Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0Under the leadership of the nurse, Zhang Xiaohua came to the intensive treatment area and stopped at the door of an intensive care unit.     

Looking through the glass window, he saw Liu Yan lying there.     

It was obvious that she was very ill from her pale complexion. There were several pieces of complicated medical equipment around the room.     

"Can I go in and see her?" Zhang Xiaohua asked the nurse.     

Liu Yan worked had worked for the Zhang's most of her life and served two generations of the Zhang family. In the most difficult time for the Zhang family, she didn't choose to leave. Now, she had even sacrificed an organ to save Zhang Shaofang. Not to mention Zhang Xiaohua, even if it was an outsider, they would be impressed by Liu Yan's actions.     

"Sorry, this is a sterile ward. No one except the doctor can enter or leave at will. This is for the good of the patient, I hope you can understand." The nurse explained to Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhang Xiaohua nodded in disappointment looking through the glass at Liu Yan's pale and snowy face. He said, "Can I stay with her here? Don't worry, I won't go in and I won't bother you."     

The Dean had already explained that Zhang Xiaohua could be allowed to wait outside the ward, the nurse nodded and said: "You can stay here, but remember that this ward has undergone strict sterilization and the patient is already weak. There are lots of bacteria on the human body, so don't go in. Otherwise our hospital will not take responsibility for the worsening of the patient's condition due to the inflow of bacteria."     

Zhang Xiaohua sighed softly, his eyes never moved away from Liu Yan, he silently prayed, hoping that Liu Yan could recover sooner.     


The hospital was quiet and eerie.     

Zhang Xiaohua had been standing at the door of Liu Yan's ward for three hours. Apart from waiting here and silently praying, he didn't know what else he could do for Liu Yan.     

As time passed the radiance of the sun broke the last of the darkness before dawn and a new day came.     

Last night, Zhang Xiaohua didn't stop for a moment and continued to travel between Zhang Shaofang and Liu Yan's ward.     

At 9 o'clock in the morning, under the recommendation of Xu Fengnian, five medical experts from major hospitals around Tianjing and the surrounding areas gathered at the Municipal People's Hospital. Currently, they were looking over Zhang Shaofang.     

Yuan Datong and the rest had already returned to the company. Zhang Xiaohua handed over control to Xu Fengnian temporarily. With him handling everything, Zhang Xiaohua felt more at ease.     

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua was constantly moving around his mother's ward, feeling anxious.     

Two hours later, after discussing their diagnoses, the experts finally came out with their results for Zhang Shaofang.     

They agreed that Zhang Shaofang had already passed the most dangerous period and that her new kidney shouldn't have any major issues. However, in order to ensure that everything was good, they advised to have Zhang Shaofang stay in the hospital for a month. If there were no incidents, she could head out after.     

Hearing this good news, Zhang Xiaohua was filled with glee but it was short lived.     

His mother was out of danger, but Liu Yan's situation was still unknown.     

Since most of these people were well-known expert in Huaxia, their consultation fees were quite expensive. Most people couldn't afford it but he could, splurging more money he asked the five experts to carry out an inspection on Liu Yan.     

Only the final results weren't pleasing. The experts clearly told Zhang Xiaohua that Liu Yan's condition was very serious. Not only was the wound infected, but the infection had also invaded her liver, lungs and kidney. If it was not contained in time, then she would likely die. From what they could see, even the best medical technology from those foreign countries wouldn't necessarily have an effect because Liu Yan's condition was too serious. She was just too weak after the surgery to undergo any more treatment, the best option now was to keep her isolated like she was currently. Because, due to how weak she was, the chances were that if she caught a second infection or even a simple cold, it might be enough to kill her.     

When he heard this result, Zhang Xiaohua was filled with sorrow.     

Although these experts didn't say it, Zhang Xiaohua understood that Liu Yan's chances were basically nil. To put it bluntly, she was just waiting to die!     

Losing a kidney shouldn't have had so much impact on her body. But due to the hospital's poor hygiene conditions, she got infected, leading to all this.     

But Liu Yan had personally signed the consent form stating that she knew all the risks involved with the transplant and the treatment after the surgery and that she would not pursue legal action against the hospital if complications arose during the surgery or thereafter. Due to this fact, as long as the hospital flashed their certificate that they had passed hygiene checks and stated that they had done their all to prevent and treat infections, they would get away scot free. The government would certainly back the hospital, it was their flagship hospital. Therefore, even if Zhang Xiaohua was angry, he couldn't pursue the hospital.     

Zhang Xiaohua's thoughts became more and more chaotic and his mood increasingly poorer. Once again, he experienced the feelings of helplessness he had swore he would never allow himself to feel in this new world.     


12 o'clock noon.     

Xu Fengnian led Yuan Datong and the rest to the hospital and brought lunch for Zhang Xiaohua.     

Hearing Zhang Xiaohua's mother was admitted to the hospital. The employees of HuaXiang Entertainment also came to visit with a variety of condolences.     

In the afternoon, Zhou Yi and several villagers also came to the hospital and expressed their condolences.     

Even Ling Ming came in person.     

It caused quite a stir. Some patients came over for the chance to see her, even the doctors and nurses were very excited. Ling Ming gave out her autograph and took pictures with patients before leaving.     

"How is my mum?" Zhang Xiaohua asked the doctor from yesterday.     

"All indicators point towards her condition improving."     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled at the doctor and said apologetically: "Sorry, I was in a hurry yesterday so my attitude wasn't very good. I hope you didn't take it to heart."     

"Don't worry about it, my attitude wasn't the best either." Said the doctor.     

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