Earth's Greatest Magus



3The group remained in the bustling city of Alexandria for a while, their minds consumed by the daunting reality of the numerous Abyss gates scattered across the world. The knowledge of these gates, teeming with tens of thousands of abyss creatures and powerful Cyclops giants, sent chills down their spines. Even the current caretaker, the Kronos Magus, would most probably struggle against such a formidable force. To think of the idea that Earthlink fought by themselves was nothing short of terrifying.     

"We need to get stronger, much stronger!" Thrax exclaimed, newfound determination gleaming in his eyes. Witnessing the power displayed by Ares, the god of war, had ignited a burning desire within him.     

His words resonated with the others, who couldn't argue with the necessity of their growth. Their first step towards preparation was to focus on the upcoming Ancient Celestial Ruins event, which would commence in three years. But before that, Julian and Thrax had to make their breakthroughs to the Magus realm.     

Curiosity sparked in Klea's eyes as she asked Thrax, "What do you need to make that happen?"     

"I plan to return to Thrace, to find the root of my origin," he replied, a sense of purpose resonating in his voice.     

Julian's anxiety surfaced as he voiced his concern, "I hope we won't be caught up in another battle."     

Thrace was currently one of Rome's closest vassals, making Julian understandably apprehensive. However, Thrax assured him, "No, I have seen enough war in the past four years. I am seeking a time of peace."     

Relieved by Thrax's response, Julian explains that his path as a magus was intertwined with his law of sovereignty. To make his breakthrough, he needed to gain more vassals—nations of people who acknowledged him as their sovereign. Julian believed that expanding his influence to encompass people across the European continent would be instrumental in his progress.     

"I am afraid I need to expand further, I hope you all would understand."     

Klea felt compelled to assist Julian in reaching his goal. While they were currently in Egypt, a kingdom spanning the vast Alkebulan continent, she decided to spread Julian's message far and wide. They organized a grand gathering, inviting millions of people from all corners of the continent to come to answer their queen's calling.     

The day arrived, and the streets of Alexandria buzzed with anticipation. People from diverse backgrounds and cultures flocked to witness the historic event. The atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of hope and solidarity. As Julian ascended the stage, his presence commanded attention and respect.     

Klea, adorned in regal attire, stood beside him, radiating an aura of authority and grace. Her words carried weight as she addressed the crowd, introducing the Roman figure as the protector of Egypt, and the embodiment of the god Ra himself, here to bring prosperity to the kingdom.     

Klea and Thrax watched as Julian's body emitted a radiant glow while he stood atop the Egyptian palace, embraced by the adoration and worship of the Egyptian people. The scene was awe-inspiring, and it bolstered their resolve to face the challenges that lay ahead.     

However, an unexpected turn of events occurred during the ceremony. As Klea stood on the pedestal, seen by hundreds of thousands of people, a young child, not yet three years old, toddled and crawled toward their Egyptian queen.     

"Carry me, I want to see," Kephri said, excitement twinkling in her eyes.     

The simple-minded people of Egypt immediately embraced the child, believing them to be the offspring of Julian and their queen, Kleopatra.     

Klea found herself caught off guard by the unexpected situation. Clarifying the truth would only hinder Julian's progress, so she chose not to dispel the rumors. Instead, she carried the child in her arms, a gentle smile on her face, allowing the people to embrace their own interpretations.     

As their time in Egypt drew to a close, the group realized that they would soon be separated once again. The young monk, Damo, planned to embark on a journey around the continent, seeking to explore the world, and decided to follow Thrax on his adventure.     

Julian, with his sights set on Rome, prepared to return to his homeland. As for Klea, she made a solemn vow to assist Khepri in finding the Ark of God—an artifact that might hold answers about the lost city and the mystery behind the first King of Man's death. Julian generously offered access to the extensive Roman library, an invaluable resource for Klea's quest. With gratitude, she accepted his offer, knowing that it would provide her with the knowledge and insights necessary to uncover the truth.     

"Until we meet again," Thrax bid farewell before they parted ways with Klea and boarded an Egyptian royal ship bound for Rome.     

Their grand return was celebrated by the people of Rome, who greeted them with open arms and joyous festivities. The sight of Klea with the child in her arms once again added to the excitement, fueling speculation and rumors among the citizens.      

Klea, determined to fulfill her quest, stayed in Rome for several months, utilizing the city's vast resources and connections to search for news of the missing relics. She delved into ancient texts and consulted scholars, uncovering fragments of information that pointed to a striking similarity between these relics and the treasures once owned by the Judean dynasty.     

These artifacts had been lost during the tumultuous exodus from Egypt, a tragic chapter in history. Unfortunately, the relics themselves had been lost when the kingdom was destroyed about five hundred years ago, leaving behind only legends and whispers of their existence.     

The search proved more elusive than expected, leaving Klea with a sense of regret as she informed Khepri that she would be unable to accompany her in the quest for the Ark of God. Her responsibilities and the urgency of her own mission compelled her to prioritize her own journey, even though it meant parting ways with her dear friend.     

"I'm sorry, but I have another urgent matter to attend to," Klea explained leaving the search to be continued by the Roman people assigned by Julian.     

With her breakthrough into the magus realm, Klea felt an undeniable urge to leave Earth and return to the magus universe, her true home. The time had come for her to embark on a new chapter of her journey, back to the Magus Universe.     

"I will find you, Emery"     


On the other side of the universe, in a mystical forest inhabited by elven beings, a young human male was found immersed in deep meditation. More than two years had elapsed since his departure from the Golden City, and at long last, he achieved a significant breakthrough.     


Author's Note:     

Dear readers,     

With this chapter, the month of June has come to an end.     

I hope you find the chapter to be to your liking. I am grateful for the chance of having some family holiday this month, and grateful for your patience.     

For this, I will set a discounted price for next month's privilege chapters.     

Thank you for the support and hope you all will join me for July chapters, and don't forget to drop by our Discord channel for the end-of-the-month events!     

Click the link on my website:     

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