Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Ripped Apart

Ripped Apart

0The host felt like crying but couldn't find her tears, what was wrong with this Wang Jingwen's IQ?     

What she just said was tantamount to indirectly acknowledging that she was an ungrateful person who only seeked personal gain. The reporter would definitely make a fuss about it. To make matters worse, these reporters would surely add exaggerations to the original words, which was an integral part of journalism. Once this news were released, Wang Jingwen's image would take great hit.     

In order to help Wang Jingwen restore her image, the host rushed to remedy the situation: "Do not misunderstand, Miss Wang Jingwen means that good birds choose good habitats. In fact, compared to HuaXiang Entertainment, our New Century Entertainment is indeed more dominant, we provide a better atmosphere to nurture artist and further their growth. Miss Wang Jingwen has chosen to come to us and it is understandable."     

At this point, the host quietly winked at a female reporter under the stage.     

The female reporter immediately became aware and suddenly raised her hand and asked, "Miss Wang Jingwen, what is your development plan? A lot of fans want to know about your future releases. Now, can you share anything with us?"     

The female reporter was clearly inserted into the reporter's group to help them control the flow of questions, but she had successfully changed the topic anyway.     

Many reporters were now concerned about Wang Jingwen's music and were eager to get the latest information about her work. For journalists, this was also an important point.     

Cao Feifei caught sight of the opportunity. Such a rare opportunity to enter the limelight, so instead of Wang Jingwen, Cao Feifei grabbed the mic:     

"Yes, our company has already planned with Miss Wang Jingwen to release two albums. As the general manager of New Century Entertainment, I assure you that our company's tailor-made songs for Miss Wang Jingwen far better compared to those produced by HuaXiang Entertainment. After that, we also plan to hold a concert for Miss Wang Jingwen, our company will give her it's full support. Of course, if advertisers are willing to cooperate with us, we are always welcoming new partners."     

The present host was initially worried, fearing that Cao Feifei would spout gibberish in order to be in the limelight, but after listening to her words, he could not help but release a sigh of relief.     

It seemed that the general manager wasn't entirely useless. Her words were very well planned: She not only promoted Wang Jingwen, but also promoted the company. After the reporter announced her passage, advertisers would certainly come to the company to discuss cooperation.     

"Where will Miss Wang Jingwen's concert be held?" one reporter asked curiously.     

Speaking of this topic, Wang Jingwen immediately came to full spirit and was about to show off. Unexpectedly, Cao Feifei again took a quicker grasp of the microphone and proudly said, "Our company has already reserved a venue for Miss Wang Jingwen. That is [Tianjing Theater]!"     


When Cao Feifei gave her answer, it immediately caused a roar in the reporters!     

What type of location was Tianjing Theatre? This was the golden hall of Huaxia. It was the dream stage of many artists. It proved the strength of a star. But to this day, few domestic stars could obtain the right to perform there. Those who could get a spot to perform in Tianjing Theatre were generally international stars.     

Now, Wang Jingwen was going to visit the most famous theatre in Huaxia to hold a concert. This was indeed an explosive piece of news that deserved attention.     

At this point, the reporters' attention had all been transferred to Cao Feifei.     

In fact, concerning Cao Feifei, there were many reporters who were familiar with her on the scene, especially the reporters for those gossip tabloids, this was due to her relationship with Ling Feng.     

As the 'Prince Edward' of the Jinsheng Group, Ling Feng was also considered a celebrity of Tianjing City. He was known as "a romantic," and there were headlines on him every other day. He was very much a favourite for reporters.     

As Ling Feng's fiancée, Cao Feifei was also the focus of journalists who wanted to dig deeper.     

Since there was such a rare opportunity in front of them, the reporters wouldn't let it easily go.     

A reporter from Gossip Weekly suddenly asked: "Miss Feifei you are quite young to be the general manager of the company, don't you think? How did you achieve such a high position at such a young age? Has the Jinsheng Group provided support to you from behind?"     

Hearing that, Cao Feifei turned cold and looked at the reporter with a murderous look. She murmured: "What are you trying to insinuate?     

The reporter laughed without replying, but his face seemed to be engraved with a mocking expression.     

Cao Feifei looked in his eyes and her heart suddenly burst into flames. Her mood that had just gotten better plummeted to the bottom.     

At this time, another reporter adding fuel to the fire spoke up: "Miss Cao, your fiancée Lin Feng of Jinsheng Group was recently photographed kissing a model on his speedboat. Have you seen this news? Will you disassociate yourself from Ling Feng?"     

Listening to the reporter, Cao Feifei's heart was directly filled with anger, slamming her hands on to the table, she stood up and pointed at the reporter: "What paper are you from? I will sue you!"     

The presenter really cried this time. Just now, he had boasted of how sensible she was. He had spoken too early.     

Looking at Cao Feifei enraged and shouting, Wang Jingwen was secretly happy. Her heart was bursting with joy: "That's what you get for stealing my spotlight dumb b****."     

Since things had reached this point, it would be meaningless for this press conference to continue. If it continued, it would only allow reporters to sink their fangs into Cao Feifei and Wang Jingwen further.     

The host was deeply troubled by both women's lack of restraint and no longer dared to delay. He quickly announced: "Today's press conference ends here. We have prepared a banquet for you in the banquet hall downstairs. Please pay your respects and move onwards to the ballroom."     

The host, finishing, directly fled before the blame was put on him, the reporters left with their heads buried while writing away on their notepads.     

Wang Jingwen also left the venue under the escort of a dozen security guards.     

Soon, only Cao Feifei was still sulking on the stage alone, her chest fluctuating up and down, her face was alternating from white and red. From fright and anger, she knew she had messed up tonight...     


At the same time.     

Several reporters have already arrived at HuaXiang intending to get an exclusive interview from Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhang Xiaohua was evading them.     

In fact, Zhang Xiaohua wasn't accustomed to taking the limelight. Even more, he didn't like gossip. He only wanted to be a low-key boss and earn some money in silence. Generally when reporters arrived at the door, he let Yuan Datong deal with it, but this time he let Ling Ming speak on behalf of HuaXiang.     

One reason was to hone Ling Ming, because sooner or later, she would have to face the camera. It was even more important for her to have an exclusive interview and get used to it as early as possible.     

The second reason was to take this opportunity to advertise Ling Ming, warming her up to become famous.     

Zhang Xiaohua,Yuan Datong and co had already hid on the second floor, but they were secretly watching Ling Ming downstairs.     

At this time, downstairs, faced with several reporters and paparazzi, Ling Ming was inevitably a little nervous, she clenched her fists tight and her hands were already full of sweat. She felt alone and nervous, but she was helpless, after all, this was Zhang Xiaohua's order.     

"Uhh, who are you?" A reporter curiously looked at Ling Ming. She had been here several times before but she had never seen this girl.     

"My name is Ling Ming. I'm a new singer for HuaXiang. You can call me Ming'er." Ling Ming's self-introduction was as weak as a mosquito's, severely lacking in confidence.     

Learning that Ling Ming was the newest singer of HuaXiang Entertainment. Several reporters immediately became interested, and apart from anything else, first they took a camera and snapped a few photos. The eyes of Ling Ming were somewhat confused.     

"I would like to ask Miss Li, has Zhang Xiaohua personally written a song for you?" A reporter excitedly asked.     

Ling Ming nodded her head, her simple face made a sweet smile. She finally looked less stressed out. Even her voice increased by a few decibels: "Yes, our boss is a great man. I just joined, but he has already prepared songs for me, they are beautiful songs, I love them very much!"     

"Can you sing one for us?" Another reporter asked with great expectation.     

"Sorry, our company has a strict confidentiality agreement, so I can't sing it to you before we publish it formally." Ling Ming apologetically replied, the reporters just accepted it, everyone was attracted to her simplicity. Compared to the arrogant Wang Jingwen, Ling Ming was adorable.     

"So, what's your opinion on Wang Jingwen leaving for New Century Entertainment?" The reporter changed the topic. This topic was also the subject of this interview.     

Hearing Wang Jingwen's name, Ling Ming froze.     

Although she had not been here for a long time, she understood what Wang Jingwen had done very well. If she had to describe Wang Jingwen, then the only thing she could think of was that she was too insatiable!     

"My mother often told me that people and animals are not the same, that is to say that animals will always be animals, but humans aren't always human. Sometimes, people can be even worse than animals, especially those kind of ungrateful villains!" Ling Ming euphemistically informed the reporters.     

This girl really was loyal, even offending her idol for them.     

"Uhhh... the animal you spoke of, are you referring to Miss Wang Jingwen?" Asked a reporter with a grin. Hearing her compare Wang Jingwen to a beast. He was very pleased.     

"Does this kind of thing still need to be said? People can do whatever they want, but they should remember the heavens are still watching!" Ling Ming said fearlessly. Although no name was given to the 'animal', they all knew who it was so they did not continue to pursue it.     

At the same time, this interview helped the reporters release some of their anger, they left satisfied.     

They unanimously decided to help Ling Ming do some propaganda and raise her popularity, all hoping that she would deal with Wang Jingwen later.     

Stars that were so humble and kind were far and few these days.     

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