The Bloodline System

Getting Challenged Again

Getting Challenged Again

3Author's Note: Unedited Chapter      


'But what if we're not together or in one piece...' Guatav didn't want to voice out his concerns and sound more troubled than he looked so he only nodded in response.      

"You're right..."     

Gustav and E.E continued discussing for some time as E.E threw in occasional jokes to lighten the mood. Gustav couldn't help but chuckle a couple of times before he finally decided to retire to his room and channel his bloodline for the rest of the night.     


The next day arrived in a jiffy and the IYSOP participants were once more gathered in the arena.     

Cheers~ Cheers~ Cheers~     

Spectators cheers for their plamet representatives to boost their morale as they stepped into the arena.     

Spectators from disqualified planets were allowed to remain present till the end of IYSOP. Some of these spectators were still sour from their planets losing but others had already gotten over it and picked new favourites to support.     

-"I will stake my bets on the Draconets,"     

-:Nah for me I'll pick Ozious, captain Vilax is my current favourite,"     

-"I'll place my bets today with logic instead of favouritism,"     

-"If I see two participants paired and I'm sure one is more powerful than the other, I'm placing my bets today on the more powerful one,"     

-"I'm with that Kid from earth Endric,"     

The arena was loud as usual before the computerised system began picking out participants for the next batch.     

Now that less than six hundred planets were left, it would only take around four batches for every planet to have one representative each who had been picked by the computerised system.     

This would mean that after 80th batches, every single participant would have gotten the chance to be picked to be a challenger at least once besides getting challenged.     

The first batch since the disqualification started off high as more participants from higher ranked planets were seen on the list.     

-"Captain Strum?"     

-"I can't believe one of the strongest captains was picked again,"     

-"Who do you think he will challenge?"     

-"Doesn't he have a bone to pick with earth's captain?"     

-"In his previous batches he picked other opponents though,"     

-"This should be interesting,"     

The crowd went nuts after spotting Captain Strum's name amongst the first batch after disqualification.      

The participants area had an air of tension permeating the environment. Besides Captain Strum, a lot of other strong participants were included in this batch.     

Some of them hoped they wouldn't get picked by participants from this batch since it was filled with a lot of strong foes.     

"Do you think he will issue a challenge now?" Aildris asked from the side.     

Gustav at this moment was staring at the stage on ths northeast area of the arena. Despite how distant this stage was from their waiting area, he had locked eyes with a particular participant.     

"I don't think so... for whatever reason, he might be biding his time," Gustav responded while maintaining eye contact.      

The person he was staring at was none other than Captain Strum who was also staring back at earth's spectators area as he tapped on the participant he intended to challenge.      

-"Is he challenging Captain Crimson?"     

-"They're really glaring at each other, aren't they?"     

-"He might actually challenge him,"     

-"Oh my..."     


The screens displayed the participants that had been challenged in the next instant causing those who were expecting a showdown between the two captains to display looks of disappointment.     

< Strum Xilgard (Planet Draconet) Vs Zilk Flawen (Planet Phixiq) >     

Captain Strum challenged the captain of Planet Phixiq.     

-"Well that was a twist,"     

-"I think the battle might still be fun since they're both captains,"     

-"Who do you think will win?"     

-"I am with Captain Strum,"     

-"Without a doubt Captain Strum has this in the bag,"     

The battle between participants soon began after their opponents has accepted the challenges.     

Gustav and the others watched as the battles began. They were finally seeing battles between opponents that had never been paired before.     

Planet Phixiq was not weak but they also were not amongst the top hundred. At least not since the versus battle challenge began. Captain Zilk despite being one of the five hundred captains, was truly not a match for Captain Strum.     

The battle was entirely one sided with Captain Zilk continously sending forth attacks that Captain Strum would evade or reverse with his time spear.     

From the start tull finish of the battle Captain Strum played with Captain Zilk, completely humiliating him with barrages of attacks that would only inflict a little damage.     

It almost seemed like it wasn't a battle between Captains as Strum completely decimated Zilk at the end of the Battle like he was just a random foe.     

< Strum Xilgard Wins (Planet Draconet) >     

< 1000 Points Attained >     

'Well that's disappointing... he just raised his number of points by another thousand,' Gustav thought while staring at the holographic number floating above Captain Strum's head.     

'5,700 Points'     

Gustav currently had '4200' points floating above his head and was already closing in on Captain Strum's points initially but now another 1000 gap had been put in between them.     

-"That is scary,"     

-"Captain Strum might be the strongest captain,"     

-"It is hard to tell when Captain Irand has never taken damage from a single battle as well,"     

-"Let's not forget Captain Crimson,"     

-"And Captain Vilax,"     

-"It is truly difficult to tell,"     

-"This edition of IYSOP holds one of the strongest generation of youngsters ever,"     

The participants couldn't deny that watching Captain Strum's battle made them more wary of him than anyone else. While it was difficult to tell who the most powerful captain was, there was no doubt that Captain Strum seemed to be the most brutal and prideful.     

No one was interested in challenging someone like that. Most of them believed they'd have a better chance with other captains.     

The batch soon came to an end with Captain Strum and Captain Irand being the highlights of this batch. They had both dealt with their opponents easily, although Strum had fought a fellow captain.     

The next batch soon arrived and another 150 participants moved towards the stage. Amongst them was the captain of the Klaxosapes.      

The crowd went bonkers again, as it seemed like every batch was starting to have captains in it. They wondered who he would pick as he walked onto the stage that looked like an ancient ruin of sorts.     

There were already cracks and fissures on the ground which was charred. Multiple wrecked battle spacecraft were scattered across the place and the air on this stage reeked of destruction and death.     

It looked like a real battle field with multiple platforms floating in mid air and the center of gravity happened to be weird as well.     


Occasionally destructive red beams would shoot down from above, causing the area it collided with to be decimated. This meant that, even during battle, the participants had to be careful so as not to get hit by the red beams.      

The red beams happened to be very random and would hit unexpected places so they truly had to keep an eye out for that while facing their opponent.      

A lot of spectators were focused on Klaxosapes captain stage in particular since they felt he was the strongest captain that was picked in this match.      

The other participants picked their opponents quickly. Klaxosapes Captain picked his opponent as well and as soon as the spectators discovered who he picked, they went bonkers once more.     

Gustav stared at the panel before him with an indifferent expression.     

'Well, I expected this sooner or later,' He said internally.     

"Are you too cowardly to face me earthling!," The Klaxosapes Captain voice reverberated across the arena loudly after seeing that Gustav hadn't accepted as the seconds rolled by.     

Gustav stared in his direction and a light smirk appeared on his face before he accepted.     

"Have it your way then," Gustav voiced as he slowly began to step forward.      

Cheer~ Cheer~ Yaaahhhh! Chatter~     

-"Another battle worth watching,"     

-"This will definitely be very interesting,"     

Everyone watched as Gustav confidently strode towards the stage the Klaxosape captain was waiting for him in.     

He already knew the captain had set his sights on him since the first IYSOP challenge where earth came second. The Klaxosapes were no doubt known to physically be the strongest amongst all other planetary species across galaxies.     

They weren't the most powerful overall but no one doubted them to be the strongest physically. However, since the start of IYSOP there had been speculations that Gustav might be as physically powerful as the Klaxosapes.      

The Klaxosapes Captain was determined to put an end to the speculations and with this battle he believed he could.     

"Do you wish for me to only fight you physically? Or..." Gustav questioned as he walked onto the descrated battlefield.     

"Do not insult me like that earthling... you better come at me with everything you have or you will regret it," The Klaxosapes Captain responded with a strong tone.     

"As you wish then," Gustav voiced while taking steps forward.      

< Kriv ■vL (Planet Klaxosape) Vs Gustav Crimson (Planet Earth) >     

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