The Bloodline System

Beast Haven Challenge Comes To A Finish

Beast Haven Challenge Comes To A Finish

0Author's Note: Unedited Chapters    


[5 seconds ]    

Only five seconds had gone by since he regained his abilities, yet he had managed to lay waste to all of the beasts in the vicinity who numbered in over two hundred.     

Gustav turned his head in a particular direction as he sped sideways, managing to evade a pouring body parts that landed exactly in the position he initially was     


He arrived thousands of feet away from his initial location, standing before a hole.    

"Gustav?" Two familiar voices rang out from within.    

Knowing there was limited time left, Gustav grabbed hold of Angy and E.E swiftly and pulled them out of the hole.    


He leapt into the air with both of them in his grasp, leaving them with tons of questions which he was currently unable to answer.    

Large bat like wings sprouted out of Gustav's back as he ascended into the air with speed. He dived forward with the wings flapped powerfully.    

They tore through the air at intense speed, leaving afterimages across it and crossing two regions in a manner of seconds.    

[1 Second]    


Gustav landed heavily on a grassy patch of land in the last second, before slowly dropping Angy and E.E.    

[0 seconds]    

He felt his supernatural strength and abilities leaving once more but fortunately they had served their purpose.     

"Phew," Gustav sighed in relief as he crouched, before taking a seat on this patchy grass land.    

"How the hell did you manage to use your powers?" E.E questioned with a tone of utter astonishment and confusion.     

"You even got us to a green zone," Angy was just as shocked.     

"The last attack on the Iov bracelet wasn't an attack," Gustav answered.     

"It unlocked my abilities for ten seconds," He added.    

Both of them had looks of understanding upon hearing this. They initially thought Gustav had found a way to cheat but now it made sense.     

For Gustav, crossing a distance that would take them up to five hours of hiking with human capabilities, would take him five seconds if he was unrestrained.    

<< 00 : 31 : 25 >>    

"Thirty one minutes left phew... I thought we were toast," E.E voiced as he checked the bracelet.     

"This isn't the green zone we were headed... did you change direction?" Angy questioned as she noticed the name on the map was different.     

"Yeah, there was really no time, I just went in any direction and landed us here," Gustav responded.    

"Who cares anyways... so long as we're safe," E.E slumped onto the land and closed his eyes with a relaxed expression.     

"I'm down to around a thousand life points but it is more than enough to make it through thirty minutes," Gustav stated.    

"Only three hundred and thirty seven participants managed to make it this far," He added, causing E.E and Angy to stare at him with looks of curiosity.     

"I expected more," Angy voiced.     

"Especially since the Beast Haven is very large," E.E added.    

When Gustav's abilities were unrestricted momentarily, his perception had combed through the entirety of the Beast Haven. Due to this he had managed to perceive the precise number of participants left when the horde of beasts were stacked atop of him.    

He happened to see a particular one that made him a little surprised due to the action they were engaging in at that moment.     

However, Gustav didn't think much of this as he was busy trying to make the best use of his ten seconds.    

"The number of beasts are too high for participants not to fall into unfortunate scenarios," Gustav reminded, hinting that they barely managed to get through one themselves.     

The trio agreed with Gustav as they recalled all they had been through in the last three days.    

They continued chatting as they waited for the rest of the time to pass so the challenge could come to an end.    


<< 00 : 00 : 04 >>    

<< 00 : 00 : 03 >>    

<< 00 : 00 : 02 >>    

<< 00 : 00 : 01 >>    

<< 00 : 00 : 00 >>    

< The Beast Haven Challenge Has Come To A Finish >    

A loud electronic voice reverberated across the ninth disk and the location of the beast Haven.    

After the announcement, a scoreboard was displayed on the floating screens, showing how many planets had participants left.    

It turned out that out of over a thousand planets, only a little over two hundred managed to have participants that made it to the end.    


<< Planet Rudundbergh : 2 Participants >>    

<< Planet Ozious : 5 Participants >>    

<< Planet Ghundabault : 3 Participants >>    

<< Planet Indulus Prime: 6 Participants >>    

<< Planet Draconet : 1 Participant >>    

<< Planet Oxlrk: 7 Participants >>    

<< Planet Klaxosape: 10 Participants >>    

<< Planet Phixiq : 2 Participants >>    

<< Planet Earth : 5 Participants >>    

<< Planet Xionsi : 1 Participant >>    

<< Planet Hixto: 1 Participant >>    

<< Planet Tronvida : 1 Participant >>    

<< Planet Tribetes : 12 Partipants >>    



The results had both the spectators and participants astonished as they took note of the winning planets.    

-"Only the Draconet Captain managed to make it all the way through,"    

-"That's the fruit of recklessness,"    

-"They still passed though,"    

-"Who else thought Earth would have the highest number left?"    


-"Planet Tribetes were the most organised that's why they have the highest number of participants left,"    

The spectators debated about how the results turned out like they didn't witness the happenings with their eyes.    

Their reactions were to be expected since a lot of them couldn't keep eyes on all the screens at the same time. There was no way to observe the activities of every location within the Beast Haven at the same time.    

Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~    

The participants within the beast haven began to appear back within the arena on the ninth disk in successions.    

"Yo man, did you make it?" E.E voiced out as soon as they reunited with the others on the arena.    

"No, I got disqualified with Fildhor and Yonda," Aildris chuckled wryly.    

"Oouu I thought you were one of the last two who finished with us," E.E was quite surprised since everyone knew how capable Aildris was, with or without supernatural abilities.     

He glanced at Yonda in suspicion who in turn looked away guiltily.     

"I was watching and rooting for you guys from here. Endric and Teemee were the last two besides you guys," Aildris voiced while using his thumbs to point in the direction of Endric and Teemee who had just appeared right behind them.    

"Good one guys," E.E chuckled while raising his right hand.    

Pah! Pah!     

He gave them both high fives and the group began catching up with one another.    

"How did you get disqualified, Elevora?" E.E turned to the side as he noticed her expression to be strange.    

Elevora eyes knitted as she turned to face E.E with a look of annoyance.     

"...what's wrong?" E.E tone softened as he questioned.     

She let out a heavy breath before responding, "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it when I geg the chance," She responded before turning to face another direction.     

E.E wanted to push further but decided against it. He didn't want to further irk her.    

"Was anyone with her?" E.E quietly asked around so he could get a gist of what happened.    

"I was... its the fault of that multiple armed freak," Ria voiced from the side.    

"Eh? There are many multiple ar... oh that one?" E.E paused as he turned to stare at the direction Ria was pointing at.    

Only one participant that had just appeared in the midst of others happened to fit that description.     

"Draconet Captain? What did he do?" E.E questioned as he stared at the haughty looking creature tens of feet away with multiple limbs and blue starred patterns all across his body.    

"He attacked us," Ria answered with a look of anguish.     

"He what?" E.E voiced with a look of growing anger.    

"We got disqualified because of his interference. He even put us in the path of a horde of beasts," Ria explained that he and Elevora were just attacked randomly when recharging in a yellow zone when they were brought to a red zone.    

Captain Strum was using his supernatural abilities and the both of them were unaware at the time that the third attack wasn't an attack but a restraint unlock.    

They didn't even get to use their last attack before they got disqualified since they were taken completely by surprise.    

It was only after disqualification that they realised what had happened and how they had been powerlessly taken to a red zone by Captain Strum.    

Captain Strum occasionally visit a red zone to restock the attacks in his Iov bracelet whenever he activated the attack that was meant to unlock his restraints.     

"That horseshit," E.E was incensed after hearing Ria's narration.    


"It's fine. We still made it to the end of the challenge so we win regardless," Gustav placed his hand on E.E's left shoulder while voicing out.    

"Elevora and Ria weren't the only ones who got harrased during the Beast Haven Challenge ," Glade suddenly voiced out from the side     

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