he suddenly felt an invisible pressure. This brat is no ordinary individual, judging by his calm demeanour! He is likely to be the ruthless type that would toy with people to their deaths. Jun Zhantian sighed, "If Moxie remained healthy, this brat would become his biggest rival amongst their generation!"     

He coldly turned around and scoffed, "The Li family line is indeed the sinister type." Grand Preceptor Li Shang's beard trembled. Jun Zhantian's words were the equivalent to cursing the entire Li Ancestral.     

"Everyone move out of the way and let him search! Old bag Jun! If you can't find the assassins, I will have a good 'discussion' with you before His Majesty tomorrow! When that happens, I'll see if you can still maintain this arrogance!" Li Shang waved his hand coldly, turned around and sat under a flower tree. He closed his eyes and remained motionless.     

Jun Zhantian waved his hand again, "Search carefully! Don't miss out a single spot and don't leave any stone unturned!" Behind him, nearly a thousand soldiers shouted their affirmation in unison and fiercely rushed in.     

In an instant, the entire Li Family was turned upside down to the point of a complete mess.     

A normal looking sedan chair was on a spot situated at some distance away from Li Residence. Four figures with indifferent expression stood around the sedan chair. The curtains of the sedan chair were lifted, revealing a profound set of eyes observing the situation on the Li Residence. The person's ears were focused on hearing the conversations within. This person had a squarish clear face. However, his eyebrows were slanted upwards like a pair of dragons soaring to the Heavens. He exuded a prestigious awe-aspiring aura even without moving nor say anything.     

After listening to a little, this person closed his eyes and murmured, "Jun Zhantian's stubbornness against the Li Family this time is indeed a little overboard. It is only normal for the Li Family to have secrets regarding their family's protection that would prove dangerous if revealed. If these secrets were exposed, the Li Family would disappear. Jun Zhan Tian wouldn't let them off easily but the kingdom still needs the Li Family." The person frowned, seemingly having a headache, "Shadow, if something unexpected were to happen, you'll need to step forward and solve it."     

Not a single sound could be heard from the outside but this person knew that his command was received. He then closed his eyes, his fingers tapping a jade tea table. His eyebrows moved, seemingly coming closer and intertwining one another. A thought flashed through his mind, "Li Shang's grandson is not any talent, he is a very dangerous talent…"     

Jun Zhantian's soldiers 'searched' as they moved, topping cabinets and flipping containers, which caused things to fall and crash. It seemed as though these men were not looking for assassins but were here purely to carry out acts of destructions!     

"Peng!" A huge vase was thrown out and shattered into pieces. The Grand Preceptor Li Shan's face twitched violently for an instant, "There is only a number of those vases…"     



Grandpa Jun looked with a cold look on his face holding onto his horsewhip. He inhaled deeply and shouted, "I want you to search viciously!" Although the atmosphere was extremely solemn, the soldiers standing behind him all turned their heads and secretly laughed. Could the word 'viciously' be used as an adjective for searching? The Senior Duke Jun's use of words was apparently 'Inappropriate'.     

The word 'viciously' should be used with 'crush'! Crush everything viciously!     

"This old thing can be rather funny! It almost seemed that he was afraid that the people wouldn't know that he was simply trying to create havoc! Let us observe for a little while longer!" The man in the sedan chair could not help but let out a smile.     

The soldiers continued to 'search' with even more 'force' upon hearing the word "viciously".     

Almost two thousand soldiers entered the Li Residence, acting as though they broke into an enemy's fortress. Anything that can be destroyed was destroyed and anything that could be thrown was thrown. The Li Family stared at this spectacle from the courtyard with blood dripping out from their hear, "All that … is money ah!"     

After observing, the man in the sedan chair close his eyes slightly and whispered, "There shouldn't be any problem here, let's go back." He closed the curtains and sat upon his soft seat before closing his eyes.     

Apparently, the old Jun Zhantian had already understood his intentions. He only destroyed the things that were place conspicuously. As for the secret area, he simply avoided it. It seemed that there would not be any problems here.     

"I'd like to see, after this round of chaos, which family would still dare to pick sides again!" The man in the sedan chair smiled, "Even if you want to fight, you must fight within certain limits. Once your actions endanger the safety of the kingdom, then what happened today is a … Warning!"     

The sedan chair left quietly without a trace. Jun Zhantian continued standing still but Jun Wu Yu turned back to look for a moment after the sedan chair had left.     

"Grand Marshall, there is no trace of the assassins found!" One by one, the soldiers came forth to present their report, each stating that the assassins were not found. Jun Zhantian became furious and shouted, "Are you trying to say that the assassins have flown off into the skies? Hmph! Are they not in the Li Residence? Then we'll have to go to another residence to resume our search!" Leading the soldiers, he strode out to the main gate, jumped onto his horse and rode forward. The direction he took was heading towards the Meng Family     

The Li Family members stared at their compound with tears flowing as it had turned into a beggars living area.     

The Grand Preceptor Li Shang patted his waist as he struggled to get up. Li Youran rushed forth to help him. Both of them looked into each other's eyes and they saw anger in them.     

"Grandfather, anyone with good eyes could tell that those men in black belonged to Jun Zhantian! Jun Zhantian kept touting 'searching for assassins' as an excuse and threw false charges at others. His actions are similar to a rebellion. Since he couldn't find any assassins, tomorrow grandfather can get together with a group of officials and heavily step down in him."     

Li Youran considered, "Jun Zhantian was obviously showing signs of going mental, mobilising the military for personal reasons; trespassing into the homes of court officials and searching them wantonly. Ha Ha, if we could bring about the demise of the Jun Family with the destruction of our properties, that would be a reasonable transaction. On the contrary, if Grandfather chooses to stay your hand, others might think that you have a guilty conscience."Li Shang frowned, gave a deep sigh and spoke in a deep voice, "You Ran, you are a talented genius who possesses a wisdom that surpasses the masses. In the area of strategy, you've proven yourself to be capable of identifying the enemy's weak points. Watching you become the top amongst the talents of your generation, Grandfather has always felt happy about it. However, you also have your weaknesses. One example would be the area of governance. You're still too young. Therefore, the things you could envision are limited!"     

"Governance?" Li Youran became puzzled. "Are you saying that this amount of crime is not enough for His Majesty to take action against Jun Zhantian and his family?"     

"Enough? No, it's not! It is far from enough!" Li Shang's white eyebrows quivered, The earlier expression of anger and helplessness he showed before Jun Zhantian had lifted. It was replaced with an expression of endless shrewdness. Obviously, he faked the expression earlier. "You still don't understand just how much trust His Majesty has for Jun Zhantian. For starters, Jun Zhantian saved His Majesty's life at least six times or more. Back then if Jun Zhantian wanted to rebel or if he had even the slightest bit of secret ambition, then the seat of the Emperor would long have been his! It's true that there can be no love within the royal family. However, one would never treat an absolute loyalist as a mortal enemy. This is also the main reason why the Jun Family had fallen to a point of nearly losing all their successors and could retain so much power over the military!"     

"Simply with those few thing that occurred earlier, did you think it would be possible to bring Jun Zhantian down?" Li Shang laughed out a bit, "Do you really take Jun Zhantian to be such an idiot who would offer the Li Family to the bloody end? Also, based on his earlier movements, do you think that he had forced us into the corner?"     

Li Youran was intelligent. In just moments, he had comprehended the points mentioned. His face changed greatly and said, "Could it be…"     

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