Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0When signing the contract the terms were so that Yang Kun would only get the rights to the song "Indifferent". As for other songs, they didn't appear in the contract.     

Zhang Xiaohua was worried that Yang Kun would behave like Wang Jingwen, so he applied a small trick in the contract.     

He didn't expect him to bring a lawyer to negotiate with him.     

However, in all honesty Yang Kun's request was reasonable.     

A lot of entertainment firms in order retain their big stars and prevent them from leaving would sell their artists some of the copyrights. For example selling them the rights to perform the songs commercially while retaining the copyright for movies and Tv soundtracks.     

But Zhang Xiaohua retained all the rights.     

What worried Zhang Xiaohua was that if he agreed to Yang Kun's terms, he would lose his bondage and binding force over him. Currently if Yang Kun left all he would be able to take with him would be the song 'Indifferent'.     

Zhang Xiaohua had to carefully consider the situation.     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua hesitating, Lawyer Chen followed up with a threat, saying: "If your company doesn't meet the reasonable requests of my client then we will be forced to hold a press conference and make public the unfair treatment and exploitation my client has received. The media and the public can then be the judges of the situation."     

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but frown if this came out now matter how much they tried to explain, the reputation of the company would take a hit.     

Yang Kun as a public figure, could easily call upon the media and use their power to ignite public anger. The consequences would very serious.     

It should be known that Wang Jingwen had just recently canceled her contract with the company, now if Yang Kun also fell out with the company, then the outside world would certainly begin to question the reputation of HuaXiang Entertainment. Labeling HuaXiang Entertainment as black-hearted company that could only oppress artists. If not, why would Wang Jingwen and Yang Kun leave one after the other.     

Once HuaXiang Entertainment was labelled with the title of being black hearted, which artist would dare to sign with them in the future? With no artist willing to sign a contract, how would the company survive in the future?     

It's wasn't worth it for Yang Kun to ruin the reputation of the entire company.     

In addition, the company had signed a live broadcast agreement with Huaxia Central about Yang Kun's concert so Yang Kun couldn't be replaced currently.     

In desperation, Zhang Xiaohua could only compromise, picking up the new contract provided by Lawyer Chen, and carefully looking over it, only to find that the new contract basically copied the original contract, but with the songs Empty City, Wrangler, The Day and Rio were added, in all honesty to him it wasn't a big deal to give Yang Kun the singing rights to these songs. These songs had been out for a while now, they had began to lose their momentum anyway.     

But since he was going to give him the rights, he might as well squeeze out as much as he could.     

"If you want the rights to these songs, that's fine but it will cost you. 200,000 yuan per song so a grand total of 800,000. Also in order to reduce the risks on the company your contract cancellation fee will also be raised and finally before the completion of your concert you will only get the rights to sing the songs commercially but as for the copyright for movies and Tv shows and the such we will retain them till after the concert." said Zhang Xiaohua resolutley.     

Since he was loosening the strings trapping Yang Kun then he had to bind he some other way.     

Hearing this Yang Kun's face fell drastically, quickly turning he cast a questioning look towards Lawyer Chen. Who currently seemed to be lost in thought.     

Seeing Yang Kun looking at him Lawyer Chen shook his head then said:     

"I would like some time to discuss things with my client."     

"Sure go ahead"     

Both Yang Kun and Lawyer Chen strode out.     

Ten minutes later…     

They had both just re-entered when Yang Kun suddenly said: "Since you have written ten songs more songs for me then they should be added into the contract as well, I want the rights to those songs as well."     

Yang Kun having the upper hand was obviously smug, Yuan Datong was sat there grinding his teeth. However, Zhang Xiaohua chose to compromise.     

Looking at Yang Kun's expression of smugness, Zhang Xiaohua just sighed slightly and said:     

"In that case then the duration of your contract will have to be increased by 3 years."     


"Okay, we will write up a new contract with the new terms then for tomorrow. Are you satisfied now?" said Zhang Xiaohua with a touch of regret in his tone.     

The smug look on Yang Kun's face became more and more intense. Without even looking at Zhang Xiaohua he muttered: "This is how it should have been done in the first place now I've had to waste my time dealing with this."     

Then began to walk towards the exit.     

"Where are you going?" Yuan Datong said to Yang Kun, "We need to record the songs."     

Yang Kun's steps stopped then he turned back but ignoring the existence of Yuan Datong. He looked at Zhang Xiaohua, laughed and said "I'm not scheduled to be in today", then he turned and left with his lawyer tailing behind him.     

"Xiao-Hua, why did you indulge that imbecile just now? This kid is bound to become even more arrogant!" Yuan Datong said filled with anger.     

Zhang Xiaohua showed a frustrated expression and said: "I had to. If I didn't agree, it was only a matter of time before he held a press conference condemning us. Anyway the clauses in the contract were quite unreasonable anyway we would of had to remove them eventually. Wang Jingwen was a fool but it doesn't mean that everyone else is a fool. I think it's time we change the contract terms. Plus we already signed deals based on Yan Kun's concert we need him, for now at least."     

"Damn it this kid is more cunning than he looks, he managed to time this perfectly to get the upper hand on us." said Yuan Datong.     


Leaving HuaXiang Entertainment, Yang Kun and his lawyer smiled at each other.     

"When I see General Manager Cao I will be sure to put in a word for you, thank you for your service" said Yang Kun.     

"No thank you!" said Lawyer Chen his face full of enthusiasm. After that, he and Yang Kun both entered to the luxury Mercedes-Benz sedan awaiting them and headed straight to for New Century Entertainment...     

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