Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0As Zhang Xiaohua was being led towards the detention centre, dozens of cars suddenly raced towards the gate of the police station, followed by more than a dozen farm trucks. The fleet stretched for hundreds of meters and drove in a hurry. The gates of the police station were completely blocked.     

A large number of people rushed out the vehicles and gathered like a tidal wave at the door of the police station. There were men, women and children, and many people came out holding banners that read "Release Zhang Xiaohua", the hoard seemed to roughly amount to 1,000+ people. Noticing the scene, passers-by also followed the crowd, making the crowd look even bigger.     

Several of the news vans that had been waiting outside immediately raised their cameras and ran back towards the police station recording the scene.     

"Boss Zhang is a good person, Boss Zhang is not guilty. We must help boss to resolve this matter today!"     

Zhou Yi tied a white strip on his forehead and stood in front of the crowd.     

"Yes, let Boss Zhang go, Boss Zhang is a good person!"     

"When we didn't have a job, Boss Zhang gave us a job. When our children couldn't go to school, Boss Zhang built us a school for the children. How could such a good person like Boss Zhang break the law unless necessary?"     

"All our villages have received the grace of Boss Zhang. Boss has the heart of Bodhisattva. He is a good person who has given us the chance to enjoy a good life."     

"Let him go, let him go, let him go, let him go, let him go..."     

Thousands of people shouted and shouted.     

After learning that Zhang Xiaohua had got into trouble, Zhou Yi informed the villagers. Then word got out and spread into several of the surrounding villages who then followed. Zhou Yi had then rented a batch of trucks and cars and brought the villagers to help Zhang Xiaohua seek justice.     

At the sight of this crowd, the two police officers who were originally responsible for escorting Zhang Xiaohua immediately took a few steps back.     

Facing such a scene, Director Guo nearly turned around and punched a wall. He had been an official for dozens of years. He had lived a harmonious life out of the news. Now all this....     

At the same time, Cao Dequan and the others all stood still like wooden dolls, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them!     

Even Ling Qitian, who was used to the big winds and waves, was shocked by the situation.     

At this time, dozens of children rushed up to the police station and then surrounded Zhang Xiaohua as if guarding him. Several children were kneeling in front of several policemen and kept yelling at them, asking them to release Zhang Xiaohua.     

Looking at the children's innocent eyes, several policemen couldn't bear it, but they couldn't stop.     

Zhang Xiaohua was also moved. Although this scene was within his expectations, he didn't expect that he had captivated so many people, and that they would be willing to come to his defense.     

Zhou Yi's eyes turned, and he saw Cao Dequan and his group. Pointing at Cao Dequan and his party, he shouted to the people behind him: "They are the people trying to arrest Boss Zhang, get them!"     

Dipping back into the crowd, Zhou Yi's hand picked up a rotten egg and threw it near Cao Dequan's party. Quickly, the crowd followed suit throwing rotten eggs and rotten fruits.     

As things started to be thrown, Director Guo and his party could only return to the office building. Rotten fruits and eggs were still flying all over the sky. Soon, the police station became a garbage dump.     

Zhang Xiaohua leisurely leaned on the back door of a police car, with a smile on his face, no one had their attention on him any longer.     

In the office building, Cao Dequan was awkwardly cleaning up the smudges on his body but no matter how much he attempted to clean it, it was still stained.     

Director Guo was filled with anxiety and fury at the same time.     

This matter was obviously getting out of hand. It was only a matter of time before news reached the city hall. He was bound to be removed from office, when this was resolved they would definitely be looking for a scapegoat to sooth public anger and he had just served his head up on a platter by getting involved in this matter.     

Director Guo regretted getting involved so much.     

There were still several media outlets outside doing live broadcasts. If this continued to develop, the situation would be out of control at any time!     

Ling Feng was filled with anxiety as well, his legs were uncontrollably trembling, he was filled with fear that he would be killed by these people.     

You must know that there were thousands of people outside. Even if Ling Feng was really killed, they would not necessarily find the murderer!     

Under fear, Ling Feng said hurriedly to Director Guo. "Director Guo, quickly call the troops to suppress the crowd outside and have people protect me out of here. How much money do you want!?"     


A crisp sound lingered around the room.     

Ling Qitian slapped Ling Feng across the face, everyone was completely startled at the place.     

"Do you really want to make things go out of control? Do you know who's outside? They are all unarmed people. Now you're trying to bribe an official and send troops onto civilians, who the hell do you think you are!? I have been way to lenient with you, now you truly believe you can command thunder and rain. Even if they don't kill you off, I will kill you myself!" Ling Qitian's heart felt like it had been pulled out. He hated his negligence for how he had spoiled Ling Feng, now this kid had reached the point of lawlessness and brought calamity upon them!     

But since things had reached this point, they had to quickly come up with a solution. If not, the entire Jinsheng Group would be affected. As the guardian of Ling Feng and the head of the Jinsheng Group, in case the interests of the group were damaged and the shareholders were to lose money, Ling Qitian would blamed.     

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