The Bloodline System

The Beast Brothers

The Beast Brothers

2Author's Note: Unedited Chapter    


The large numbers quite literally saved them in the charred wasteland since things would be way worse if earth participants had gone alone. They might have been all wiped out there.    

"A yellow zone is two hours away. Wouldn't it be more sensible to head there instead and gather enough points?" Angy voiced out what was on E.E's mind.    

"Exactly!" E.E stated.    

"Yes but then it would be safer if we reunited with the others and then went there," Gustav responded.      

"But you said that so long as anyone of us manage to remain, we'd still be fine as a group... we don't even know if the others made it there. Wouldn't it be a waste to head there and meet it empty only for us to double back to the closest yellow zone which would now take us a five hours if our journey is uninterrupted," Angy voiced out lengthily.      

"You make a good point but like I said, safety. If we're the only ones left, heading to the yellow zone immediately might not be the best option. It would be better to find a safe haven and then make proper infallible plans before heading out... but like you said, the time we'll spend doubling back would increase hmm..." Gustav had to admit that Angy was making sense but it was really a tough decision.      

If they headed left now, after three hours of uninterrupted hiking, they'd arrive at the closest green zone. However, if they headed right, after two hours of uninterrupted hiking, they would arrive in another yellow zone.    

The choice had to be made now.    

Gustav paused in place for as his face  displayed a contemplative expression. The winds stirred up a small cloud of dust in the distance where Gustav's eyes were glued to.    

After a few more seconds, Gustav turned to the right, "Let's go,"    

Angy's eyes shimmered as she displayed a smile, "Aye,"      

E.E and Angy followed Alongside Gustav as they transversed around the multiple holes across the vicinity.    

Gustav didn't have his unusually high intelligence from the system which was why it took him longer to come up with decisions. However, he was still smart enough to come up with solutions to certain problems.    

After about an hour of moving, they had arrived at the outskirts of this area. Another location was in view at this point.    

"Just how big is the Beast Haven?" E.E questioned with a tone of curiosity.      

"The size of a town apparently," Gustav responded.      

"What is a town?" Angy questioned.    

"An underdeveloped city in the ancient times on earth," Gustav responded.    

"Oh so its the size of a city," E.E stated.    

"Not quite... a town is usually like a way smaller version," Gustav explained.      

"I don't really get it but looks like the beast haven is pretty large," E.E voiced.    

"Hnm," Angy nodded.    

'These guys...' Gustav shook his head as they headed out of the region with holes in the ground.      

Behind them, the sands began trembling...      

As the vicinity trembled, the sands danced around, sending off an ominous vibe. The holes in the ground sank further, becoming deeper compared to when the trio was moving through.      


Odd looking skeletal like faces appeared above the surface of the sand covering the holes. As these faces phased out of the sands, their eye socket emitted a purplish light like they had just come alive.    

Fangs could be spotted in the mouth of their massive skeletal head as the holes sunk further.      


High pitched screehes were emitted from their mouths which reverberated across the area in unison. They were like a choir of death as purplish mist spread across the place.    

These creature's who were around sixteen feet tall rose out of the hole with black wings sprouting out of their backs while brandishing sharp claws.    

They instantly dispersed into four groups, flying in all directions as a trail of purplish fog was left in their wake.    


"Damn I'm down to just my last attack," Ria complained as he hid behind what looked like a seventy feet long stalactite.    

"I told you not to use them yet," Elevora voiced from the side.    

"I didn't want to get disqualified," Ria stated.    

"We have to think of another way of getting into that yellow zone without attracting the beasts around or we just head back," Elevora stated, hinting at the two beasts up ahead who had looks similar to goblins but happened to be very muscular and whitish in colour.    

They happened to be standing before the yellow zone that Elevora and Ria had stumbled upon while they were escaping the charred wasteland.    

Now that they had made it here, it looked like they couldn't even get in due to the beasts who seemed like they were standing guard.    

This yellow zone happened to be located within a cave with intricate greenish walls.    

"I smell you,"    

One of the beasts suddenly voiced out when Elevora and Ria were coming up with a plan.    

"Shit, that thing can speak?" Ria muttered with a look of surprise.      

"I smell you,"    

The beast was obviously speaking in another tongue but the translator device everyone was equipped with made them understand it words.    

It was beyond a doubt that this set of beasts were a little more intelligent than the other despite their different language.      

"Come out or i will find you and eat you," One of the beasts voiced out again while a arrow tip tongue phased out of its mouth and it licked its lips.    

"Is it really taunting us right now?" Ria whispered with a look of confusion.      

"It knows we're here... we can't leave now without attracting their attention," Elevora voiced while slightly tilting her head past the covering of the stalactite like rock they hid behind.    

"What should we do?" Ria questioned.      

"I don't think it is aware that there are two of us... I will attract it's attention while you make a run for it," Elevora suggested.      

"What? No, we'll face them together," Ria shook his head.    

"I still have three attacks while you have only one, its better this way," Elevora wasn't going to take no for an answer.    

Before Ria could retort again, she stood to her feet and began walking towards the two large beasts up ahead.    

"She 's crazy," Ria nearly yelled.    

"Weak creature, you finally reveal yourself," The beast who spoke earlier, voiced out upon noticing Elevora's approach.    

"Weak? If I had my original strength, your decapitated would be in the grasp of my hands before you finished that sentence," Elevora stated with a confident tone.    

"You speak big for a creature that is about to lose here," The other beast voiced out while flexing its muscles.    

"We shall see about that," Elevora remained unrelenting as she spoke.    

The tension in the air grew as Elevora prepared to make use of the attacks in her Iov bracelet.      

"Today is your lucky day weak creature. We are aware of what is happening and will give you a chance to get in there," The first beast spoke while gesturing at the yellow zone behind them.    

"Huh?" Elevora face instantly displayed a look of disbelief and confusion as she heard that.    

"What do you mean?" She inquired.    

"I and my brother here were of course imprisoned with the rest of the beasts here because they think we're unreasonable beasts..." The first one spoke    

"We did eat half the population of the species on a planet though...." The second one voiced from the side.    

"Only because we were undergoing metamorphosis yes so they served a purpose in our bellies..." The first one stated again.    

"Yes brother we're innocent, it is just a small planet..." The second one voiced.    

"Very small and unimportant too! we should have..."    

"Ahem you two can do this later," Elevora chimmed in while rolling her eyes.    

"Yes yes Weak creature, we have a preposition for you and that other Weak creature hiding behind the rock," The first one spoke again.    

Goosebumps appeared on Ria's skin as he heard that. It turned out that they were aware of both of them from the start.    

-"Didn't I tell you to run?" Elevora yelled as she noticed Ria walking up to them.    

"A weakling like that cannot outrun us," The first beast stated.      

"Let's just face them together," Ria voiced.    

Elevora nearly face palmed.    

"Anyways weaklings, if you can defeat me, I and my brother shall allow you passage into that place that you are headed and even protect you two from other beasts," The first beast voiced.    

"Huh? How are we sure we can trust you?" Ria questioned.      

"I Tamas is a beast of his word! My brother not so much but I guarantee you, i will stick to my word," The first beast responded.    

"But we get to eat both of you if you lose," The other beast voiced.    

"It is exactly as Tapas has said," Tamas stated.    

"You migh want time to think it o..."    

"Deal," Elevora instantly agreed.    

"Eh? Are you sure you don't want time to think it over weak creature?"    

"Elevora what are you doing?" Even Ria felt she was a bit impulsive.    

"If we can get two beast bodyguards at the cost of losing two or three attacks then its worth it," Elevora responded from the side as she squezed her fists causing it to make cracking sounds.    

"Hahaha then you shall meet your end here weak creature!" Tamas voiced before charging forward.      



"Finally we're only ten minutes away," Angy voiced with an expression of relief.    

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